57 research outputs found

    Marine mammal conservation: over the horizon

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    ArtĂ­culo escrito por mĂĄs de 35 autores.Marine mammals can play important ecological roles in aquatic ecosystems, and their presence can be key to community structure and function. Consequently, marine mammals are often considered indicators of ecosystem health and flagship species. Yet, historical population declines caused by exploitation, and additional current threats, such as climate change, fisheries bycatch, pollution and maritime development, continue to impact many marine mammal species, and at least 25% are classified as threatened (Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable) on the IUCN Red List. Conversely, some species have experienced population increases/recoveries in recent decades, reflecting management interventions, and are heralded as conservation successes. To continue these successes and reverse the downward trajectories of at-risk species, it is necessary to evaluate the threats faced by marine mammals and the conservation mechanisms available to address them. Additionally, there is a need to identify evidence-based priorities of both research and conservation needs across a range of settings and taxa. To that effect we: (1) outline the key threats to marine mammals and their impacts, identify the associated knowledge gaps and recommend actions needed; (2) discuss the merits and downfalls of established and emerging conservation mechanisms; (3) outline the application of research and monitoring techniques; and (4) highlight particular taxa/populations that are in urgent need of focus


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    We report the first known occurrence of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) twins for the South American coast. In January 2021 a female pregnant with dizygotic male and female fetuses was found dead in southern Brazil. The timing of the stranding event suggests that the pregnancy was near-term. However, the total body length and weight of fetuses suggested poor development and growth, which could be due to the advanced age of the mother and/or poor nutrition of the individual during pregnancy. The female fetus was larger and heavier than the male and could have been implanted and developed earlier

    Mouth gape determines the response of marine top predators to long-term fishery-induced changes in food web structure

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    Here, we analyse changes throughout time in the isotopic niche of the Franciscana dolphin (Pontoporia blainvillei), the South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) and the South American sea lion(Otaria flavescens) from the RĂ­o de la Plata estuary and adjacent Atlantic Ocean to test the hypothesis that fishing may modify the diet of small-gape predators by reducing the average size of prey. The overall evidence, from stable isotope and stomach contents analyses, reveals major changes in resource partitioning between the three predators considered, mainly because of an increased access of Franciscana dolphins to juvenile demersal fishes. These results are consistent with the changes in the length distribution of demersal fish species resulting from fishing and suggest that Franciscana dolphin has been the most benefited species of the three marine mammal species considered because of its intermediate mouth gape. In conclusion, the impact of fishing on marine mammals goes beyond the simple reduction in prey biomass and is highly dependent on the mouth gape of the species involved

    Effect of 15 BMI-Associated polymorphisms, reported for europeans, across ethnicities and degrees of amerindian ancestry in mexican children

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    In Mexico, the genetic mechanisms underlying childhood obesity are poorly known. We evaluated the effect of loci, known to be associated with childhood body mass index (BMI) in Europeans, in Mexican children from different ethnic groups. We performed linear and logistic analyses of BMI and obesity, respectively, in Mestizos and Amerindians (Seris, Yaquis and Nahuatl speakers) from Northern (n = 369) and Central Mexico (n = 8545). We used linear models to understand the effect of degree of Amerindian ancestry (AMA) and genetic risk score (GRS) on BMI z-score. Northern Mexican Mestizos showed the highest overweight-obesity prevalence (47.4%), followed by Seri (36.2%) and Central Mexican (31.5%) children. Eleven loci (SEC16B/rs543874, OLFM4/rs12429545/rs9568856, FTO/rs9939609, MC4R/rs6567160, GNPDA2/rs13130484, FAIM2/rs7132908, FAM120AOS/rs944990, LMX1B/rs3829849, ADAM23/rs13387838, HOXB5/rs9299) were associated with BMI and seven (SEC16B/rs543874, OLFM4/rs12429545/rs9568856, FTO/rs9939609, MC4R/rs6567160, GNPDA2 rs13130484, LMX1B/rs3829849) were associated with obesity in Central Mexican children. One SNP was associated with obesity in Northern Mexicans and Yaquis (SEC16B/rs543874). We found higher BMI z-score at higher GRS (ÎČ = 0.11, p = 0.2 × 10−16) and at lower AMA (ÎČ = −0.05, p = 6.8 × 10−7). The GRS interacts with AMA to increase BMI (ÎČ = 0.03, p = 6.08 × 10−3). High genetic BMI susceptibility increase the risk of higher BMI, including in Amerindian children

    Effect of multi-component school-based program on body mass index, cardiovascular and diabetes risks in a multi-ethnic study

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    Background: Mexico occupies one of the first places worldwide in childhood obesity. Its Mestizo and Indigenous communities present different levels of westernization which have triggered different epidemiological diseases. We assessed the effects of a multi-component school-based intervention program on obesity, cardiovascular and diabetes risk factors. Methods: A physical activity, health education and parent involvement (PAHEPI) program was developed and applied in six urban (Mestizo ethnic group) and indigenous (Seri and Yaqui ethnic groups) primary schools for 12 weeks. A total of 320 children aged 4–12 years participated in intervention program; 203 under Treatment 1 (PAHEPI program) and 117, only from Mestizo groups, under Treatment 2 (PAHEPI+ school meals). For Body Mass Index (BMI), cardiovascular and diabetes factors, pairwise comparisons of values at baseline and after treatments were done using Wilcoxon signed rank test. Generalized linear models were applied to assess the intervention effect by age, sex and nutritional status in relation to ethnicity and treatment. Results: We observed improvements on BMI in children with overweight-obesity and in triglycerides in the three ethnic groups. The Mestizo ethnic group showed the largest improvements under Treatment 2. While Seris showed improvements only in cardiovascular risk factors, Yaquis also showed improvements in diabetes risk factors, though not in BMI. Conclusions: This study showed that the same intervention may have positive but different effects in different ethnic groups depending on their lifestyle and their emerging epidemiological disease. Including this type of intervention as part of the school curriculum would allow to adapt to ethnic group in order to contribute more efficiently to child welfare

    Bias in diet determination: Incorporating traditional methods in Bayesian mixing models

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    There are not "universal methods" to determine diet composition of predators. Most traditional methods are biased because of their reliance on differential digestibility and the recovery of hard items. By relying on assimilated food, stable isotope and Bayesian mixing models (SIMMs) resolve many biases of traditional methods. SIMMs can incorporate prior information (i.e. proportional diet composition) that may improve the precision in the estimated dietary composition. However few studies have assessed the performance of traditional methods and SIMMs with and without informative priors to study the predators' diets. Here we compare the diet compositions of the South American fur seal and sea lions obtained by scats analysis and by SIMMs-UP (uninformative priors) and assess whether informative priors (SIMMs-IP) from the scat analysis improved the estimated diet composition compared to SIMMs-UP. According to the SIMM-UP, while pelagic species dominated the fur seal's diet the sea lion's did not have a clear dominance of any prey. In contrast, SIMM-IP's diets compositions were dominated by the same preys as in scat analyses. When prior information influenced SIMMs' estimates, incorporating informative priors improved the precision in the estimated diet composition at the risk of inducing biases in the estimates. If preys isotopic data allow discriminating preys' contributions to diets, informative priors should lead to more precise but unbiased estimated diet composition. Just as estimates of diet composition obtained from traditional methods are critically interpreted because of their biases, care must be exercised when interpreting diet composition obtained by SIMMs-IP. The best approach to obtain a near-complete view of predators' diet composition should involve the simultaneous consideration of different sources of partial evidence (traditional methods, SIMM-UP and SIMM-IP) in the light of natural history of the predator species so as to reliably ascertain and weight the information yielded by each method

    Stable isotopes reveal long-term fidelity to foraging grounds in the Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki)

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    Most otariids have colony-specific foraging areas during the breeding season, when they behave as central place foragers. However, they may disperse over broad areas after the breeding season and individuals from different colonies may share foraging grounds at that time. Here, stable isotope ratios in the skull bone of adult Galapagos sea lions ( Zalophus wollebaeki ) were used to assess the long-term fidelity of both sexes to foraging grounds across the different regions of the Galapagos archipelago. Results indicated that the stable isotope ratios ( ÎŽ 13 C and ÎŽ 15 N) of sea lion bone significantly differed among regions of the archipelago, without any significant difference between sexes and with a non significant interaction between sex and region. Moreover, standard ellipses, estimated by Bayesian inference and used as a measure of the isotopic resource use area at the population level, overlapped widely for the sea lions from the southern and central regions, whereas the over- lap of the ellipses for sea lions from the central and western regions was small and non- existing for those from the western and southern regions. These results suggest that males and females from the same region within the archipelago use similar foraging grounds and have similar diets. Furthermore, they indicate that the exchange of adults between regions is limited, thus revealing a certain degree of foraging philopatry at a regional scale within the archipelago. The constraints imposed on males by an expanded reproductive season (~ 6 months), resulting from the weak reproductive synchrony among females, and those imposed on females by a very long lactation period (at least one year but up to three years), may explain the limited mobility of adult Galapagos sea lions of both sexes across the archipelag

    Marine mammal bycatch by the industrial bottom trawl fishery at the RĂ­o de la Plata Estuary and the adjacent Atlantic Ocean

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    Fisheries interactions with non-target marine vertebrates are a worldwide problem. The impact of coastal bottom trawl fisheries on marine mammals has never been evaluated before in the RĂ­o de la Plata Estuary and the adjacent Atlantic Ocean. Our aim was estimating the bycatch per unit effort (BcPUE) and incidental mortality rates of marine mammals caused by the industrial coastal bottom trawl fisheries fleet. We evaluated the mortality of three species (i.e., franciscana dolphin Pontoporia blainvillei, South American sea lion Otaria flavescens, and the South American fur seal Arctocephalus australis); these species are facing conservation problems either at the regional or local scale. We conducted an onboard data collection program of marine mammals' bycatch involving crew members of 10 vessels (30%) of the Uruguayan coastal bottom trawl fleet between January 2009 and April 2012. A total of 102 marine mammal individuals were bycaught during 490 fishing trips involving 2,398 fishing days. Mortalities estimated for franciscana dolphin were the highest among the species affected, with values adding up to ~100 individuals for year (with scenarios of population decline in the area), followed by South American sea lion with ~77 individuals by year (0.8% of local population) and the South American fur seal with an annual mortality estimate of ~25 individuals (~0.02% of local population). BcPUE showed significant temporal variation, with franciscana dolphin BcPUE varying seasonally and those of otariids according to their breeding season. Our estimates of marine mammal bycatch by bottom trawl fisheries should constitute an important input for the sustainable management of fisheries and the conservation of marine biodiversity in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean.Fil: Franco Trecu, Valentina. Universidad de la RepĂșblica; UruguayFil: Szephegyi, MarĂ­a Nube. Universidad de la Republica; UruguayFil: Doño, Florencia. Universidad de la Republica; UruguayFil: Forselledo, Rodrigo. Universidad de la Republica; UruguayFil: Reyes, Federico. Universidad de la Republica; UruguayFil: Passadore, Cecilia. Universidad de la Republica; Uruguay. Flinders University; AustraliaFil: Crespo, Enrique Alberto. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Centro Nacional PatagĂłnico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; ArgentinaFil: Inchausti, Pablo. Universidad de la RepĂșblica; Urugua

    Marine mammal bycatch by the industrial bottom trawl fishery at the RĂ­o de la Plata Estuary and the adjacent Atlantic Ocean.

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    Fisheries interactions with non-target marine vertebrates are a worldwide problem. The impact of coastal bottom trawl fisheries on marine mammals has never been evaluated before in the Río de la Plata Estuary and the adjacent Atlantic Ocean. Our aim was estimating the bycatch per unit effort (BcPUE) and incidental mortality rates of marine mammals caused by the industrial coastal bottom trawl fisheries fleet. We evaluated the mortality of three species (i.e., franciscana dolphin Pontoporia blainvillei, South American sea lion Otaria flavescens, and the South American fur seal Arctocephalus australis); these species are facing conservation problems either at the regional or local scale. We conducted an onboard data collection program of marine mammals’ bycatch involving crew members of 10 vessels (30%) of the Uruguayan coastal bottom trawl fleet between January 2009 and April 2012. A total of 102 marine mammal individuals were bycaught during 490 fishing trips involving 2,398 fishing days. Mortalities estimated for franciscana dolphin were the highest among the species affected, with values adding up to ~100 individuals for year (with scenarios of population decline in the area), followed by South American sea lion with ~77 individuals by year (0.8% of local population) and the South American fur seal with an annual mortality estimate of ~25 individuals (~0.02% of local population). BcPUE showed significant temporal variation, with franciscana dolphin BcPUE varying seasonally and those of otariids according to their breeding season. Our estimates of marine mammal bycatch by bottom trawl fisheries should constitute an important input for the sustainable management of fisheries and the conservation of marine biodiversity in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean

    Breeding season of the South American fur seal (Arctocephalus Australis, Otariidae: Carnivora): new data for establishing independent evolutionary histories?

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    The South American fur seal (SAFS) is distributed from Peru (Pacific Ocean) to Uruguay (Atlantic Ocean). However, there is a section of coastline of about 2,300 km along the Chilean coast where no SAFS are recorded. Based on morphological comparisons 3 geographic forms have been reported (Peruvian, South Chilean, Atlantic), whereas preliminary genetic studies suggest the presence of 3 distinct genetic types (Peruvian, South Chile, Atlantic). However, both of these approaches are support only the existence of 2 independent evolutionary histories for SAFS (Peruvian, Atlantic), in which case, we would also expect to find some differences in the species’ life histories among these locals populations (e.g., in the timing of the breeding season). In this study, we compare the breeding seasons of SAFS at Punta Pichalo (19°36’S-Chile), Isla Guafo (43°33’S-Chile), and Isla de Lobos (35°01’S-Uruguay) with data published for Punta San Juan (15°21’S-Peru). The periods for establishing territories, pupping, and mating took place on similar dates at Isla Guafo and Isla de Lobos, but occurred about a month earlier at Punta Pichalo and Punta San Juan. Pupping peaked at Isla Guafo on 15-December, at Isla de Lobos on 17-December, and at Punta Pichalo on 27-November. These differences in timing were not related to demographic, oceanographic or photoperiod conditions of the breeding sites under study, neither is related with the latitudinal effects on the breeding phenology. Based on results, we suggest that certain characteristics of life history can help identify species with independent evolutionary historie
