14 research outputs found

    Dynamic thinking and complexity: considerations for health promotion

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    The aim of this perspective paper is to present a new and unique viewpoint on existing challenges, fundamental concepts, and prevalent notions on health promotion. Paper focuses on possible implications of a newly implemented Healthy Boost project. We further discuss existing health promotion interventions from the standpoint of dynamic complex systems while exploring the need to foster the cooperation component. Disclosure of these relationships and their utilization for structure optimization and evolution of functional possibilities, through the use of the dynamic characteristics of determined chaos at various levels, demonstrate plausible opportunities for the effective implementation of health promotion projects. The topic of health promotion effectiveness is of societal concern to a wider audience and to the scholarly community in general. Consequently, this perspective piece advances the future direction of application of Healthy Boost project within complexity framework

    Alcohol control policies reduce all-cause mortality in Baltic Countries and Poland between 2001 and 2020

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    Funding Information: Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism of the National Institutes of Health (NIAAA) (Award Number 1R01AA028224). Publisher Copyright: © 2023, The Author(s).Alcohol consumption in the Baltic countries and Poland is among the highest globally, causing high all-cause mortality rates. Contrary to Poland, the Baltic countries have adopted many alcohol control policies, including the World Health Organization (WHO) "best buys". The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of these policies, which were implemented between 2001 and 2020, on all-cause mortality. Monthly mortality data for men and women aged 20+ years of age in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland were analysed for 2001 to 2020. A total of 19 alcohol control policies, fulfilling an a-priori defined definition, were implemented between 2001 and 2020 in the countries of interest, and 18 of them could be tested. Interrupted time-series analyses were conducted by employing a generalized additive mixed model (GAMM) for men and women separately. The age-standardized all-cause mortality rate was lowest in Poland and highest in Latvia and had decreased in all countries over the time period. Taxation increases and availability restrictions had short-term effects in all countries, on average reducing the age-standardized all-cause mortality rate among men significantly (a reduction of 2.31% (95% CI 0.71%, 3.93%; p = 0.0045)). All-cause mortality rates among women were not significantly reduced (a reduction of 1.09% (95% CI - 0.02%, 2.20%; p = 0.0554)). In conclusion, the alcohol control policies implemented between 2001 and 2020 reduced all-cause mortality among men 20+ years of age in Baltic countries and Poland, and thus, the practice should be continued.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Genetic analysis of Impatiens glandulifera using ISSR markers in some Europian countries

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    Iš vakarų Himalajų kilęs vienametis žolinis augalas – bitinė sprigė (Impatiens glandulifera Royle) šiuo metu yra vienas iš labiausiai plintančių svetimkraščių augalų Europoje. To pasekoje bitinė sprigė išstumia vietines augalų rūšis ir okupuoja pakrančių augavietes. Populiacijų paplitimo genetiniai duomenys bei dabartinės padėties įvertinimas yra svarbūs tam, kad būtų galima nuspėti bitinės sprigės plėtrą ateityje bei imtis atitinkamų veiksmų natūraliai augalų rūšinei sudėčiai išlaikyti. Mes surinkome bitinės sprigės augalus iš 13 geografiškai skirtingų Europos vietovių, esančių Lietuvoje ir kitose šalyse: Olandijoje, Belgijoje, Liuksemburge, Vokietijoje (Heepen, Rinteln, Bad Zalzuflen, Seeker), Šveicarijoje, Austrijoje, Vengrijoje, Čekijoje. Šias populiacijas genetiškai ištyrėme paprastų pasikartojančių sekų intarpų metodu, panaudojant 4 oligonukleotidinius pradmenis: ISSR2, ISSR3, ISSR4 bei ISSR5. PGR poduktai buvo leidžiami 1,5 proc. agarozės gelyje, elektroforezės rezultatai fotografuojami ir analizuojami. Fragmentų ilgis išmatuotas pagal 100 plus bp ilgio standartus. Nustatyta, kad populiacijoms būdinga – genetinė diferenciacija: skirtumai tarp populiacijų sudarė 81 proc. ir populiacijų viduje 19 proc. DNR polimorfizmas tarp populiacijų svyravo 30,3 proc. (Vokietija, Bad Zalzuflen) – 5,6 proc. (Šveicarija ir Lietuva) ribose, (vidutinis – 16,1 proc). Pagal Nei genetinį atstumą labiausiai atsiskiria šiaurės Liuksemburgo ir Lietuvos populiacijos (0,570), pagal genetinį panašumą labiausiai panašios – dvi Vokietijos populiacijos (Bad Zalzuflen ir Rinteln populiacijos; 0,831), mažiausias genetinis panašumas (0,566) nustatytas tarp Lietuvos ir vienos iš Liuksemburgo populiacijų. Principinė koordinačių analizė ir UPGMA klasterių analizė ir jos pagrindu sudarytas genetinio giminingumo medis parodė, kad tik kai kurių populiacijų genetiniam polimorfizmui turi įtakos geografinė padėtis. Tai galima paaiškinti faktu, kad bitinė sprigė plinta ne tik natūraliai – palei upelius, griovius, bet yra platinama žmogaus tiek netikslingai, tiek tikslingai pervežama įvairiais atstumais ir kryptimis.Impatiens glandulifera is annual weed that came from West of Himalays and nowadays is highly invasive in almost whole Europe and occurs in various habitats. As a result of this fact Impatiens glandulifera displace native species and occupies growing areas near the rivers. Population genetic data on genetic peculiarities may aid in the management of the invasive species. We collected Impatiens glandulifera plants from 13 different abitats located in Lithuania and in the other European countries: Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany (Heepen, Rinteln, Bad Zalzuflen, Seeker, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary and Czech Republic. These populations we compared using an intersimple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers: ISSR2, ISSR3, ISSR4 and ISSR5. PCR products were separated by 1,5 percent agarose gel, photographed and statistically analyzed. Fragment length was measured by Gene Ruller (100 bp length standards). Among populations of Impatiens glandulifera genetic parameters ranged in the following intervals: percentage of polymorphic DNA within populations was between 5,6 percent (Switzerland and Lithuania) and 30,3 percent (Germany, Bad Zalzuflen), mean being – 16,1 percent. In accordance with Nei’s gene diversity index, the most different were northern Luxembourg and Lithuanian populations (0,570), and the most simillar were two populations from Germany (Bad Zalzuflen and Rinteln populations; 0,831). It was found genetic difference between populations – 57 percent, within population 19 percent and 24 percent of the molecular diversity within countries. The principle coordinate analyses of populations and genetic tree built on the bases of UPGMA cluster analyses showed relations to geographical position of sampling sites only for part of populations. It might be explained by the fact that Himalayan balsam is spreading not only naturally - along streams, ditches, but it is unintentionally and intentionally distributed by the human in different distances and directions.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Associations between weight status and home environment of Lithuanian first-graders

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    Introduction/Aim: Childhood overweight is related to family environment and attitudes, therefore the aim of this presentation is to evaluate associations between weight status of first-graders and their home environment. Methodology: The preliminary results of the data collected participating in the WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative in 2016 is presented. Our target population were 5800 Lithuanian first-graders and their parents. Data about 4203 children were collected. Anthropometric measurements of first-graders (6-9 years old) were performed. BMI of children was evaluated using IOTF cut-offs (2000). Family questionnaires were addressed to parents. Associations between weight status and home environment were analyzed using binary logistic regression where overweight (including obesity) was independent variable. Results: Prevalence of overweight and obesity among first-graders was respectively 13.4% and 6.6%. Smaller likelihood of being overweight had children whose parents encouraged child to eat healthy foods before unhealthy ones (OR 1.333, CI 1.058- 1.596) and those children whose parents allowed them to eat snacks whenever she/he wanted (OR 1.709, CI 1.404-2.079). Greater likelihood of being overweight (including obesity) had children whose parents were guiding them not to eat too much their favourite foods (OR 1.794, CI 1.431-2.250) and haven’t forced to eat if their child was not hungry (OR 2.594, CI 2.116- 3.181). Conclusions: The prevalence of overweight and obesity among first-graders in Lithuania was not high compared to other European countries. Most families intended to create positive home environment for first-graders

    Associations between overweight and obesity of 7 years old children and their daily habits

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    Background and Aims Daily lifestyle habits of families depend on many factors: traditions, knowledge, attitudes towards health, financial possibilities, ability to choose, etc. Our aim was to evaluate associations between excess body weight of 7 years old children and their daily habits. Methods National Lithuanian children growth surveillance study was performed in 2013. The data were collected participating in the WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative. 4463 first formers were participating in this study. We analysed data collected form 3838 seven years old children. Data related to children habits were collected using questionnaires addressed to their parents. Anthropometric measurements were performed at schools using standardised procedures and equipment. BMI of children was classified using IOTF cut-offs. Associations were analysed using binary logistic regression. Results The prevalence of overweight was 12.3 % (n=475), obesity – 6.1 % (n=236). The odds ratio (OR) for being overweight or obese were higher for children who never (OR 1.879, CI 1.411- 2.502) or some days (OR 1.31, CI 1.05-1.635) had breakfast compared to those, who had breakfast every day. Playing computer 3 or more hours per day on weekends (OR 1.5, CI 1.06-2.143), being brought form school by car (OR 1.521, CI 1.048-2.208) and never eating fresh vegetables (OR 1.45, CI 1.063-1.976) were main predictors to be overweight or obese. Conclusions Obesity and overweight of children were related to modifieable daily habits of children. Obesity control interventions should be focused on changing daily lifestyle habits of families

    Development of tobacco control in Lithuania and changes in indicators related to tobacco use

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    In the early 1990s Lithuania had a high smoking prevalence among men and relatively low rates among women. The prevalence reached its peak in 2000. Thereafter, smoking rates declined, until recent years, when the smoking rates stagnated. In order to manage the harmful impact on society, tobacco policy changes were introduced in 1995 in the form the “Law on Control of Tobacco, Tobacco Products, and Related Products”

    The Associations between body mass index of seven- and eight-year-old children, dietary behaviour and nutrition-related parenting practices

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    Background and objective: Body mass index (BMI) is one of the key indicators used to measure the growth of children. It could be affected by the children’s nutrition, which is essential for the proper development of the child. Nutrition of children could be affected by many environmental factors, for example, the socioeconomic environment of the family. The aim of this study was to identify the associations between the BMI of seven- and eight-year-old children, dietary behaviour and nutrition-related parenting practices. Materials and Methods: The study was carried out as part of theWorld Health Organization European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (WHO COSI). Data were collected using two instruments: objective anthropometric measurements and a questionnaire. The target participant group was 3969 Lithuanian first-formers. Factor analysis was used to summarise questions from the family form. Linear regression analysis was used to identify the associations between various factors and the BMI value of the children. The association between two groups of factors was analysed using Spearman correlation. Results: Factors of dietary behaviour like unhealthy food and proteins were significantly positively associated with BMI in children, while consumption of plant-based, dairy and confectionery items was significantly negatively associated with BMI. Factors of nutrition-related parenting practices like control of unhealthy food, food as a reward or punishment, and mealtime were significantly positively associated with BMI, while encouragement, pressure to eat, and liberal attitude were significantly negatively associated with BMI. The strongest associations were between control of unhealthy food and unhealthy food; cost of and preferences for food and plant-based food; variety of food and proteins; variety of food and plant-based food compared to other associations. [...]

    WHO childhood obesity surveillance intiative: Lithuania

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    Background and aims. In 2007 under the Initiative of WHO it was established a European Childhood Obesity Surveillance System. Lithuania participated in this Initiative from the very beginning. The Growth Surveillance Study of Lithuanian Children was performed four times in 2008, 2010, 2013 and 2016. In Lithuania there was no representative data on the main growth parameters, therefore the aim of National Surveyin Lithuania wasto evaluate anthropometrical indexes ofyoungerschoolage children ofLithuania and their links between lifestyle, socialand familyfactors. According to previous studies in Lithuania the prevalence of overweight (including obesity) among 7 year old boys and girls was respectively 16.1% and 16.2% (IOTF criteria) in 2008 and 24.8% among boys and 21.0% among girls (WHO criteria) [1]. In 2010 the prevalence of overweight (including obesity) was 16.0% among boys and 17.7% among girls (IOTF criteria) and 24.4% among boys and 21.0%amonggirls (WHO criteria)[2].In2013 the prevalence ofoverweight(including obesity)among7yearoldboys and girls wasrespectively 19.1%and 19.0%(IOTFcriteria)[3]. The national data collected in2016 willallowto compare the tendencies ofprevalence ofnormaland excess bodyweight in eight yearsperiod. Methods. Our target population was 5800 first-formers. Primary schools were randomly selected from the list of all primary schools provided by Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania. In the fourth round of National Survey 102 schools agreed to participate. Inthe beginning of2016 there was28 323 7.0-7.9yearsoldchildren in Lithuania. Preparation for thesurveyand trainingofexaminerswasimplementedin March and April. Printedinstructionsfor examinerswere prepared and distributed. They were trained to measure weight and height, communicate with children and personnel at schools. Examiners were standardized before leaving to the fields. The examiners team consisted of [...]