204 research outputs found

    Wine Farmstead in Jaroslavice

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    Jedním ze základních prvků strategie projektu je využití skrytého potenciálu tohoto zářezu a propojení krajiny s vzniklou viniční usedlosti. Umístění výrobní části celku je vytvořeno klasickou metodou využívanou při kopaných sklepech, kdy výrobní část zároveň zajišťuje stabilizaci svahu a stává se jeho součástí. Koncept vychází z historického principu hospodářské usedlosti a soustředění jednotlivých funkcí okolo centrálního dvora.Key strategy of the project works with hidden potential of the former loess quarry and its terrain modification. Finding the closure between the winery and the landscape. To merge, to reach the symbiosis. They winemaking area is situated in the heart of the slope, to keep the wine in stable environment and creating the retaining wall at the same time. Concept is build on a traditional principles of agricultural yard and connection of partial functions through it.

    On some composite schemes of time integration in structural dynamics

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    summary:Numerical simulations of time-dependent behaviour of advances structures need the analysis of systems of partial differential equations of hyperbolic type, whose semi-discretization, using the Fourier multiplicative decomposition together with the finite element or similar techniques, leads to large sparse systems of ordinary differential equations. Effective and robust methods for numerical evaluation of their solutions in particular time steps are required; thus still new computational schemes occur in the engineering literature. This paper presents certain classification of such approaches, together with references to their expectable accuracy and some practical applications

    Modelling of multicomponent diffusive phase transformation in solids

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    summary:Physical analysis of phase transformation of materials consisting from several (both substitutional and interstitial) components, coming from the Onsager extremal thermodynamic principle, leads, from the mathematical point of view, to a system of partial differential equations of evolution type, including certain integral term, with substantial differences in particular phases (α\alpha, γ\gamma) and in moving interface of finite thickness (β\beta), in whose center the ideal liquid material behaviour can be detected. The numerical simulation of this process in MATLAB is able to explain some phenomena (e.g. the interface velocity as a function of temperature) better than known simplified models assuming the sharp interface and additional boundary and transfer conditions

    Numerical approaches to the modelling of quasi-brittle crack propagation

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    summary:Computational analysis of quasi-brittle fracture in cement-based and similar composites, supplied by various types of rod, fibre, etc. reinforcement, is crucial for the prediction of their load bearing ability and durability, but rather difficult because of the risk of initiation of zones of microscopic defects, followed by formation and propagation of a large number of macroscopic cracks. A reasonable and complete deterministic description of relevant physical processes is rarely available. Thus, due to significance of such materials in the design and construction of buildings, semi-heuristic computational models must be taken into consideration. These models generate mathematical problems, whose solvability is not transparent frequently, which limits the credibility of all results of ad hoc designed numerical simulations. In this short paper such phenomena are demonstrated on a simple model problem, covering both micro- and macro-cracking, with references to needful generalizations and more realistic computational settings

    On one mathematical model of creep in superalloys

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    summary:In a new micromechanical approach to the prediction of creep flow in composites with perfect matrix/particle interfaces, based on the nonlinear Maxwell viscoelastic model, taking into account a finite number of discrete slip systems in the matrix, has been suggested; high-temperature creep in such composites is conditioned by the dynamic recovery of the dislocation structure due to slip/climb motion of dislocations along the matrix/particle interfaces. In this article the proper formulation of the system of PDE’s generated by this model is presented, some existence results are obtained and the convergence of Rothe sequences, applied in the specialized software CDS, is studied

    On a computational approach to multiple contacts / impacts of elastic bodies

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    summary:The analysis of dynamic contacts/impacts of several deformable bodies belongs to both theoretically and computationally complicated problems, because of the presence of unpleasant nonlinearities and of the need of effective contact detection. This paper sketches how such difficulties can be overcome, at least for a model problem with several elastic bodies, using i) the explicit time-discretization scheme and ii) the finite element technique adopted to contact evaluations together with iii) the distributed computing platform. These considerations are supported by the references to useful generalizations, motivated by significant engineering applications. Illustrative examples demonstrate this approach on structures assembled from a finite number of shells

    Identification of basic thermal technical characteristics of building materials

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    summary:Modelling of building heat transfer needs two basic material characteristics: heat conduction factor and thermal capacity. Under some simplifications these two factors can be determined from a rather simple equipment, generating heat from one of two aluminium plates into the material sample and recording temperature on the contacts between the sample and the plates. However, the numerical evaluation of both characteristics leads to a non-trivial optimization problem. This article suggests an efficient numerical algorithm for its solution, based on the weak formulation of certain initial and boundary problem for the heat transfer equation, on the classical Fourier analysis and on the Newton iterative method, and demonstrates its practical application

    New methods in collision of bodies analysis

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    summary:The widely used method for solution of impacts of bodies, called the penalty method, is based on the contact force proportional to the length of the interpenetration of bodies. This method is regarded as unsatisfactory by the authors of this contribution, because of an inaccurate fulfillment of the energy conservation law and violation of the natural demand of impenetrability of bodies. Two non-traditional methods for the solution of impacts of bodies satisfy these demands exactly, or approximately, but much better than the penalty method. Namely the energy method exactly satisfies the conservation of energy law, whereas the kinematic method exactly satisfies the condition of impenetrability of bodies. Both these methods are superior in comparison with the penalty method, which is demonstrated by the results of several numerical examples