135 research outputs found

    Reproductive seasonality of the fish fauna and limnoecology of semi-arid Brazilian reservoirs

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    The native fish fauna commonly found in the drainage basins of rivers and reservoirs of Latin America, including those of the semi-arid Northeastern Brazil, are representatives of the Neotropical region. This work reports on the reproductive ecology of five commercially important and consumable native fish species, in relation to rainfall and hydrological variables of the semi-arid reservoirs in Brazil. Pluviometric precipitation, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity of the water were registered, and maturation of fish gonads was assessed on a monthly basis. This region is characterized with short spells of rain interspersed with long dry season and rainfall seems to be the main environmental factor which modulates the timing of the spawning period of fish. Construction of reservoirs without adequate facilities for fish migration has an adverse impact on the migratory fish species which are of commercial and ecological importance to semi-arid Northeastern Brazil. © 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved

    Interactions between hypoxia tolerance and food deprivation in Amazonian oscars, Astronotus ocellatus

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    Oscars are often subjected to a combination of low levels of oxygen and fasting during nest-guarding on Amazonian floodplains. We questioned whether this anorexia would aggravate the osmo-respiratory compromise. We compared fed and fasted oscars (1014 days) in both normoxia and hypoxia (1020 Torr, 4 h). Routine oxygen consumption rates (MO2) were increased by 75% in fasted fish, reflecting behavioural differences, whereas fasting improved hypoxia resistance and critical oxygen tensions (Pcrit) lowered from 54 Torr in fed fish to 34 Torr when fasting. In fed fish, hypoxia reduced liver lipid stores by approximately 50% and total liver energy content by 30%. Fasted fish had a 50% lower hepatosomatic index, resulting in lower total liver protein, glycogen and lipid energy stores under normoxia. Compared with hypoxic fed fish, hypoxic fasted fish only showed reduced liver protein levels and even gained glycogen (+50%) on a per gram basis. This confirms the hypothesis that hypoxia-tolerant fish protect their glycogen stores as much as possible as a safeguard for more prolonged hypoxic events. In general, fasted fish showed lower hydroxyacylCoA dehydrogenase activities compared with fed fish, although this effect was only significant in hypoxic fasted fish. Energy stores and activities of enzymes related to energy metabolism in muscle or gills were not affected. Branchial Na+ uptake rates were more than two times lower in fed fish, whereas Na+ efflux was similar. Fed and fasted fish quickly reduced Na+ uptake and efflux during hypoxia, with fasting fish responding more rapidly. Ammonia excretion and K+ efflux were reduced under hypoxia, indicating decreased transcellular permeability. Fasted fish had more mitochondria-rich cells (MRC), with larger crypts, indicating the increased importance of the branchial uptake route when feeding is limited. Gill MRC density and surface area were greatly reduced under hypoxia, possibly to reduce ion uptake and efflux rates. Density of mucous cells of normoxic fasted fish was approximately fourfold of that in fed fish. Overall, a 1014 day fasting period had no negative effects on hypoxia tolerance in oscars, as fasted fish were able to respond more quickly to lower oxygen levels, and reduced branchial permeability effectively. © 2013. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

    Regulation of gill transcellular permeability and renal function during acute hypoxia in the Amazonian oscar (Astronotus ocellatus): New angles to the osmorespiratory compromise

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    Earlier studies demonstrated that oscars, endemic to ion-poor Amazonian waters, are extremely hypoxia tolerant, and exhibit a marked reduction in active unidirectional Na+ uptake rate (measured directly) but unchanged net Na+ balance during acute exposure to low Po2, indicating a comparable reduction in whole body Na+ efflux rate. However, branchial O2 transfer factor does not fall. The present study focused on the nature of the efflux reduction in the face of maintained gill O 2 permeability. Direct measurements of 22Na appearance in the water from bladder-catheterized fish confirmed a rapid 55% fall in unidirectional Na+ efflux rate across the gills upon acute exposure to hypoxia (PO2=10-20torr; 1 torr=133.3 Pa), which was quickly reversed upon return to normoxia. An exchange diffusion mechanism for Na + is not present, so the reduction in efflux was not directly linked to the reduction in Na+ influx. A quickly developing bradycardia occurred during hypoxia. Transepithelial potential, which was sensitive to water [Ca2+], became markedly less negative during hypoxia and was restored upon return to normoxia. Ammonia excretion, net K+ loss rates, and 3H2O exchange rates (diffusive water efflux rates) across the gills fell by 55-75% during hypoxia, with recovery during normoxia. Osmotic permeability to water also declined, but the fall (30%) was less than that in diffusive water permeability (70%). In total, these observations indicate a reduction in gill transcellular permeability during hypoxia, a conclusion supported by unchanged branchial efflux rates of the paracellular marker [3H]PEG-4000 during hypoxia and normoxic recovery. At the kidney, glomerular filtration rate, urine flow rate, and tubular Na+ reabsorption rate fell in parallel by 70% during hypoxia, facilitating additional reductions in costs and in urinary Na+, K+ and ammonia excretion rates. Scanning electron microscopy of the gill epithelium revealed no remodelling at a macro-level, but pronounced changes in surface morphology. Under normoxia, mitochondria-rich cells were exposed only through small apical crypts, and these decreased in number by 47% and in individual area by 65% during 3 h hypoxia. We suggest that a rapid closure of transcellular channels, perhaps effected by pavement cell coverage of the crypts, allows conservation of ions and reduction of ionoregulatory costs without compromise of O2 exchange capacity during acute hypoxia, a response very different from the traditional osmorespiratory compromise

    Coleção Ciência é Legal: Zizi e o pirarucu

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    A Coleção é voltada para público infantil no qual busca desmistificar a Amazônia. A obra apresenta uma linguagem simples, ilustrada e um vocabulários com definições dos termos, palavras para aumentar e aprender um pouco sobre o ambiente da cidade. Cada livreto com uma aventura de uma menina de 11 anos, que mudou-se de São Paulo para Manaus com sua família

    Coleção Ciência é Legal: Zizi conhece os peixes ornamentais

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    A Coleção é voltada para público infantil no qual busca desmistificar a Amazônia. A obra apresenta uma linguagem simples, ilustrada e um vocabulários com definições dos termos, palavras para aumentar e aprender um pouco sobre o ambiente da cidade. Cada livreto com uma aventura de uma menina de 11 anos, que mudou-se de São Paulo para Manaus com sua família

    Coleção Ciência é Legal: o passeio de barco de Zizi

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    A Coleção é voltada para público infantil no qual busca desmistificar a Amazônia. A obra apresenta uma linguagem simples, ilustrada e um vocabulários com definições dos termos, palavras para aumentar e aprender um pouco sobre o ambiente da cidade. Cada livreto com uma aventura de uma menina de 11 anos, que mudou-se de São Paulo para Manaus com sua família

    Coleção Ciência é Legal: Zizi e o peixinho falante

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    A Coleção é voltada para público infantil no qual busca desmistificar a Amazônia. A obra apresenta uma linguagem simples, ilustrada e um vocabulários com definições dos termos, palavras para aumentar e aprender um pouco sobre o ambiente da cidade. Cada livreto com uma aventura de uma menina de 11 anos, que mudou-se de São Paulo para Manaus com sua família

    Coleção Ciência é Legal: as aventuras escolares de Zizi

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    A Coleção é voltada para público infantil no qual busca desmistificar a Amazônia. A obra apresenta uma linguagem simples, ilustrada e um vocabulários com definições dos termos, palavras para aumentar e aprender um pouco sobre o ambiente da cidade. Cada livreto com uma aventura de uma menina de 11 anos, que mudou-se de São Paulo para Manaus com sua família