11 research outputs found

    Enhancement of A Road Sign Board Using Wireless Sensors

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    Road sign Detection and recognition is a real time system. It is also known as a Driver Assistant System(DAS) and it is one of the key technologies of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). This System is being more and important with improving urban scale and increasing number of vehicles. Previous researches on this topic focus mainly on sign board detection with its color or shape. In this work, we present results of an attempt to locating traffic signs with wireless sensor networks which is useful to the driver to provide information regarding the traffic rules, instructions and information given on the road at the time of driving irrespective of the weather condition or any obstacle which may make sign boards difficult to see for drivers. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15069


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    Now a day there has been an important development in different dosage forms for existing and newly designed drugs and natural products, and synthetic as well as semi-synthetic excipients always need to be used for a variety of purposes. Gums and mucilages are widely used as natural materials for conventional and novel dosage forms. With the increasing interest in polymers of natural origin, the pharmaceutical world has compliance to use most of them in their formulations. Moreover, the tremendous orientation of Pharmaceutical world towards these naturally derived polymers has become a subject of increasing interest to discover, extract and purify such compounds from the reported origin. These polymers such as natural gums and mucilage are bio-compatible, cheap and easily available and are preferred to synthetic and semi synthetic excipients because of their lack of toxicity, low cost, availability, soothing action and non irritant nature. In the present review gums and mucilage’s, used as a excipients as well as carrier for sustained or controlled release

    Study of Prostatic Lesions in Tertiary Care Hospital In Konakan Region: Histomorplogical Lesions

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    Background: Prostate gland isinvolved in three pathologic processes namely prostatitis, nodular hyperplasia and carcinoma. The important causes for prostatic morbidity and mortality are inflammation, nodular enlargement and tumours. BPH is a part of normal ageing process affecting 210 million males worldwide.BPH is the most common urologic disorder in men beyond 40 years of age group and is almost present in men aged 80-90 years of age group. Furthermore, prostatic tumoursare a very important cause of male morbidity and mortality and prostate cancer is second only to lung cancer among cancer-related deaths in men. Objective: To study prevalence and incidence of various morphologic types of prostatic lesions in tertiary care hospital in Konkan region. Materials and Methods: The present study was carried out in the Department of Pathology at Dervan, Sawarde for two year period from 1st Jan 2019 to 31st Dec 2020. The prostatic tissues bits/ biopsies received at the Pathology Department were included in the study. Results: A total of 76 cases were included in the study. BPH was diagnosed in 60 patients while malignancy was diagnosed in 16 patients. Two patients had previous history of prostatic carcinoma and presented with metastatic disease at the time of the study. Conclusion: BPH is commonest lesion in advancing age however continuous monitoring of symptomatic patient is necessary with advancing age. The PSA Values above 20.1ng/ml are significantly correlated to prostatic carcinoma

    A Review of the Pharmacological Characteristics of Vanillic Acid

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    A dihydroxybenzoic acid analog used as a flavoring agent is vanillic acid (4hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoic acid). It's a form of vanillin that has been oxidized. It's also a step in the process of making vanillin from Ferulic Acid. Vanillic acid has seen a lot of press because of its many uses in the cosmetics, fruit, flavorings, cigarettes,alcohols, drinks, and polymer sectors. It's said to have effective antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective properties. The pharmacological impact on oxidative stress-induced neuro-degeneration, on the other hand, have not been thoroughly examined. The pharmacological properties of vanillic Acid lead to its possible use in the treatment of various diseases. Keywords: Vanillic acid, Pharmacological Potential, wound healing, Antioxidant