84 research outputs found

    Družinske vezi, odvisnost žensk in mreženje v izgnanstvu

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    Little attention has been paid to the problems refugees and their families face while they try to reconstruct their social life and networks in exile. In this paper, refugees’ migration biographies and social integration in Norway is linked to broader issue of family membership and gender roles. Drawing on qualitative data and interviews with refugees, paper show how refugees’ family situation influence refugees’ social integration in exile, their perspectives on mainstream society and home country, inclusive their attitudes toward repatriation. It is argued in the paper that single refugees are more exposed to feelings of loneliness and social marginality in relation to the mainstream than refugees who are in exile together with their families and children. The paper maintains that in some cases, family members may facilitate integration into Norwegian networks. Among other things, family members may appear as family networking teams who simultaneously reproduce ties along the lines of a common family affiliation and bridge across ethnic groups. As members of such a team, family members will help to expand each other’s personal networks through joined networking activities. Finally, the findings also indicate that certain categories of refugee women who come to Norway through procedures for family reunion may be strongly dependant on their husbands, ending up in traditional gender roles and segregated social networks. The presented findings have potential implications for repatriation schemes and integration policies.Težavam s katerimi se spopadajo begunci in njihove družine pri rekonstrukciji družbenega življenja in mreženja v izgnanstvu, se posveča malo pozornosti. V tem prispevku so migracijske biografije beguncev in družbena integracija na Norveškem postavljeni v kontekst družine in spolnih vlog. Na podlagi kvalitativnih podatkov in opravljenih intervjujev z begunci bo predstavljeno, kako družinska situacija beguncev vpliva na njihovo družbeno integracijo v izgnanstvu, njihove poglede na večinsko družbo in državo izvora, in na odnos do repatriacije. Ugotovljeno bo, da so samski begunci bolj izpostavljeni občutkom osamljenosti in družbeni marginalnosti v odnosu do večinske družbe kot tisti, ki so v izgnanstvu skupaj s svojimi družinami in otroki. V nekaterih primerih lahko družinski člani namreč olajšajo integracijo v norveška družbena omrežja. Družinske člane med drugim lahko razumemo kot pripadnike družinske skupine mreženja, ki simultano reproducirajo vezi na ravni skupne družinske pripadnosti in na ravni vzpostavljanja povezav z etničnimi skupinami. Kot člani takšne skupine, družinski člani drug drugemu pomagajo širiti osebna omrežja skozi skupne aktivnosti mreženja. Izsledki raziskave tudi pokažejo, da so nekatere kategorije begunk, ki se priselijo na Norveško na podlagi procedure ponovne združitve, močno odvisne od svojih zakonskih partnerjev in ostanejo vpete v tradicionalne vloge in segregirana družbena omrežja. Ugotovitve raziskave lahko potencialno vplivajo na sheme repatriacije in integracijsko politiko

    Et arbeidsmarked for alle? Innvandreres innpass og stilling på det norske arbeidsmarkedet

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    -Situasjonen på det norske arbeidsmarkedet er relativt positiv, sett i lys av de siste års konjunktursvingninger og sammenlignet med situasjonen i flere andre europeiske land. Dette gjelder både for innvandrere generelt og befolkningen for øvrig. For enkelte innvandrergrupper oppleves imidlertid det norske arbeidsmarkedet som en vanskelig arena integreringsmessig sett, både når det gjelder «å komme seg inn på, klore seg fast og komme seg videre» (Djuve 2006: 19). I denne kortfattede gjennomgangen har vi, ved bruk av tilgjengelige statistikk og forskning, illustrert at enkelte grupper innvandrere har en systematisk og vedvarende dårligere integrering på arbeidsmarkedet sammenlignet med andre innvandrergrupper og befolkningen for øvrig. Vi har til slutt sett på integrasjonspolitikk og arbeidsmarkedstiltak i et norsk perspektiv

    Imigranti u Norveškoj i obrazovni sustav: razlozi za optimizam?

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    In this study, we analyse changes in the composition of the immigrant population in Norway and the educational achievements of various groups of immigrants. Our analyses use quantitative indicators to distinguish between the various sub-categories of the immigrant population, both with regard to reasons for immigration (such as labour, refugees, and family), as well as in relation to the immigrants’ geographical origins. We also analyse the educational achievements of the descendants of immigrants, utilising a theoretical approach that is often used as a framework of interpretation in analyses of social mobility, as well as integrational and educational outcomes for various categories of descendants. Our empirical analyses show that the descendants achieve greater success within the Norwegian educational system than might be expected based on USA-developed theoretical frameworks. The paper discusses possible reasons for these better-than-expected achievements within the Norwegian context.U ovom se radu analiziraju promjene u sastavu imigrantske populacije u Norveškoj, kao i obrazovna postignuća različitih skupina imigranata. U analizama se koriste kvantitativni pokazatelji i analiziraju različite potkategorije imigrantske populacije utemeljene na razlogu za imigraciju i geografskom podrijetlu imigranata. Također se analiziraju obrazovna postignuća potomaka imigranata. U vezi s potomcima, prezentiran je teorijski pristup koji se često koristi kao okvir interpretacije u analizama socijalne mobilnosti i integracijskih te obrazovnih ishoda različitih kategorija potomaka. Rezultati ovoga empirijskog istraživanja pokazuju da potomci postižu bolji uspjeh unutar norveškog obrazovnog sustava nego što bi se očekivalo u odnosu na postavke korištenoga teorijskog okvira razvijenoga u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Rasprava je usmjerena na moguće razloge za te neočekivano bolje rezultate u norveškom kontekstu

    Uloga politike o dijaspori, etničkog kapitala i međunarodnog obrazovanja u brazilskim migracijama

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    This article delves into the experiences of Brazilian students studying abroad, examining the factors that drive and hinder this type of international migration. Our analysis emphasises the importance of exchange programmes, transnational connections, and diasporic practices. We contend that the desire to emigrate is fostered by relative underdevelopment, but that international and local factors present structural barriers to realising those aspirations. As a result, individuals must seek alternative avenues, with educational exchanges and student mobility programmes emerging as critical resources. We also explore how ethnic and human capital can facilitate mobility for many Brazilians, enabling them to overcome structural barriers that often require them to navigate multiple nation-states. This study thus contributes to the conversation on the connections between ethnic and human capital on the one hand and multinational, stepwise migrations on the other.U članku se istražuju iskustva brazilskih studenata koji studiraju u inozemstvu, analizirajući faktore koji potiču i ometaju tu vrstu međunarodne migracije. Ova analiza naglašava važnost međunarodnih studentskih programa, transnacionalnih veza i dijasporskih praksi. Relativna nerazvijenost Brazila potiče mnoge Brazilce na emigraciju, ali različiti međunarodni i lokalni faktori predstavljaju strukturne prepreke ostvarenju tih aspiracija. Kao rezultat toga pojedinci moraju tražiti alternativne pristupe, pri čemu programi mobilnosti studenata postaju ključnim resursima. Također se istražuje kako etnički i ljudski kapital mogu olakšati mobilnost za mnoge Brazilce, omogućavajući im da prevladaju strukturne prepreke koje ih često potiču da se kreću kroz više država. Ovo istraživanje stoga također pridonosi raspravama o vezi između etničkog i ljudskog kapitala i multinacionalnih, višestrukih migracija

    Bosetting av enslige voksne flyktninger. Utfordringer og muligheter for rask og god bosetting

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    -Rapporten er skrevet for Husbanken, og kartlegger norske kommuners utfordringer for og strategier for raskere og bedre bosetting av enslige voksne flyktninger, med et særlig fokus på boligsituasjonen. Undersøkelsen bekrefter en rekke utfordringer knyttet til bosettingsarbeidet, blant annet manglende boligsosial planlegging, mangel på egnede boliger, uforutsigbarhet knyttet til familiegjenforening, sekundærflytting og et krevende integreringsarbeid. Mulige tiltak kan være aktiv bruk av boligsosiale handlingsplaner, opprettelse av tverrsektorielle "boligteam", bruk av det private boligmarkedet, samt bofellesskap som midlertidig boløsning i påvente av familiegjenforening eller fullføring av introduksjonsprogrammet

    Ansatte med flyktning- og innvandrerbakgrunn i asylmottak. Erfaringer fra statlige mottak for asylsøkere som drives av Hero Norge

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    -​Denne rapporten indikerer at det finnes en klar holdning i Hero Norges asylmottak om at ansatte med innvandrerbakgrunn bidrar til mottaksdriften på en positiv måte. Det store flertallet ansatte mener at det er mange fordeler ved å ha ansatte med innvandrerbakgrunn. Ansatte med innvandrerbakgrunn utgjør med sine migrasjonserfaringer, språkkunnskaper og erfaringer med å bo i mottak en klar ressurs på mottakene. De bidrar med tilleggsperspektiver i faglige samtaler og de er en berikelse for arbeidsmiljøet. Når det gjelder rekrutteringsaspektet i mangfoldsarbeidet gjenstår det å oppnå en mer balansert spredning på tvers av stillinger i mottakene. Denne rapporten viser at selv om ansatte med innvandrerbakgrunn er klart underrepresenterte i sentrale stillinger på mottakene, er det flere ansatte som er usikre eller negative til hvorvidt det bør være flere ansatte med innvandrerbakgrunn i disse stillingene. Våre funn tilsier at det er svært viktig å inkludere det mestringsorienterte fokuset i mangfoldsarbeidet som gjøres på mottakene, det vil si perspektivene som vil bidra til overbevise ansatte om at utfordringene som minoritetsansatte møter i hverdagen kan mestres. Dette fokuset vil bidra til at ansatte på en mer realistisk måte ser hva slags kompetanse som må til for at en skal kunne fungere i sentrale stillinger på mottakene

    Arbeidsinnvandring i økonomiske nedgangstider

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    Formålet med undersøkelsen har vært å avdekke og synliggjøre problemstillingene knyttet til arbeidsinnvandring fra de nye medlemslandene i EU som aktualiseres i brytningstiden mellom høy- og lav konjunktur i arbeidsmarkedet. Rapporten formidler en forventing om at en stor gruppe av disse arbeidsinnvandrerne ikke vil reise tilbake. Dette indikerer to bekymringer. Det ene er at mange arbeidsinnvandrere, grunnet nedgangstider, vil ende opp i det illegale arbeidsmarkedet. Det andre er at krisen vil føre til en segmentering av det legale arbeidsmarkedet der en stor gruppe arbeidsinnvandrere livnærer seg på deltidsjobber med dårlige vilkår

    A comparative analysis of changes in anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim attitudes in Europe: 1990-2017

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    Muslims and immigrants have both been subjected to negative attitudes over the past several decades in Europe. Using data from the European Values Study, this study analyses the changes in these attitudes in the period 1990-2017. We find that negative attitudes have been increasing on average in Europe as a whole, with anti-Muslim attitudes being more prevalent than anti-immigrant attitudes. However, when split into a Western European set and an Eastern European set, from 2008, there is a divergence between the two halves. Our findings reveal that negative attitudes towards Muslims and immigrants have decreased in Western Europe, whereas they have increased significantly in Eastern Europe. Further analyses find that there are large discrepancies between anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant attitudes in different countries. These discrepancies are discussed in detail and related to several relevant factors, such as the differences in size of the Muslim and immigrant populations, variations in the refugee influx and other possible factors and developments


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    Program kawasan rumah pangan lestari mengajak masyarakat untuk memanfaatkan pekarangan rumah, dirancang untuk ketahanan pangan dan kemandirian pangan. Pentingnya partisipasi masyarakat dalam program ini menjadi kunci keberhasilan program kawasan rumah pangan lestari, sehingga kader PKK membutuhkan berbagai cara untuk membuat masyarakat ikut berpartisipasi. Masalah yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah Peran Kader PKK untuk Meningkatkan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Program Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari . tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan: 1)Perencanaan kader untuk meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam program kawasan rumah pangan lestari; 2) Peran kader untuk meningkatkan pasrtisipasi masyarakat dalam program kawasan rumah pangan lestari; 3) Gambaran partisipasi masyarakat dalam program kawasan rumah pangan lestari; dan 4) Hasil yang dicapai dari program kawasan rumah pangan lestari. Responden penelitian ini adalah 3 orang kader PKK, dan 2 orang masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik penelitian kualitatif. Alat pengumpul data dalam penelitian menggunakan, observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan kuesioner. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa perencanaan peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat dilakukan karena tingkat pendidikan masyarakat yang rendah. Tujuan perencanaan tersebut agar masyarakat mau mengikuti program yang diselenggarakan kader. Manfaatnya agar masyarakat bisa berdaya dan mandiri. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah dengan pendekata pembangunan dan pemberdayaan dengan strategi pemberian contoh langsung. Peran kader terlihat dalam memfasilitasi kebutuhan masyarakat, menjadi pembelajar yang memberi masukan nilai dan pengetahuan, menjadi penghubung masyarakat dengan berbagai sumber, dan tugas teknis untuk mengelola program.Bentuk partisipasi yang diberikan masyarakat yaitu berupa tenaga, materi dan pikiran. Tahapan partisipasi yang dilakukan masyarakat mulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi dan pemanfaatan hasil program. Tingkat partisipasi masyarakat berada pada level degree of citizen power. Hasil yang dicapai masyarakat dari program KRPL di Desa Panumbangan adalah masyarakat sudah mengaplikasikan hasil pelatihan dan pembinaan selama berpartisipasi dalam program kawasan rumah pangan lestari, dan dari hasil tersebut masyarakat dapat mengembangkan kegiatan ekonomi produktif.----------The program sustainable food home area (KRPL) invites the public to utilize the yard of the house, designed for food security and food self-sufficiency. The importance of community participation in the program is the key to success KRPL program, so the PKK cadres requires a variety of ways to make people participate. The issues discussed in this study is the role of the PKK cadres to Increase Public Participation in KRPL program. The aim of this study was to describe: 1) Planning of cadres to increase community participation in KRPL program; 2) A description of public participation in KRPL program; 3) The role of cadres in improving public pasrtisipasi in KRPL program; and 4) The result of KRPL program. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative research techniques. Data collection tool in the study using observation, interviews, documentation and questionnaires. This study uses the concepts, namely; 1) The role of cadres; 2) The concept of the PKK; and 3) The concept of community participation. Results of this study found: Planning citizen participation because the low level of public education. The planning purposes so that people want to follow a program organized cadre. The approach used is to approach to the development and empowerment strategies to provide a direct example. Participation by a community in the form of energy, matter and mind. Stages conducted public participation ranging from planning, implementation, evaluation and use of the program. The level of participation at the level of degree of citizen power. Cadre visible role in facilitating the needs of the community, be learners who provide input values and knowledge, become a community liaison with the various sources, and technical tasks for managing the program. The results obtained from the public KRPL program in the village community Panumbangan is already applying the results of training and coaching for participating in the program KRPL, and from these results that people can develop productive economic activities

    Labour migrations to resource-rich countries: Comparative perspectives on migrants\u27 rights in Canada, Norway and the United Arab Emirates

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    © koninklijke brill nv, leiden, 2017. This article compares migrants\u27 rights and labour-migration policies of three resource-rich receiving countries located in the Persian Gulf, North America and Europe, respectively. The wealthy economies of Canada, Norway and the United Arab Emirates have emerged as some of the largest receivers of labour migrants. The comparative analysis herein focuses on distinctive characteristics of the different migration regimes and policies which regulate the rights of labour migrants. It is maintained that the countries we have explored could hardly be more different, and that the actual similarities with regard to migration policies are limited. Yet, we have still identified some surprising and unexpected converging trends. Specifically, these countries use some similar tools and exclusionary policies in order to restrict the legal status of certain categories of labour migrants, particularly low-skilled migrants