19 research outputs found

    Oriin seminaaliplasman matriksimetalloproteinaasit

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    Siirto- ja pakastesiemennysten lisääntyessä tammojen hedelmällisyystulosten parantuminen on hevoskasvatuksen taloudellisuuden kannalta merkittävää. Oriitten spermoissa on eroja sekä siirto- että pakastekestävyydessä. Pelkällä orivalinnalla ei voida kuitenkaan vaikuttaa hedelmällisyystuloksiin, sillä yleensä valinta painottuu suorituskykyyn. Siittiöiden lisäksi seminaaliplasmalla on havaittu vaikutuksia siirto- ja pakastuskestävyyteen. Seminaaliplasma koostuu useista erilaisista biologisista komponenteista, joista matriksimetalloproteinaasit (MMP) ovat yksi. Ne ovat proteiiniperhe, johon kuluu useita jäseniä. MMP:t kykenevät hajottamaan muun muassa solun ulkoisia tukirakenteita sekä tyvikalvoa erilaisissa fysiologisissa ja patologisissa tiloissa. Matriksimetalloproteinaaseja on löydetty useista kudoksista ja myös seminaaliplasmasta. Työn tutkimusosuudessa haluttiin selvittää MMP-pitoisuuksia, niiden vaihteluita oriitten välillä ja mahdollisia vaikutuksia hedelmällisyystuloksiin. Seminaaliplasmanäytteitä tutkittiin yhteensä 43 oriista. Näytteet oli kerätty astutuskaudella 2006 erirotuisilta ja -ikäisiltä hevosilta sekä kahdelta ponilta. Keräysvaiheessa näytteet jaoteltiin 1-4 eri fraktioon. Jokaisesta näytteestä tutkittiin MMP:t zymografian avulla. Seminaaliplasmanäytteiden lisäksi oriilta kerättiin hedelmällisyystietoja siittoloista sekä Suomen raviurheilun ja hevoskasvatuksen keskusjärjestöltä (Suomen Hippos ry). Kaikki tulokset taulukoitiin ja laskettiin aktiiviselle (akt-MMP-2) ja pro-MMP-2:lle sekä kokonais-MMP-9:lle (tot-MMP-9) siittiörikkaassa (SR) ja siittiököyhässä fraktiossa (SK) sekä kokonaisejakulaatissa (KE): keskiarvot, keskihajonnat, mediaanit sekä maksimi- ja minimiarvot. Spearmanin järjestyskorrelaatiokertoimet laskettiin tammojen ensimmäiseen kiimaan tiinehtymisen ja eri MMP-pitoisuuksien välille SR:ssa ja KE:ssa. Oriilla oli havaittavia pitoisuuksia pro- ja akt-MMP-2:ta sekä tot-MMP-9:ää. MMP-pitoisuudet olivat suurimmat SR:ssa. Suurimpia olivat pro-MMP-2:n pitoisuudet ja orikohtaiset erot olivat siinä pieniä. Saadut tulokset vastasivat odotuksia, sillä miesten seminaaliplasmatutkimusten tulokset ovat samansuuntaisia. Eri MMP-pitoisuuksilla ei havaittu korrelaatiota tammojen tiinehtymiseen kanssa. Aineiston pienen koon takia sattumalla voi olla suuri vaikutus tuloksiin. Myös keräysvuodenaika ja yksilön ejakulaation koostumusvaihtelut saattavat vaikuttaa seminaaliplasman MMP-pitoisuuksiin, sillä sen useissa ominaisuuksissa tapahtuu muutoksia näiden muuttujien mukaan. Tulokset ovat suuntaa antavia ja toimivat apuna jatkotutkimuksia suunniteltaessa

    More testing, less antibiotics - future trends in mastitis treatment?

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    Bacteriological etiology and treatment of mastitis in Finnish dairy herds

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    Abstract Background The Finnish dairy herd recording system maintains production and health records of cows and herds. Veterinarians and farmers register veterinary treatments in the system. Milk samples for microbiological analysis are routinely taken from mastitic cows. The laboratory of the largest dairy company in Finland, Valio Ltd., analyzes most samples using real-time PCR. This study addressed pathogen-specific microbiological data and treatment and culling records, in combination with cow and herd characteristics, from the Finnish dairy herd recording system during 2010–2012. Results The data derived from 240,067 quarter milk samples from 93,529 dairy cows with mastitis; 238,235 cows from the same herds served as the control group. No target pathogen DNA was detected in 12% of the samples. In 49% of the positive samples, only one target species and in 19%, two species with one dominant species were present. The most common species in the samples with a single species only were coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) (43%), followed by Staphylococcus aureus (21%), Streptococcus uberis (9%), Streptococcus dysgalactiae (8%), Corynebacterium bovis (7%), and Escherichia coli (5%). On average, 36% of the study cows and 6% of the control cows had recorded mastitis treatments during lactation. The corresponding proportions were 16 and 6% at drying-off. For more than 75% of the treatments during lactation, diagnosis was acute clinical mastitis. In the milk samples from cows with a recorded mastitis treatment during lactation, CNS and S. aureus were most common, followed by streptococci. Altogether, 48% of the cows were culled during the study. Mastitis was reported as the most common reason to cull; 49% of study cows and 18% of control cows were culled because of mastitis. Culling was most likely if S. aureus was detected in the milk sample submitted during the culling year. Conclusions The PCR test has proven to be an applicable method also for large-scale use in bacterial diagnostics. In the present study, microbiological diagnosis was unequivocal in the great majority of samples where a single species or two species with one dominating were detected. Coagulase-negative staphylococci and S. aureus were the most common species. S. aureus was also the most common pathogen among the culled cows, which emphasizes the importance of preventive measures

    Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2, MMP-9, semen quality and sperm longevity in fractionated stallion semen

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    Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and MMP-9 are gelatinases that take part in several reproductive processes. The aim of this study was to measure levels of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in fractionated stallion ejaculates, and to evaluate the association between these components and semen quality, and sperm longevity during cooled storage. Semen quality were assessed separately for sperm-rich fractions (HIGH), sperm-poor fractions (LOW), and whole ejaculate samples (WE) from 33 stallions. After cooled storage with SP either present or removed, sperm motility and DFI were determined. The relative activity of the pro-form of MMP-2, active MMP-2 and total MMP-9 were evaluated using gelatin zymography, and all were present in all fractions of the stallion's ejaculate, with higher relative activity of the latent than active forms and the highest relative activity in the HIGH fraction. The relative activities of MMP-2 and MMP-9 were positively correlated to sperm concentration and total sperm count, but only in the HIGH fraction and not in LOW or WE. The relative activities of MMPs were not related to differences in sperm longevity during cooled storage, measured as sperm motility and DFI. There was a harmful effect of SP on DFI during storage, but this effect was not associated with differences in the relative activities of MMPs. In conclusion, the relative activities of MMPs are not useful as markers for semen quality (other than sperm concentration), or sperm survival during storage in horses. (C) 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Prevalence of subclinical mastitis in Finnish dairy cows : changes during recent decades and impact of cow and herd factors

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    Background: The dairy industry has undergone substantial structural changes as intensive farming has developed during recent decades. Mastitis continues to be the most common production disease of dairy cows. Nationwide surveys of mastitis prevalence are useful in monitoring udder health of dairy herds and to study the impact of structural changes on the dairy industry. This survey on bovine subclinical mastitis was the first based on cow composite milk somatic cell count (SCC) data from the Finnish national health monitoring and milk recording database. A cow with composite milk SCC = 200,000 cells/ml in at least one of the four test milkings during the year was considered to have subclinical mastitis and a cow with composite milk SCC = 200,000 cells/ml in three or in all four test milkings during the year to have chronic subclinical mastitis. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of subclinical mastitis and chronic subclinical mastitis in Finland in 1991, 2001 and 2010 and to investigate cow and herd factors associated with elevated SCC. Results: Prevalence of subclinical mastitis in Finland decreased over recent decades from 22.3% (1991) and 20.1% (2001) to 19.0% (2010). Prevalence of chronic subclinical mastitis was 20.4% in 1991, 15.5% in 2001 and 16.1% in 2010. The most significant cow and herd factors associated with subclinical mastitis or high milk SCC were increasing parity, Holstein breed, free- stalls with an automatic milking system and organic production. Milk SCC were highest from July to September. Main factors associated with chronic mastitis were increasing parity and Holstein breed. Conclusions: Prevalence of subclinical mastitis in Finland decreased over recent decades, the greatest change taking place during the first decade of the study. Prevalence of chronic subclinical mastitis significantly decreased from 1991. The most significant factors associated with both types of mastitis were increasing parity and Holstein breed, and for subclinical mastitis also free-stalls with automatic milking. National surveys on mastitis prevalence should be carried out at regular intervals to monitor udder health of dairy cows and to study the impact of the ongoing structural changes in the dairy industry to enable interventions related to udder health to be made when needed.Peer reviewe

    Determination of the intramammary dose of benzylpenicillin required to maintain an adequate concentration in the milk to inhibit Gram-positive bacteria in the clinically normal udder for 24 hr

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    The aim of this study was to determine the intramammary dose of benzylpenicillin required to maintain a concentration in the milk above the MIC for the Gram-positive bacteria that cause mastitis. The product used in this study was a commercially available procaine benzylpenicillin in an oily suspension with micronized particles. Three dose levels were used: 200,000, 300,000, and 600,000IU. Concentrations of benzylpenicillin in cow milk and plasma were determined after a single intramammary dose was administered into one quarter of each of the five cows in each treatment group. Samples were analyzed using an HPLC-MS/MS method, which was validated during the study. Concentrations in the milk were well above the MIC for the target pathogens for all doses tested. There was a linear dose-dependent increase in the mean AUCs of benzylpenicillin concentrations in plasma and milk. At the first milking, 12hr after dosing, there was a significant difference between the mean milk benzylpenicillin concentrations in cows treated with a dose of 600,000IU, and those treated with 200,000 or 300,000IU. Although this study shows a linear relationship between the dose of procaine benzylpenicillin administered and the concentration in the milk in the healthy udder, it would be useful to conduct studies on cows with mastitis to define the optimum dose and duration of intramammary treatment with benzylpenicillin.Peer reviewe

    Bacteriological etiology and treatment of mastitis in Finnish dairy herds

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    Background: The Finnish dairy herd recording system maintains production and health records of cows and herds. Veterinarians and farmers register veterinary treatments in the system. Milk samples for microbiological analysis are routinely taken from mastitic cows. The laboratory of the largest dairy company in Finland, Valio Ltd., analyzes most samples using real-time PCR. This study addressed pathogen-specific microbiological data and treatment and culling records, in combination with cow and herd characteristics, from the Finnish dairy herd recording system during 2010-2012. Results: The data derived from 240,067 quarter milk samples from 93,529 dairy cows with mastitis; 238,235 cows from the same herds served as the control group. No target pathogen DNA was detected in 12% of the samples. In 49% of the positive samples, only one target species and in 19%, two species with one dominant species were present. The most common species in the samples with a single species only were coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) (43%), followed by Staphylococcus aureus (21%), Streptococcus uberis (9%), Streptococcus dysgalactiae (8%), Corynebacterium bovis (7%), and Escherichia coli (5%). On average, 36% of the study cows and 6% of the control cows had recorded mastitis treatments during lactation. The corresponding proportions were 16 and 6% at drying-off. For more than 75% of the treatments during lactation, diagnosis was acute clinical mastitis. In the milk samples from cows with a recorded mastitis treatment during lactation, CNS and S. aureus were most common, followed by streptococci. Altogether, 48% of the cows were culled during the study. Mastitis was reported as the most common reason to cull; 49% of study cows and 18% of control cows were culled because of mastitis. Culling was most likely if S. aureus was detected in the milk sample submitted during the culling year. Conclusions: The PCR test has proven to be an applicable method also for large-scale use in bacterial diagnostics. In the present study, microbiological diagnosis was unequivocal in the great majority of samples where a single species or two species with one dominating were detected. Coagulase-negative staphylococci and S. aureus were the most common species. S. aureus was also the most common pathogen among the culled cows, which emphasizes the importance of preventive measures.Peer reviewe

    More testing, less antibiotics - future trends in mastitis treatment?

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    Stafylokokki aiheuttaa eniten utaretulehduksia

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