3,607 research outputs found

    Euclidean Supergravity

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    Supergravity with eight supercharges in a four-dimensional Euclidean space is constructed at the full non-linear level by performing an off-shell time-like reduction of five-dimensional supergravity. The resulting four-dimensional theory is realized off-shell with the Weyl, vector and tensor supermultiplets and a corresponding multiplet calculus. Hypermultiplets are included as well, but they are themselves only realized with on-shell supersymmetry. The off-shell reduction leads to a full understanding of the Euclidean theory. A complete multiplet calculus is presented along the lines of the Minkowskian theory. Unlike in Minkowski space, chiral and anti-chiral multiplets are real and supersymmetric actions are generally unbounded from below. Precisely as in the Minkowski case, where one has different formulations of Poincar\'e supergravity by introducing different compensating supermultiplets, one can also obtain different versions of Euclidean supergravity.Comment: 42 page

    The equilibrium states for a model with two kinds of Bose condensation

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    We study the equilibrium Gibbs states for a Boson gas model, defined by Bru and Zagrebnov, which has two phase transitions of the Bose condensation type. The two phase transitions correspond to two distinct mechanisms by which these condensations can occur. The first (non-conventional) Bose condensation is mediated by a zero-mode interaction term in the Hamiltonian. The second is a transition due to saturation quite similar to the conventional Bose-Einstein (BE) condensation in the ideal Bose gas. Due to repulsive interaction in non-zero modes the model manifests a generalized type III, i.e., non-extensive BE condensation. Our main result is that, as in the ideal Bose gas, the conventional condensation is accompanied by a loss of strong equivalence of the canonical and grand canonical ensembles whereas the non-conventional one, due to the interaction, does not break the equivalence of ensembles. It is also interesting to note that the type of (generalized) condensate, I, II, or III (in the terminology of van den Berg, Lewis and Pule), has no effect on the equivalence of ensembles. These results are proved by computing the generating functional of the cyclic representation of the Canonical Commutation Relation (CCR) for the corresponding equilibrium Gibbs states.Comment: 1+28 pages, LaTe

    BRST quantization and equivariant cohomology: localization with asymptotic boundaries

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    We develop BRST quantization of gauge theories with a soft gauge algebra on spaces with asymptotic boundaries. The asymptotic boundary conditions are imposed on background fields, while quantum fluctuations about these fields are described in terms of quantum fields that vanish at the boundary. This leads us to construct a suitable background field formalism that is generally applicable to soft gauge algebras, and therefore to supergravity. We define a nilpotent BRST charge that acts on both the background and the quantum fields, as well as on the background and quantum ghosts. When the background is restricted to be invariant under a residual isometry group, the background ghosts must be restricted accordingly and play the role of the parameters of the background isometries. Requiring in addition that the background ghosts will be BRST invariant as well then converts the BRST algebra into an equivariant one. The background fields and ghosts are then invariant under the equivariant transformations while the quantum fields and ghosts transform under both the equivariant and the background transformations. We demonstrate how this formalism is suitable for carrying out localization calculations in a large class of theories, including supergravity defined on asymptotic backgrounds that admit supersymmetry.Comment: 26 page

    Elder Law and Special Needs Planning (2019)

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    Part One, written by Bernard A. Krooks, Esq., examines the scope and practice of elder law in New York State, covering areas such as Medicaid, long-term care insurance, powers of attorney and health care proxies. Part Two, written by Jessica R. Amelar, Esq., gives the attorney a step-by-step overview of the drafting of a will, from the initial client interview to the will execution. This practice guide provides an extensive overview to the practice of elder law, special needs planning and will drafting for attorneys entering this field. Health care proxies and related documents, conflicts of interest and ethical considerations, guardianships under MHL Article 81, and Medicaid law, estate and gift tax statutes, and trusts, long-term care insurance, and basic will provisions are all considered. Includes sample letters, forms and checklists.https://digitalcommons.nyls.edu/fac_books/1141/thumbnail.jp

    Coupled study of the film and spray on a basic annular prefiming airblast atomizer

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    [EN] One way to increase efficiency and reduce pollution in transport and energetic domain is designing fuel injectors with better atomization. In this work, experiments were performed on a prefilming airblast atomizer often used in gas turbine engines. For this purpose, a new injector was designed to visualize the prefilming zone and the primary atomization together. The flow configuration corresponds to an annular liquid film sheared by inner high velocity airflows. High speed Shadowgraphy was used to observe film and spray, liquid film frequency, wave velocity and wave deformation, primary breakup regime. Finally, a link between liquid film and the primary atomization are shown first qualitatively and after quantitatively.Gosselin, V.; Ferret, B.; Bazile, R. (2017). Coupled study of the film and spray on a basic annular prefiming airblast atomizer. En Ilass Europe. 28th european conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 505-512. https://doi.org/10.4995/ILASS2017.2017.4626OCS50551

    Flow cytometry for the evaluation of anti-plasmodial activity of drugs on Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The activity of promising anti-malarial drugs against <it>Plasmodium </it>gametocytes is hard to evaluate even in vitro. This is because visual examination of stained smears, which is commonly used, is not totally convenient. In the current study, flow cytometry has been used to study the effect of established anti-malarial drugs against sexual stages obtained from W2 strain of <it>Plasmodium falciparum</it>. Gametocytes were treated for 48 h with different drug concentrations and the gametocytaemia was then determined by flow cytometry and compared with visual estimation by microscopy.</p> <p>Results and conclusions</p> <p>Initially gametocytaemia was evaluated either using light microscopy or flow cytometry. A direct correlation (r<sup>2 </sup>= 0.9986) was obtained. Two distinct peaks were observed on cytometry histograms and were attributed to gametocyte populations. The activities of established anti-malarial compounds were then measured by flow cytometry and the results were equivalent to those obtained using light microscopy. Primaquine and artemisinin had IC<sub>50 </sub>of 17.6 μM and 1.0 μM, respectively.</p> <p>Gametocyte sex was apparently distinguishable by flow cytometry as evaluated after induction of exflagellation by xanthurenic acid. These data form the basis of further studies for developing new methods in drug discovery to decrease malaria transmission.</p

    Eficácia da terapia fotodinâmica e do laser no tratamento da peri-implantite Uma revisão sistemática integrativa

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    A peri-implantite é uma condição inflamatória/infeciosa que afeta os tecidos peri-implantares, podendo levar à perda do implante. O laser e a terapia fotodinâmica (PDT) têm sido utilizados em várias áreas médicas incluindo o tratamento da peri-implantite, de forma isolada ou em conjunto com métodos convencionais. A PDT é um tratamento não invasivo que utiliza um laser para ativar um fotosensibilizador, causando a morte celular. O principal objetivo desta revisão sistemática integrativa foi avaliar a eficácia da terapia fotodinâmica e do laser no tratamento da peri-implantite. Foi realizada uma pesquisa eletrónica nas bases de dados do PubMed que incluíram artigos publicados entre 2012-2023, utilizando as seguintes palavras-chave: “Peri-implantitis”, “Lasers”, “Photodynamic therapy”, “Humans”, “Laser Therapy” and “Photosensitizing Agents”. A pesquisa identificou 139 estudos, dos quais 20 foram conservados para a realização deste trabalho. A PI é uma doença com vários fatores de risco que podem desencadear sintomas e complicações importantes, que podem ser influenciados por doenças. Laser e PDT são cada vez mais utilizados no tratamento da peri-implantite e podem desempenhar um papel importante em adição aos métodos mecânicos convencionais. Em conclusão, o uso do laser no tratamento da peri-implantite é controverso, embora possa ter benefícios terapêuticos. A PDT acaba por ser eficaz como terapia adjuvante, mas a resolução completa da inflamação ainda é um desafio. Terapias combinadas que incluem PDT e procedimentos de descontaminação podem ser desenvolvidas para melhorar os resultados para pacientes com peri-implantite no futuro.Peri-implantitis is an inflammatory/infectious condition that affects the peri-implant tissues and can lead to implant loss. Laser and photodynamic therapy (PDT) have been used in several medical areas including the treatment of peri-implantitis, alone or in conjunction with conventional methods. PDT is a non-invasive treatment that uses a laser to activate a photosensitizer, causing cell death. The main objective of this integrative systematic review was to evaluate the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy and laser in the treatment of peri-implantitis. An electronic search was performed in PubMed databases that included articles published between 2012-2023, using the following keywords: “Peri-implantitis”, “Lasers”, “Photodynamic therapy”, “Humans”, “Laser Therapy” and “Photosensitizing Agents”. The search identified 139 studies, of which 20 were preserved for this work. PI is a disease with several risk factors that can trigger important symptoms and complications, which can be influenced by diseases. Laser and PDT are increasingly used in the treatment of the peri-implantite and can play an important role in addition to conventional mechanical methods. In conclusion, the use of laser in the treatment of peri-implantitis is controversial, although it may have therapeutic benefits. PDT turns out to be effective as an adjuvant therapy, but complete resolution of inflammation is still a challenge. Combination therapies that include PDT and decontamination procedures may be developed to improve outcomes for patients with peri-implantitis in the future

    On the Use of Dependencies in Relation Classification of Text with Deep Learning

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    International audienceDeep Learning is more and more used in NLP tasks, such as in relation classification of texts. This paper assesses the impact of syntactic dependencies in this task at two levels. The first level concerns the generic Word Embedding (WE) as input of the classification model, the second level concerns the corpus whose relations have to be classified. In this paper, two classification models are studied, the first one is based on a CNN using a generic WE and does not take into account the dependencies of the corpus to be treated, and the second one is based on a compositional WE combining a generic WE with syntactical annotations of this corpus to classify. The impact of dependencies in relation classification is estimated using two different WE. The first one is essentially lexical and trained on the Wikipedia corpus in English, while the second one is also syntactical, trained on the same previously annotated corpus with syntactical dependencies. The two classification models are evaluated on the SemEval 2010 reference corpus using these two generic WE. The experiments show the importance of taking dependencies into account at different levels in the relation classification

    Multi-scale hydraulic characterization of stimulated fractured crystalline rock at Grimsel test site

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    In-situ Stimulation and Circulation (ISC), Swiss Alps, hydraulic fracturing, hermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) behavior