19 research outputs found

    Cementos óseos acrílicos con capacidad de estimular la regeneración de tejido óseo.

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    Los cementos óseos acrílicos (ABC) son materiales ampliamente usados en ortopedia en la fijación de prótesis articulares, estabilización de fracturas, como material de relleno de defectos óseos, entre otros. Desde el punto de vista d la primera aplicación, las funciones principales de los cementos son la transferencia de las cargas de servicio y del peso corporal de la prótesis al hueso y la inmovilización inmediata de la prótesis. A pesar de su uso extenso, los ABC presentan algunas desventajas relacionadas con la falta de bioactividad debido a su naturaleza inerte y la susceptibilidad a la generación de infecciones por bacterias, todo lo cual causa aflojamiento de las prótesis en el tiempo. Con el fin de aportar a la solución de algunos de los inconvenientes presentados por los ABC, en este Trabajo de Investigación Doctoral se planteó la incorporación de quitosano en porcentajes entre 0 ¿ 20% en peso con respecto a la fase sólida del cemento y óxido de grafeno en porcentajes entre 0 ¿ 0.5% en peso de la fase líquida. El GO fue sintetizado mediante el método de Hummers modificado y posteriormente caracterizado fisicoquímicamente mediante técnicas Espectroscópicas (FTIR, XPS y Raman), Difracción de rayos-X (DRX), Dispersión de Luz Dinámica (DLS) y Microscopia de Fuerza Atómica (AFM). El estudio del efecto de la incorporación del CS y el GO en los cementos sobre sus propiedades físicas, químicas, térmicas, mecánicas y biológicas en condiciones in vitro e in vivo, mostró que el CS le confiere a los cementos propiedades bioactivas además de incrementar la porosidad y la humectabilidad, favoreciendo la biocompatibilidad. Sin embargo, también se presenta la desventaja de que reduce las propiedades mecánicas de compresión y flexión. Por otro lado, la adición de GO incrementó las propiedades mecánicas y le confirió actividad antibacteriana al cemento. Asimismo, tanto el CS como el GO redujeron la temperatura máxima durante la reacción de polimerización e incrementaron el tiempo de curado y la rugosidad y el contenido de monómero residual. Cuando se incorporaron el CS y el GO juntos en la formulación del cemento, el efecto combinado de las cargas mostró una mayor osteointegración después de 3 meses de implantación en hueso parietal de ratas Wistar y las desventajas mecánicas incorporadas por el CS fueron compensadas gracias al refuerzo alcanzado con las nanopartículas de GO. A partir de los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación se aporta al estado del arte del conocimiento asociado a los ABC cargados con bajo contenido de CS y con GO, consiguiendo principalmente conferir propiedades bioactivas y antibacterianas a los ABC, manteniendo el cumplimiento de las propiedades mecánicas exigidas por la norma ISO 5833- 02. Estos resultados evidencian que las formulaciones desarrolladas son susceptibles de ser empleadas en aplicaciones en aplicaciones como artroplastias, relleno de defectos óseos, y demás usos donde se requiera un desempeño superior en el materiaDoctoradoDOCTOR(A) EN INGENIERÍ

    Influencia de la incorporación de un co-monómero alcalino e hidroxiapatita en las propiedades de cementos óseos acrílicos

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    Se formularon cementos óseos acrílicos utilizando una relación sólido / líquido de 2. El componente líquido se basó en metacrilato de metilo (MMA), como monómero y dimetil-p-toluidina (2.5%) como acelerador; a su vez, el componente sólido consistió en perlas de polimetacrilato de metilo (PMMA) como carga, sulfato de bario como agente radiopaco y peróxido de benzoilo (2%) como iniciador. Finalmente, una hidroxiapatita como carga bioactiva y un metacrilato de dimetil amino etilo (DMAEM) como co-monómero alcalino, fueron incorporados en diferentes porcentajes (0-20% p/p, para el primero y 0-10% p/p, para el segundo). Como era de esperarse, las muestras elaboradas con las formulaciones de cementos óseos acrílicos sin modificar, presentaron calores de reacción elevados ( and gt;80ºC) y una resistencia a la compresión (124.0 MPa) por encima de lo especificado en la norma ISO 5833. Con la incorporación de la hidroxiapatita y el co-monómero alcalino, se presentaron bajas temperaturas de polimerización, bajos módulos y resistencias mecánicas, así como la fijación de una capa similar a la apatita biológica en la superficie del material después de su inmersión por 30 días en un fluido biológico simulado

    Desarrollo de nanocompuestos de quitosano/óxido de grafeno como potenciales andamios para Ingeniería de Tejidos.

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    Uno de los grandes desafíos en el campo de la medicina, ha sido el relacionado con la regeneración del tejido óseo, ya que la pérdida de este, se da de manera constante por diferentes causas tales como, accidentes o enfermedades degenerativas. En esta investigación se desarrollaron andamios poliméricos basados en quitosano reforzado con óxido de grafeno con el fin de estudiar sus propiedades físicas, químicas, y biológicas para evaluar su posible aplicación en regeneración de tejido óseo. Estos se prepararon mediante las técnicas de electrospinning y liofilización. Para el electrospinning se empleó CS comercial con un peso molecular promedio viscoso (Mv) de 144900 g/mol y un grado de desacetilación (DA) de 90 % calculado por análisis elemental y resonancia magnética nuclear protónica (RMN 1H) y GO sintetizado mediante un método modificado de Hummers. Por otro lado, los andamios obtenidos por liofilización fueron preparados con CS extraido experimentalmente del micelio del hongo Aspergillus Niger con un rendimiento del 11,5%, un peso molecular promedio viscoso (Mv) y promedio en peso (Mn) de 18715 g/mol y 6482 g/mol, respectivamente y un grado de desacetilación (DA) de 55,7% y 66,7% calculados por el método potenciométrico y por RMN-1H respectivamente. Tanto los andamios electrohilados como los liofilizados fueron preparados con tres formulaciones que presentaban diferente porcentaje de GO (0, 0.5 y 1 %); estos fueron analizados mediante SEM, FTIR, degradación hidrolítica en fluido biológico simulado, pruebas antibacterianas y experimentación in vivo mediante implantación subcutánea en biomodelos ratas Wistar. Los resultados demostraron que los andamios son biocompatibles, biodegradables y poseen propiedades antibacterianas, confirmando su potencial para ser aplicados en ingeniería de tejidos y regeneración celular

    Avances de la Economía Circular en el Sistema Moda

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    The waste generated during the production of textile materials can be classified as pre-consumer and post-consumer waste. In most cases, these wastes are incinerated or disposed of in landfills, which, in turn, has an impact on the environment and economic growth. To reduce these effects, mitigation measures must be taken to adopt sustainable management of textile waste and curb the negative environmental impact. This article presents the global advances in the field of circular economy in fashion, along with some value-added strategies and waste utilization. These advances not only positively impact the environment but also create economic and innovation opportunities in the textile and fashion industry, contributing to sustainable development aligned with the principles of the circular economy.Los residuos generados durante la producción de materiales textiles pueden clasificarse como residuos pre-consumo y post consumo. En la mayoría de los casos, estos residuos se incineran o se arrojan en vertederos, lo que a su vez tiene un factor en el medio ambiente y en el crecimiento económico. Para reducir dichos efectos, hay que tomar medidas de mitigación para adoptar una gestión sostenible de los residuos textiles y frenar el impacto ambiental negativo. En este artículo se presentan los avances que se han producido a nivel mundial en el campo de la economía circular en la moda, y algunas estrategias de valor añadido y aprovechamiento de los residuos. Los avances no solo impactan positivamente el medio ambiente sino que también generan oportunidades económicas y de innovación en la industria textil y de la moda, contribuyendo a un desarrollo sostenible y alineado con los principios de la economía circular

    Acrylic Bone Cement Incorporated with Low Chitosan Loadings

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    Despite the potential of acrylic bone cement (ABC) loaded with chitosan (CS) for orthopedic applications, there are only a few in vitro studies of this composite with CS loading ≤ 15 wt.% evaluated in bioactivity tests in simulated body fluid (SBF) for duration > 30 days. The purpose of the present work was to address this shortcoming of the literature. In addition to bioactivity, a wide range of cement properties were determined for composites with CS loading ranging from 0 to 20 wt.%. These properties included maximum exotherm temperature (Tmax), setting time (tset), water contact angle, residual monomer content, flexural strength, bending modulus, glass transition temperature, and water uptake. For cement with CS loading ≥ 15 wt.%, there was an increase in bioactivity, increase in biocompatibility, decrease in Tmax, increase in tset, all of which are desirable trends, but increase in residual monomer content and decrease in each of the mechanical properties, with each of these trends, were undesirable. Thus, a composite with CS loading of 15 wt.% should be further characterized to explore its suitability for use in low-weight-bearing applications, such as bone void filler and balloon kyphoplasty

    The Role of Chitosan and Graphene Oxide in Bioactive and Antibacterial Properties of Acrylic Bone Cements

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    Acrylic bone cements (ABC) are widely used in orthopedics for joint fixation, antibiotic release, and bone defect filling, among others. However, most commercially available ABCs exhibit a lack of bioactivity and are susceptible to infection after implantation. These disadvantages generate long-term loosening of the prosthesis, high morbidity, and prolonged and expensive treatments. Due to the great importance of acrylic bone cements in orthopedics, the scientific community has advanced several efforts to develop bioactive ABCs with antibacterial activity through several strategies, including the use of biodegradable materials such as chitosan (CS) and nanostructures such as graphene oxide (GO), with promising results. This paper reviews several studies reporting advantages in bioactivity and antibacterial properties after incorporating CS and GO in bone cements. Detailed information on the possible mechanisms by which these fillers confer bioactive and antibacterial properties to cements, resulting in formulations with great potential for use in orthopedics, are also a focus in the manuscript. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic review that presents the improvement in biological properties with CS and GO addition in cements that we believe will contribute to the biomedical field

    Biocompatibility Study of Electrospun Nanocomposite Membranes Based on Chitosan/Polyvinyl Alcohol/Oxidized Carbon Nano-Onions

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    In recent decades, the number of patients requiring biocompatible and resistant implants that differ from conventional alternatives dramatically increased. Among the most promising are the nanocomposites of biopolymers and nanomaterials, which pretend to combine the biocompatibility of biopolymers with the resistance of nanomaterials. However, few studies have focused on the in vivo study of the biocompatibility of these materials. The electrospinning process is a technique that produces continuous fibers through the action of an electric field imposed on a polymer solution. However, to date, there are no reports of chitosan (CS) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) electrospinning with carbon nano-onions (CNO) for in vivo implantations, which could generate a resistant and biocompatible material. In this work, we describe the synthesis by the electrospinning method of four different nanofibrous membranes of chitosan (CS)/(PVA)/oxidized carbon nano-onions (ox-CNO) and the subdermal implantations after 90 days in Wistar rats. The results of the morphology studies demonstrated that the electrospun nanofibers were continuous with narrow diameters (between 102.1 nm ± 12.9 nm and 147.8 nm ± 29.4 nm). The CS amount added was critical for the diameters used and the successful electrospinning procedure, while the ox-CNO amount did not affect the process. The crystallinity index was increased with the ox-CNO introduction (from 0.85% to 12.5%), demonstrating the reinforcing effect of the nanomaterial. Thermal degradation analysis also exhibited reinforcement effects according to the DSC and TGA analysis, with the higher ox-CNO content. The biocompatibility of the nanofibers was comparable with the porcine collagen, as evidenced by the subdermal implantations in biological models. In summary, all the nanofibers were reabsorbed without a severe immune response, indicating the usefulness of the electrospun nanocomposites in biomedical applications

    Optimization by Central Composite Experimental Design of the Synthesis of Physically Crosslinked Chitosan Spheres

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    Chitosan (CS) has special properties such as biocompatibility, biodegradability, antibacterial, and biological activity which make this material is currently studied in various applications, including tissue engineering. There are different methods to modify the morphology of CS. Most use chemical crosslinking agents, however, those methods have disadvantages such as low polymer degradability and unwanted side effects. The objective of this research was to obtain CS spheres through the physical crosslinking of commercial CS without using crosslinking agents through a simple coacervation method. A central composite experimental design was used to optimize the synthesis of the CS spheres and by the response surface methodology it was possible to obtain CS spheres with the smallest diameter and the most regular morphology. With the optimal formulation (CS solution 1.8% (w/v), acetic acid (AAC) solution 1% (w/v), sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution 13% (w/v), relative humidity of (10%) and needle diameter of 0.6 mm), a final sphere diameter of 1 mm was obtained. Spheres were characterized by physical, chemical, thermal, and biological properties in simulated body fluid (SBF). The results obtained allowed us to understand the effect of the studied variables on the spheres’ diameter. An optimized condition facilitated the change in the morphology of the CS while maintaining its desirable properties for use in tissue engineering

    Chitosan/Polyvinyl Alcohol/Tea Tree Essential Oil Composite Films for Biomedical Applications

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    Tissue engineering is crucial, since its early adoption focused on designing biocompatible materials that stimulate cell adhesion and proliferation. In this sense, scaffolds made of biocompatible and resistant materials became the researchers’ focus on biomedical applications. Humans have used essential oils for a long time to take advantage of their antifungal, insecticide, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties. However, the literature demonstrating the use of essential oils for stimulating biocompatibility in new scaffold designs is scarce. For that reason, this work describes the synthesis of four different film composites of chitosan/polyvinyl alcohol/tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), essential oil (CS/PVA/TTEO), and the subdermal implantations after 90 days in Wistar rats. According to the Young modulus, DSC, TGA, mechanical studies, and thermal studies, there was a reinforcement effect with the addition of TTEO. Morphology and energy-dispersive (EDX) analysis after the immersion in simulated body fluid (SBF) exhibited a light layer of calcium chloride and sodium chloride generated on the material’s surface, which is generally related to a bioactive material. Finally, the biocompatibility of the films was comparable with porcine collagen, showing better signs of resorption as the amount of TTEO was increased. These results indicate the potential application of the films in long-term biomedical needs

    Osseointegration of antimicrobial acrylic bone cements modified with graphene oxide and chitosan

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    Acrylic bone cement (ABC) is one of the most used materials in orthopedic surgery, mainly for the fixation of orthopedic implants to the bone. However, ABCs usually present lack of biological activity and osseointegration capacity that leads to loosening of the prosthesis. This work reports the effect of introducing graphene oxide (GO) and chitosan (CS), separately or together, in the ABC formulation on setting performance, mechanical behavior, and biological properties. Introduction of both CS and GO to the ABC decreased the maximum temperature by 21% and increased the antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli by 87%, while introduction of only CS decreased bending strength by 32%. The results of cell viability and cell adhesion tests showed in vitro biocompatibility. The in vivo response was investigated using both subdermal and bone parietal implantations in Wistar rats. Modified ABCs showed absence of immune response, as confirmed by a normal inflammatory response in Wistar rat subdermal implantation. The results of the parietal bone implantation showed that the addition of CS and GO together allowed a near total healing bone–cement interface, as observed in the micrographic analysis. The overall results support the great potential of the modified ABCs for application in orthopedic surgery mainly in those cases where osseointegration is required.This research was funded by Sistema General de Regalías funded this research-FCTeI-Colombia (BPIN: 2013000100300), Spanish AEI/FEDER/UE MAT2015-73656-JIN and MAT2017-84277-R, and Health Institute Carlos III (CIBER-BBN). The authors acknowledge Rosa Ana Ramirez Jimenez of the Biomaterials Group of the Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Polímeros, ICTP-CSIC, Spain for the support in the in vitro assays. The authors acknowledge to the Sistema General de Regalías-FCTeI-Colombia (BPIN: 2013000100300) for funding the research. Author Mayra Eliana Valencia Zapata acknowledges to MinCiencias for funding her doctoral studies. The authors Blanca Vázquez-Lasa and Luis Rojo are members of the SusPlast platform from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)