385 research outputs found

    Thin electron-scale layers at the magnetopause

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    We use data from the four Cluster satellites to examine the microphysics of a thin electron-scale layer discovered on the magnetospheric side of the magnetopause. Here the ion and electron motions are decoupled in a layer about 20 km (a few electron scales) wide, including currents and strong electric fields. In this layer the electrons are E x B drifting with the ions as a background, and the region can be described by Hall MHD physics. A unique identification of the source of the thin layer is not possible, but our observations are consistent with recent simulations showing thin layers associated with the separatrix extending far away from a reconnection diffusion region

    Solar wind test of the de Broglie-Proca's massive photon with Cluster multi-spacecraft data

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    Our understanding of the universe at large and small scales relies largely on electromagnetic observations. As photons are the messengers, fundamental physics has a concern in testing their properties, including the absence of mass. We use Cluster four spacecraft data in the solar wind at 1 AU to estimate the mass upper limit for the photon. We look for deviations from Amp\`ere's law, through the curlometer technique for the computation of the magnetic field, and through the measurements of ion and electron velocities for the computation of the current. We show that the upper bound for mγm_\gamma lies between 1.4×10491.4 \times 10^{-49} and 3.4×10513.4 \times 10^{-51} kg, and thereby discuss the currently accepted lower limits in the solar wind.Comment: The paper points out that actual photon mass upper limits (in the solar wind) are too optimistic and model based. We instead perform a much more experiment oriented measurement. This version matches that accepted by Astroparticle Physic

    Electron Dynamics in the Diffusion Region of an Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection

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    During a magnetopause crossing near the subsolar point Cluster observes the ion diffusion region of antiparallel magnetic reconnection. The reconnecting plasmas are asymmetric, differing in magnetic field strength, density, and temperature. Spatial changes in the electron distributions in the diffusion region are resolved and investigated in detail. Heating of magnetosheath electrons parallel to the magnetic field is observed. This heating is shown to be consistent with trapping of magnetosheath electrons by parallel electric fields

    Compressional Pc5 type pulsations in the morningside plasma sheet

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    International audienceWe study compressional pulsations in Pc5 frequency range observed in the dawn-side at distances of about 10 RE , close to the magnetic equator. We use data obtained during two events of conjunctions between Equator-S and Geotail: 1000?1700 UT on 9 March 1998, and 0200?0600 UT on 25 April 1998. In both events, pulsations are observed after substorm activity. The pulsations are antisymmetric with respect to the equatorial plane (even mode), and move eastward with phase velocity close to plasma velocity. The pulsations tend to be pressure balanced. We also discuss possible generation mechanisms of the pulsations

    Middle-energy electron anisotropies in the auroral region

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    Field-aligned anisotropic electron distribution functions of <i>T</i><sub>∥</sub> > <i>T</i><sub>⊥</sub> type are observed on auroral field lines at both low and high altitudes. We show that typically the anisotropy is limited to a certain range of energies, often below 1keV, although sometimes extending to slightly higher energies as well. Almost always there is simultaneously an isotropic electron distribution at higher energies. Often the anisotropies are up/down symmetrical, although cases with net upward or downward electron flow also occur. For a statistical analysis of the anisotropies we divide the energy range into low (below 100eV), middle (100eV–1keV) and high (above 1keV) energies and develop a measure of anisotropy expressed in density units. The statistical magnetic local time and invariant latitude distribution of the middle-energy anisotropies obeys that of the average auroral oval, whereas the distributions of the low and high energy anisotropies are more irregular. This suggests that it is specifically the middle-energy anisotropies that have something to do with auroral processes. The anisotropy magnitude decreases monotonically with altitude, as one would expect, because electrons have high mobility along the magnetic field and thus, the anisotropy properties spread rapidly to different altitudes.<br><br> <b>Key words.</b> Magnetospheric physics (auroral phenomena). Space plasma physics (wave-particle interactions; changed particle motion and acceleration

    Intermittent energy dissipation by turbulent reconnection

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    Magnetic reconnection—the process responsible for many explosive phenomena in both nature and laboratory—is efficient at dissipating magnetic energy into particle energy. To date, exactly how this dissipation happens remains unclear, owing to the scarcity of multipoint measurements of the “diffusion region” at the sub-ion scale. Here we report such a measurement by Cluster—four spacecraft with separation of 1/5 ion scale. We discover numerous current filaments and magnetic nulls inside the diffusion region of magnetic reconnection, with the strongest currents appearing at spiral nulls (O-lines) and the separatrices. Inside each current filament, kinetic-scale turbulence is significantly increased and the energy dissipation, E′ ⋅ j, is 100 times larger than the typical value. At the jet reversal point, where radial nulls (X-lines) are detected, the current, turbulence, and energy dissipations are surprisingly small. All these features clearly demonstrate that energy dissipation in magnetic reconnection occurs at O-lines but not X-lines

    Generation of Bernstein waves by ion shell distributions in the auroral region

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    International audienceHot ion shell distributions could possibly contain enough free energy for waves that could power electron energisation above auroral inverted-V regions. Using both linear theory (WHAMP) and two-dimensional electrostatic simulations, we show that ion shell distributions can cause unstable ion Bernstein mode emissions with high temporal growth rates, as well as perpendicular and parallel e-folding distances, that are in accordance with the tranverse dimensions of auroral arcs and the parallel size of the energisation region, respectively. The phase velocities of the waves are in the proper range to give parallel energisation to electrons with a Landau resonance. The simulation shows that about 90% of the energy goes into electrons and 10% goes into cold ion perpendicular heating. An electron heating rate of ~ 80 eV/s is obtained

    Identification of broad-band waves above the auroral acceleration region: Cluster observations

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    We investigate broad-band emissions at frequencies above the ion gyrofrequency on auroral field lines at geocentric distances of about 4.5 Earth radii. Observations by the Cluster satellites are used to study the wave characteristics and to determine the wave modes involved. All events include some bursts of broad-band emissions with a substantial component of the electric field parallel to the geomagnetic field. Studying the polarization of the emissions we find that linear waves in a homogeneous plasma can be used to theoretically describe the observations. </p><p style="line-height: 20px;"> The broad-band emissions include short bursts of ion acoustic waves, and longer periods of ion Bernstein and Electrostatic Ion Cyclotron (EIC) waves. All waves occur during the same event within a few seconds, with EIC waves as the most common. Theoretically, there is no sharp limit between these wave modes and they can be described by the same dispersion surface. These emissions are closely associated with low-frequency Alfvén waves, indicating a possible generation mechanism.<br><br> <b>Key words.</b> Magnetospheric physics (auroral phenomena; electric fields; plasma waves and instabilities

    Relativistic filamentary equilibria

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    Plasma filamentation is often encountered in collisionless shocks and inertial confinement fusion. We develop a general analytical description of the two-dimensional relativistic filamentary equilibrium and derive the conditions for existence of potential-free equilibria. A pseudopotential equation for the vector-potential is constructed for cold and relativistic Maxwellian distributions. The role of counter-streaming is explained. We present single current sheet and periodic current sheet solutions, and analyze the equilibria with electric potential. These solutions can be used to study linear and nonlinear evolution of the relativistic filamentation instabilit

    Supermagnetosonic jets behind a collisionless quasi-parallel shock

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    The downstream region of a collisionless quasi-parallel shock is structured containing bulk flows with high kinetic energy density from a previously unidentified source. We present Cluster multi-spacecraft measurements of this type of supermagnetosonic jet as well as of a weak secondary shock front within the sheath, that allow us to propose the following generation mechanism for the jets: The local curvature variations inherent to quasi-parallel shocks can create fast, deflected jets accompanied by density variations in the downstream region. If the speed of the jet is super(magneto)sonic in the reference frame of the obstacle, a second shock front forms in the sheath closer to the obstacle. Our results can be applied to collisionless quasi-parallel shocks in many plasma environments.Comment: accepted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (Nov 5, 2009