54 research outputs found

    Anti-Ro52/TRIM21 antibodies are associated with aberrant inflammatory circuits in patients with systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases

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    INTRODUCTION: Anti-Ro52/TRIM21 antibodies are markers for several systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases (SARD). OBJECTIVE: To assess whether anti-Ro52/TRIM21 antibodies are related to abnormalities in inflammatory circuits. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of consecutive outpatients with SARD. Anti-Ro52/TRIM21 antibodies and serum amyloid A protein were measured by ELISA; panels for 18 cytokines and nine chemokines were analyzed on a Luminex reading platform, while high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and complement were measured by nephelometry. RESULTS: Among 167 included patients, 143 had systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 16 had primary Sjögren's syndrome and eight had systemic sclerosis; 41 (24%) were positive for anti-Ro52/TRIM21 antibodies. Patients with anti-Ro52/TRIM21 antibodies had higher serum levels of IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, GM-CSF, IL-21, IL-22, hs-CRP and chemokines CCL4, CXCL8, CXCL10 and CXCL12, but lower levels of complement C4. Anti-Ro52/TRIM21 antibody titers were positively correlated with IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-21, IL-22, CXCL10, and hs-CRP, and negatively with complements C3 and C4. When only SLE patients were included, no association was identified between anti-Ro52/TRIM21 antibodies and disease activity or organ-specific involvement. CONCLUSIONS: Anti-Ro52/TRIM21 antibodies are associated with aberrant cytokine circuits and elevated levels of angiogenic molecules and neutrophil and monocyte chemoattractants, which suggests an active role for these antibodies in SARD.</p


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    The organic production of food is an alternative for consumers that prefer food free of pesticides, synthetic fertilisers, and with a high nutritional value. The purpose of this study was to evaluate substrates prepared with mixtures of compost and vermicompost with sand, at various levels, under greenhouse conditions. The tomato hybrid SUN-7705 (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) was analized in four substrates that included compost and vermicompost mixed at three different proportions (100, 75 y 50 %). The treatments were distributed in a completely randomised design with a factorial arrangement of 4x3 and five replicates. The greatest average yield (39.811 t ha) was obtained with the compost generated by decomposing bovine manure, corn stover (Zea mays L.), elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumacher) and black earth (CEMZT) at 75% + sand, and with the vermicompost generated by manure, bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flügge) and black earth (VEPT) at 100 and 50% + sand. This yield was greater than that recorded for organic tomato production in the field, without affecting the quality of the fruit

    COYUNTURA ECONÓMICA, año 2, núm. 2, enero-abril 2020

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    La pandemia que atraviesa el mundo a causa del virus SARS-CoV-2 ha generado grandes cambios a escala mundial y en distintos ámbitos de la humanidad. No solo por la cuestión medico biológica, la cual nos ha impuesto, como humanidad, el reto de controlar la epidemia, sino por la crisis generada por los disminuidos sistemas de atención médica y seguridad social, y la parálisis de la economía debido a las acciones de distanciamiento social, que nos llevan a plantear si el modelo económico neoliberal —que privilegia la explotación de los recursos naturales (la principal causa de la pandemia), por encima del aprovechamiento sustentable, el negocio de la salud sobre el derecho a la misma, así como la precarización del trabajo sobre los derechos laborales— es adecuado o debemos cambiar de paradigma en este sentido. En materia económica, la actual crisis trajo la primera recesión por diseño en la historia, ya que al tratar de contener la pandemia, los gobiernos cerraron sus economías, lo que llevó a una parálisis de la producción en la mayoría de los sectores y a la disminución del consumo de varios tipos de bienes. Además, dadas sus características, la actual es una crisis económica que viene tanto del lado de la oferta (ya que la mayoría de las empresas y negocios tuvo que cerrar de manera parcial o total sus operaciones, lo cual afectó principalmente al sector de servicios y a los sectores ligados a las cadenas globales de producción) como de la demanda (al dejar de consumir ciertos bienes no indispensables, cambiar hábitos de consumo por la reducción de la movilidad, así como al afectar el ingreso de los hogares tanto por la caída de la actividad económica como con el aumento de recursos a través de programas sociales).

    All-cause mortality in the cohorts of the Spanish AIDS Research Network (RIS) compared with the general population: 1997Ł2010

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    Abstract Background: Combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) has produced significant changes in mortality of HIVinfected persons. Our objective was to estimate mortality rates, standardized mortality ratios and excess mortality rates of cohorts of the AIDS Research Network (RIS) (CoRIS-MD and CoRIS) compared to the general population. Methods: We analysed data of CoRIS-MD and CoRIS cohorts from 1997 to 2010. We calculated: (i) all-cause mortality rates, (ii) standardized mortality ratio (SMR) and (iii) excess mortality rates for both cohort for 100 personyears (py) of follow-up, comparing all-cause mortality with that of the general population of similar age and gender. Results: Between 1997 and 2010, 8,214 HIV positive subjects were included, 2,453 (29.9%) in CoRIS-MD and 5,761 (70.1%) in CoRIS and 294 deaths were registered. All-cause mortality rate was 1.02 (95% CI 0.91-1.15) per 100 py, SMR was 6.8 (95% CI 5.9-7.9) and excess mortality rate was 0.8 (95% CI 0.7-0.9) per 100 py. Mortality was higher in patients with AIDS, hepatitis C virus (HCV) co-infection, and those from CoRIS-MD cohort (1997. Conclusion: Mortality among HIV-positive persons remains higher than that of the general population of similar age and sex, with significant differences depending on the history of AIDS or HCV coinfection

    Compuestos fenólicos presentes en las hojas de hibiscus sororius L.F. facción B

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    Se realizó un estudio fitoquímico preliminar de las hojas de la especie Hibiscus Sororius L.F. El material vegetal se maceró con etanol al 70 % y se fraccionó obteniéndose cuatro fracciones (A, B, C y D). La fracción D mostró mayor porciento de extractivos. El análisis químico se dirigió hacia la fracción B, la cual se analizó cualitativamente mediante cromatografía en placa delgada en su modalidad bidimensional en gradiente y por corridas múltiples comprobándose que la fracción posee alrededor de 20 componentes fenólicos. Bajo las mismas condiciones del estudio analítico se pasó a la fase preparativa; ésta resultó óptima para el aislamiento y purificación de los compuestos: 12 y 18ª. Su análisis estructural se realizó mediante espectroscopia ultravioleta, infrarroja, de resonancia magnética nuclear protónica y de carbono 13, permitiendo identificarlos como un ácido fenólico simple y quercetina, respectivamente

    Análisis de la condición física, composición corporal, y perfil bioquímico y hormonal en las fases lútea y folicular durante una temporada en jugadoras adolescentes de voleibol de alto nivel

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    El efecto que el deporte de alto rendimiento provoca en las mujeres adolescentes ha sido poco estudiado en la literatura científica. En este contexto, algunos aspectos tales como el perfil hormonal, la composición corporal, los parámetros bioquímicos y la condición física pueden ser determinantes a la hora de establecer un control y un seguimiento de las deportistas y de su ciclo menstrual. Por lo tanto, el principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral fue analizar las diferencias en las variables antropométricas, la composición corporal, parámetros bioquímicos de la sangre, perfil hormonal y el rendimiento de jugadoras adolescentes de voleibol de alto nivel en la fase folicular y la fase lútea del ciclo menstrual en distintos periodos de la temporada y en su totalidad. Las participantes fueron jugadoras adolescentes de voleibol (n = 16, edad = 16,1 ± 2,81 años), pertenecientes a la Concentración Permanente de Voleibol en el Centro de Alto Entrenamiento y Promoción Deportiva de Soria (Caep Soria). Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, comparativo y longitudinal en el cual se llevaron a cabo una serie deKronos 2024: 23(1) ISSN: 1579-5225 - e-ISSN: 2603-9052 Márquez Calle, E. Análisis de la condición física, composición corporal, y perfil bioquímico y hormonal en las fases lútea y folicular durante una temporada en jugadoras adolescentes de voleibol de alto nivel2 Márquez Calle, E. (2024). Análisis de la condición física, composición corporal, y perfil bioquímico y hormonal en las fases lútea y folicular durante una temporada en jugadoras adolescentes de voleibol de alto nivel. Kronos 23(1). mediciones en jugadoras adolescentes de voleibol de alto nivel en diferentes momentos de la temporada que se corresponden con las fases folicular y lútea, y el periodo preparatorio y los periodos competitivos. Se analizó el rendimiento físico, se valoró el perfil hormonal y se controlaron parámetros bioquímicos con extracción sanguínea en 6 momentos de la temporada. Estos test se hicieron coincidir con las fases folicular y lútea de las jugadoras de manera individualizada y a lo largo de cada uno de los mesociclos de la planificación (preparatorio, competitivo 1 y competitivo 2). Además, se analizó la composición corporal en estos tres momentos concretos de la temporada para valorar el perfil antropométrico y de composición corporal de las jugadoras. Los principales resultados de esta tesis doctoral mostraron cambios significativos en el rendimiento en algunas pruebas de condición física (p&lt;0,05). Concretamente, en el salto con bloqueo, en el salto horizontal y en el lanzamiento de balón medicinal de 3 kg, en la fase lútea con respecto a la folicular durante el periodo preparatorio; y en el test de lanzamiento de balón medicinal de 3 kg, en la fase folicular con respecto a la fase lútea durante el periodo competitivo 2. En el resto de las variables antropométricas, de composición corporal, y perfil bioquímico y hormonal no se encuentran diferencias significativas (p&gt;0,05) entre las fases folicular y lútea. Sí se encuentran diferencias significativas entre los distintos periodos de la temporada en algunas de las variables, pero no siguen un patrón común. La conclusión principal de esta Tesis Doctoral es que es necesario controlar el ciclo menstrual de las deportistas adolescentes y establecer una organización de los entrenamientos acorde a este.The effect of high-performance sports on adolescent women has been underexplored in scientific literature. In this context, aspects such as hormonal profile, body composition, biochemical parameters, and physical condition may play a crucial role in monitoring and controlling athletes and their menstrual cycles. Therefore, the main objective of this doctoral thesis was to analyze differences in anthropometric variables, body composition, blood biochemical parameters, hormonal profile, and performance of high- level adolescent volleyball players in the follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle across different phases and throughout the season. The participants were adolescent volleyball players (n = 16, age = 16.1 ± 0.81 years) from the Permanent Concentration of Volleyball at the High Training and Sports Promotion Center in Soria (Caep Soria). A descriptive, comparative, and longitudinal study was conducted, including measurements in high-level adolescent volleyball players at various points in the season corresponding to the follicular and luteal phases, as well as the preparatory3 Márquez Calle, E. (2024). Análisis de la condición física, composición corporal, y perfil bioquímico y hormonal en las fases lútea y folicular durante una temporada en jugadoras adolescentes de voleibol de alto nivel. Kronos 23(1). and competitive periods. Physical performance was analyzed, hormonal profiles were assessed, and blood biochemical parameters were monitored through blood extraction at six points during the season, aligned with individualized follicular and luteal phases across each mesocycle of the plan (preparatory, competitive 1, and competitive 2). The main results of this doctoral thesis showed significant changes in performance in some fitness tests (p&lt;0.05). Specifically, in block jump, horizontal jump, and 3kg medicine ball throw, there were differences between luteal and follicular phases during the preparatory period, and in the 3kg medicine ball throw test, there were differences between follicular and luteal phases during competitive period 2. No significant differences (p&gt;0.05) were found in other anthropometric variables, body composition, and biochemical and hormonal profiles between follicular and luteal phases. Significant differences were found between different periods of the season in some variables, but they did not follow a common pattern. The main conclusion of this doctoral thesis is that it is necessary to monitor the menstrual cycle of adolescent athletes and tailor training organization accordingly.Sin FinanciaciónNo data JCR 2023; No data SJR 2023; 0,24 C3 IDR 2022UE

    Photocatalytic Activity of Silver-Based Biomimetics Composites

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    Different Ag@TiO2 and Ag@ZnO catalysts, with nanowire (NW) structure, were synthesized containing different amounts of silver loading (1, 3, 5, and 10 wt.%) and characterized by FE-SEM, HRTEM, BET, XRD, Raman, XPS, and UV&ndash;vis. The photocatalytic activity of the composites was studied by the production of hydrogen via water splitting under UV&ndash;vis light and the degradation of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin. The maximum hydrogen production of all the silver-based catalysts was obtained with a silver loading of 10 wt.% under irradiation at 500 nm. Moreover, 10%Ag@TiO2 NWs was the catalyst with the highest activity in the hydrogen production reaction (1119 &micro;mol/hg), being 18 times greater than the amount obtained with the pristine TiO2 NW catalyst. The most dramatic difference in hydrogen production was obtained with 10%Ag@TiO2-P25, 635 &micro;mol/hg, being 36 times greater than the amount reported for the unmodified TiO2-P25 (18 &micro;mol/hg). The enhancement of the catalytic activity is attributed to a synergism between the silver nanoparticles incorporated and the high surface area of the composites. In the case of the degradation of ciprofloxacin, all the silver-based catalysts degraded more than 70% of the antibiotic in 60 min. The catalyst that exhibited the best result was 3%Ag@ZnO commercial, with 99.72% of degradation. The control experiments and stability tests showed that photocatalysis was the route of degradation and the selected silver-based catalysts were stable after seven cycles, with less than 1% loss of efficiency per cycle. These results suggest that the catalysts could be employed in additional cycles without the need to be resynthesized, thus reducing remediation costs

    Weed Classification from Natural Corn Field-Multi-Plant Images Based on Shallow and Deep Learning

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    Crop and weed discrimination in natural field environments is still challenging for implementing automatic agricultural practices, such as weed control. Some weed control methods have been proposed. However, these methods are still restricted as they are implemented under controlled conditions. The development of a sound weed control system begins by recognizing the crop and the different weed plants presented in the field. In this work, a classification approach of Zea mays L. (Crop), narrow-leaf weeds (NLW), and broadleaf weeds (BLW) from multi-plant images are presented. Moreover, a large image dataset was generated. Images were captured in natural field conditions, in different locations, and growing stages of the plants. The extraction of regions of interest (ROI) is carried out employing connected component analysis (CCA), whereas the classification of ROIs is based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and compared with a shallow learning approach. To measure the classification performance of both methods, accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score metrics were used. The best alternative for the weed classification task at early stages of growth and in natural corn field environments was the CNN-based approach, as indicated by the 97% accuracy value obtained

    Using Photovoice to Examine Physical Activity in the Urban Context and Generate Policy Recommendations: The Heart Healthy Hoods Study

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    A current challenge in physical activity research is engaging citizens with co-creating policies that support physical activity participation. Using Photovoice, a participatory action research method, the objectives of this study were to: 1) Identify community perceptions of urban built, social, and political/economic environment factors associated with physical activity; and 2) generate community-driven policy recommendations to increase physical activity. Two districts in Madrid of varying socio-economic status (SES) were selected. Overall, 24 residents participated in 4 groups stratified by sex and district (6 participants per group). Groups met weekly for 4 weeks to discuss and analyze their photographs. Participants coded photographs into categories, which were then regrouped into broader themes. The categories were transformed into policy recommendations using an adaptation of the logical framework approach. Participants took 161 photos, which were classified into 61 categories and 14 broader themes (e.g., active transportation, sport in the city). After this, participants generated a set of 34 policy recommendations to improve the urban environment to support physical activity (e.g., to redistribute sports facilities). Collaboration between citizens and researchers led to a deeper understanding of the community perceptions of urban built, social, and political/economic environment factors associated with physical activity in two districts of Madrid, while engaging citizens in recommending public policies

    An atypical presentation of renal mass associated with BAP-1 tumor predisposition syndrome: Case report and review of literature

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    BCRA-associated protein-1 (BAP-1) mutation has been associated with the development of a familiar syndrome that predisposes to tumors with a higher incidence than in general population, including melanoma and renal carcinoma.We report a 47-year-old woman diagnosed with a BAPoma (melanocytic tumor characterized by the loss of BAP-1). Due to her extensive family history with multiple neoplasms, a FDG PET-CT was performed. Consequently, she was diagnosed with an atypical renal mass, which is rarely linked to this syndrome.We review and discuss the available literature on the screening, diagnosis and treatment of renal tumors associated with BAP-1 tumor predisposition syndrome