16 research outputs found

    Дмитро Васильович Дубина (до 60-річчя від дня народження)

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    Dmytro Vasylio vich Dubyna (To the 60-th anniversary of the birth

    Rare steppe plant communities in Ukraine: Status, threats and their minimization

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    Nowadays, the impact of anthropogenic activities on natural vegetation is constantly increasing, the level of threats is raised, and newer risk factors are emerging. Recent trends in the anthropogenic impact on plant communities are extremely pronounced, especially on those listed in the Green Book of Ukraine (GBU). Identifying such trends is required for the further development of strategic and tactical planning for the preservation and restoration of rare grass, shrub, and subshrub steppe, petrophyte and psammophyte plant communities of the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Ukraine. In addition to well-established threat factors that cause changes in the habitat of plant communities or mechanically affect plants, new specific threats occur. Today, the most important among them in Ukraine are as follows: climate change, military activity, growing population in the industrial cities, population poverty and government corruption, changes in forms of land ownership and the creation of a land market, lack of knowledge and effective policy, including lack of popular scientific information about the status of specific species and plant groupings, inadequate management of protected areas, uncoordinated environmental protection measures, ineffective sanctions, insufficient monitoring of the consumption of natural biological resources. The preservation of rare grass, shrubby and subshrubby communities in the steppe zone of Ukraine should be provided with proper support at the state level. There is a pressing need for a law of Ukraine “On the preservation of the steppes in Ukraine” and this will require mechanisms for its implementation. The issue of developing a strategy for the conservation and balanced use of steppe ecosystems in Ukraine, whose area is one of the largest in Europe, has long been raised. The main goal of the strategy is the actual preservation of steppe communities (most of which are currently rare) ensuring their restoration, minimizing degradation, and stopping biodiversity loss. In order to develop specific actions to eliminate threats or reduce their impact on rare plant groupings, it is required to investigate the causes of threats and assess their level and duration. This is required to preserve the landscape and biotic diversity in the steppe zone of Ukraine

    Features of ecological differentiation of halophytic, steppe and petrophytic vegetation in the valley of the Liman Kuyalnik (Odesa Oblast)

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    Assessment of key environmental factors that influence vegetation distribution and formation of plant communities is one of the most important challenges in modern phytocenology. Nowadays, several bioindication systems are applied to determine ecological specificity of plant communities and to establish the leading factors for their environmental differentiation. The system most widely used in Europe, that of H. Ellenberg, contains a numerical score on 6 ecological factors. On the example of vegetation of the valley of the Liman Kuyalnik, Y. Didukh developed the synphytoindication method based on evaluation of phytocenoses with respect to 12 ecological factors: 7 edaphic factors and 5 climatic factors; the method determines a more accurate and complete presentation of the analysis. In the valley of the Liman Kuyalnik (Odesa Oblast) the largest area is covered with halophytic and steppe vegetation. Halophytic vegetation (Therosalicornietea, Festuco-Puccinellietea classes, Juncetea maritimi, Bolboschoenetea maritimi) predominated in the shoreline areas of the valley, whereas steppe (Festuco-Brometea) and petrophytic (Sedo-Scleranthetea) vegetation dominated on the slope sites. With the application of DCA-ordination and synphytoindication methods it was established that distribution of plant communities in the hyper-space of the environmental conditions was most strongly correlated with edaphic factors, whereas microclimatic (light intensity) and climatic (thermo-regime) conditions had somewhat less influence on their differentiation. Water regime and level of soil salinity served as key factors for syntaxa of halophytic vegetation; moisture variability and salt regime, as well as soil moisture and carbonate content were key factors for the steppe vegetation, and thermo-regime was the main factor for petrophytic-steppe and petrophytic vegetation. The "eco-spaces" of these groups largely overlap. Halophytic cenoses are characterized by quite wide ecological ranges by most ecological factors. Steppe communities show much less ecological diversity. In the valley of the liman, all the steppe communities were characterized by stenotopicity in relation to most ecological factors; these factors complexly determine the specificity and diversity of biotopes within the valley, which are unique and require protection and the taking of appropriate measures, depending on the changes in activity of one or another limiting factor. Nowadays, the valley of the Liman Kuyalnik is in a state of environmental disaster. The established relationships in ecological differentiation of plant communities will be applied to further monitoring of biodiversity state, preservation and possible restoration of vegetation types that were native for this unique territory

    Ensuring the Systematic Entry of Scientific and Publishing Activities of NAS of Ukraine Into Digital Scientific Communications

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    Relevance. The development of digital technologies, the dominance of globalization processes in the world have radically changed the principles and means of scientific communication. A necessary condition for the dynamic development of scientific and publishing activities was the realization of the need to perceive changes in the digital world and the search for ways to solve certain problems in the new environment. The aim of the article is to analyze the scientific and methodological support of the transformation of publishing activities of the NAS of Ukraine and the inclusion of global trends in digital communications, which was implemented by the Publishing House "Akademperiodyka" as the basic organization of the Scientific Publishing Council of the NAS of Ukraine. The methodology is based on methods of analysis and synthesis of information on methods and means of entering the scientific and publishing activities of the NAS of Ukraine into the system of modern digital communication. The novelty of the study lies in highlighting the current process of entry of scientific and publishing activities in the system of digital scientific communication for the last ten years, which is presented for the first time. Conclusions: for the last 10 years, the Publishing House "Akademperiodyka" has consistently and persistently carried out systematic steps towards achieving important scientific and practical results in the direction of adaptation of publishing processes and integration of academic publications to modern requirements of world scientific communications. Considerable attention was paid to improving the coordination and information-analytical and methodological support of the appropriate level of publications of basic and applied research in the NAS of Ukraine, raising the level of academic scientific journals based on modern publishing information and communication technologies. A solid foundation has been laid for the introduction of international publishing standards and digital models of publishing, which create prospects for stable and effective functioning of the publishing activities of the NAS of Ukraine in the dynamic formation of the digital society

    First records of Uromyces glycyrrhizae (Pucciniales) in Ukraine

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    У травні та вересні 2017 р. на східному узбережжі Куяльницького лиману (Одеська обл., Україна) на Glycyrrhiza glabra – рослині, включений до Червоної книги України, було відмічено епіфітотійний розвиток нового для України іржастого гриба Uromyces glycyrrhizae. До нашої знахідки цей вид був відомий з Європи, північної Африки, Азії та Північної Америки. Причини того, чому U. glycyrrhizae був відмічений в Україні лише нещодавно, залишаються нез'ясованими, але, беручи до уваги, що в Європі цей вид поширений тільки в південних регіонах, це може бути обумовлено глобальними змінами клімату. Стаття ілюстрована оригінальними мікрофотографіями.В мае и сентябре 2017 г. на восточном побережье Куяльницкого лимана (Одесская обл., Украина) на Glycyrrhiza glabra – растении, внесенном в Красную книгу Украины, было отмечено эпифитотийное развитие нового для Украины ржавчинного гриба Uromyces glycyrrhizae. До нашей находки этот вид был известен из Европы, северной Африки, Азии и Северной Америки. Причины того, почему U. glycyrrhizae был отмечен в Украине лишь недавно, остаются невыясненными, однако, принимая во внимание, что в Европе этот вид распространен только в южных регионах, это может быть обусловлено глобальными изменениями климата. Статья иллюстрирована оригинальными микрофотографиями.Epiphytotic development of a new for Ukraine rust fungus Uromyces glycyrrhizae was recorded in May and September 2017 on the eastern shore of Kuyalnik Estuary (Odesa Region, Ukraine) on Glycyrrhiza glabra, a species listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine. Hitherto, the fungus was reported for Europe, northern Africa, Asia and North America. The reason why U. glycyrrhizae was recorded in Ukraine only recently remains unclear, but taking into account that this species in Europe is confined to its warmer part, climate change might be argued as a cause of this. The article is illustrated by original micrographs

    Language of publishing: global trends and national characteristics

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    A specialized resource for the academic books: pilot version

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    Stating the Subject of the Study. Efforts for the concept development, creation and testing of the pilot versionof a web-resource organized and maintained in English are analyzed. The resource aimed to increase the visibilityof the scientific results of Academia’s researches. Problem Statement. Achieving the desired result requires collecting, unification, translation into English and edition of the information regarding every book. This must be disseminated through placing the book’s metadata to the Internet and receiving the DOI for each item. Stating the Aim of the Study. The aim of the article is to describe the basics and the production stages of a dedicated resource according to the Targeted complex program of NAS of Ukraine "The basics of the financial support and the provision of the development conditions of the scientific and publishing complex of NAS of Ukraine". This resource is needed to provide the audience worldwide with the access to the scientific monographs that were prepared and published by members of Academia due to the spread of the crucial world trends for the open access to the results of scientific researches. Research methodology. Traditional methods for the bibliography and sources analysis as well as statistical and scientometric methods were used together with the basics of the monitoring studies. Results of the Study. As a result of many years of research provided by Publishing House "Akademperiodyka" of NAS of Ukraine the basis for the favorable conditions for the development of scientific publishing were created. This includes the provision of the high-quality publishing products creation together with their integration into the Ukrainian and international info space. Novelty. The novelty of provided results consists of a creation of indexed complex webresource focused on the books produced by NAS of Ukraine according to the world requirements. This includes the provision of metadata in English. The practical significance. Conducted works are focused on the complete integration of the national scholars into world scientometric systems. The results intended to make the data concerning the scientific books published by scholars and institutions of NAS of Ukraine open for the audience and electronically accessible through a single web-resource

    The Alien Fraction of the Woody Flora of Yelanetskyi Step Nature Reserve, Southern Ukraine

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    Results of investigations on the patterns of distribution and dispersal of alien species of trees and shrubs in the territory of a steppe protected area, Yelanetskyi Step Nature Reserve (Mykolaiv Region, southern Ukraine), are presented. We registered within this protected area 10 alien woody species. For the most widespread ones (Ulmus pumila L., Gleditsia triacanthos L., Elaeagnus angustifolia L., Robinia pseudoacacia L.), we carried out ecological analyses. In order to establish the scope of impact of ecological factors upon these species, their specificity, and interdependence between ecological factors, the phytoindication method was applied (Didukh, 2012). The results of our analysis conducted on 12 main ecological factors (as outlined by Didukh, 2011), such as soil water regime (Hd), variability of damping (Fh), soil aeration (Ae), soil acidity (Rc), nitrogen content (Nt), salt regime (Sl), carbonate content in soil (Ca), thermoregime (Tm), climate humidity (Om), continentality (Kn), cryoregime (Cr), and light intensity (Lc), show that dispersal of model alien species does not have ecological limitation. However, E.angustifolia and R.pseudoacacia have the strongest capacity to penetrate the steppe communities, especially disturbed ones. Further dispersal of these alien species in the studied area and adjacent territories is hampered only by the integrity of the structure of steppe communities

    Syntaxonomy of halophytic vegetation of Kuialnyk estuary

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    An improvement of zenithal rocket complexes of tactical link is with the use of technology of digital arrays

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    Розглядаються відмінні риси і переваги застосування цифрових антенних решіток та РЛС, створюваних на їхній основі. Пропонуються шляхи впровадження технології цифрових антенних решіток при модернізації існуючих та розробці нових зенітних ракетних комплексів тактичної ланки.Рассматриваются отличные черты и преимущества цифровых антенных решеток и РЛС создаваемых на их основе. Предлагаются пути внедрения технологии антенных решеток при модернизации существующих и при разработке новых зенитных ракетных комплексов тактического звена.Distinguishing features and advantages of digital arrays are examined and RLS, created on their basis. The ways of introduction of technology of digital arrays are offered during modernization of existing and development of new zenithal rocket complexes of tactical link