71 research outputs found
Teisės mokslo tarpdiscipliniškumas empiriniu požiūriu
The article examines the main characteristics of interdisciplinarity and deals with the empirical study of interdisciplinary manifestations in legal science.Straipsnyje analizuojami pagrindiniai tarpdiscipliniškumo bruožai ir atliekamas tarpdiscipliniškumo apraiškų teisės moksle empirinis tyrimas
Valstybės politinis režimas pagal 1918–1919 m. Lietuvos konstitucinius aktus
The article deals with identifying provisions of the 1918–1919 Lithuanian Constitutional Acts, which entrench the democratic political regime of the state. It discloses and assesses their dynamics, describes the nation’s sovereignty, elements of direct and representative democracy, and parliamentarism.Straipsnyje identifikuojamos demokratinį valstybės politinį režimą įtvirtinančios 1918 m. ir 1919 m. Lietuvos konstitucinės nuostatos, atskleidžiama ir įvertinama jų dinamiką, apibūdinami tautos suverenitetas, tiesioginės ir atstovaujamosios demokratijos elementai, parlamentarizmas
Ar pasaulinės kosmetinės chirurgijos teisinės problemos aplenkia Lietuvą?
The article deals with an empirical study of certain legal issues of cosmetic surgery and their manifestations in legal articles abroad and in Lithuania. It examines whether the cosmetic surgery-related legal issues analysed in the authoritative databases Scopus and Clarivate analytics and the articles found therein resemble the cosmetic surgery-related legal issues analysed in authoritative Lithuanian legal journals and the Lithuanian Digital Academic Library database (eLABa) articles.Šiame straipsnyje atliekamas kai kurių kosmetinės chirurgijos teisinių problemų ir jų apraiškų teisės mokslo straipsniuose empirinis tyrimas užsienyje ir Lietuvoje. Straipsnyje analizuojama, ar kosmetinės chirurgijos teisinės problemos, kurios yra analizuojamos autoritetingų duomenų bazių Scopus ir Clarivate analytics mokslo straipsniuose, yra susijusios su kosmetinės chirurgijos teisinėmis problemomis, kurios yra analizuojamos autoritetinguose Lietuvos teisės mokslo žurnaluose ir Lietuvos akademinėje elektroninėje bibliotekoje (eLABa) esančiuose mokslo straipsniuose
Crowdfunding our health: economic risks and benefits
Crowdfunding is an expanding form of alternative financing that is gaining traction in the health sector. This article presents a typology for crowdfunded health projects and a review of the main economic benefits and risks of crowdfunding in the health market. We use evidence from a literature review, complimented by expert interviews, to extend the fundamental principles and established theories of crowdfunding to a health market context. Crowdfunded health projects can be classified into four types according to the venture's purpose and funding method. These are projects covering health expenses, fundraising health initiatives, supporting health research, or financing commercial health innovation. Crowdfunding could economically benefit the health sector by expanding market participation, drawing money and awareness to neglected health issues, improving access to funding, and fostering project accountability and social engagement. However, the economic risks of health-related crowdfunding include inefficient priority setting, heightened financial risk, inconsistent regulatory policies, intellectual property rights concerns, and fraud. Theorized crowdfunding behaviours such as signalling and herding can be observed in the market for health-related crowdfunding. Broader threats of market failure stemming from adverse selection and moral hazard also apply. Many of the discussed economic benefits and risks of crowdfunding health campaigns are shared more broadly with those of crowdfunding projects in other sectors. Where crowdfunding health care appears to diverge from theory is the negative externality inefficient priority setting may have towards achieving broader public health goals. Therefore, the market for crowdfunding health care must be economically stable, as well as designed to optimally and equitably improve public health
Pathogenesis and treatment modalities of localized scleroderma
Localized scleroderma is a chronic inflammatory disease primarily of the dermis and subcutaneous fat that ultimately leads to a scar-like sclerosis of connective tissue. The disorder manifests as various plaques of different shape and size with signs of skin inflammation, sclerosis, and atrophy. This is a relatively rare inflammatory disease characterized by a chronic course, unknown etiology, and insufficiently clear pathogenesis. Many factors may influence its appearance: trauma, genetic factors, disorders of the immune system or hormone metabolism, viral infections, toxic substances or pharmaceutical agents, neurogenic factors, and Borrelia burgdorferi infection. Various therapeutic modalities are being used for the treatment of localized scleroderma. There is no precise treatment scheme for this disease. A majority of patients can be successfully treated with topical pharmaceutical agents and phototherapy, but some of them with progressive, disseminated, and causing disability localized scleroderma are in need of systemic treatment. The aim of this article is not only to dispute about the clinical and morphological characteristics of localized scleroderma, but also to present the newest generalized data about the possible origin, pathogenesis, and treatment modalities of this disease
Contemporary status of law science: postmodernism, uncertainty about its scientific character and change in the approach to science itself
The article deals with the contemporary status of law science in Lithuania and world-wide. This status cannot be conceived without the analysis of the effect of postmodernism (new science or the science of complex dynamic systems). Postmodern legal thought hardly finds its place in Lithuanian law science, though in the world postmodern ideas and new (postmodern) science of complex dynamic systems affect the science of law. Law science has still much difficulty in “separating” from modernism, which conditions the deterministic, static and narrow attitude towards science. We believe that the time is ripe for a change in the approach towards science, focus more attention to indeterminism, humanization of science, social context and spontaneous development of thought. The aim of the article was to establish the contemporary status of law science by revealing the key points of the emergence of postmodern period, its development and influence, the problem of uncertainty of the scientific nature of law science as well as the importance of the changing approach to science itself, and to answer the question whether there is a postmodern legal thought in Lithuania and what is the direction of the development of law science. Methods: scientific analytical, systemic, logical. In addition, the empirical method was used to study the quantity of the documents. The main finding. It is high time to change the approach to science itself. Contemporary (new) science encourages us to combine science, common sense and social context in order to understand the reality more clearly, though not absolutely clearly. Scientists of law need to understand the importance of connecting science and life, and most importantly, to use not a single one, but a number of methodologies (and their integration) in science. Only by changing our approach to science in general we will be able to perceive law as a complex dynamic system
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