45 research outputs found

    Open Medical Library : cooperation and Scientific Communication Network through RSS

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    One of the fastest and most performing tools on Web 2.0 is RSS (Really Simple Syndication). It allows the access to digital content without constantly visiting the pages where it is stored. Syndication enables to share all kind of informationin XML format, and offers us the opportunity of showing our own content in other web pages in an integrated way, giving an added value to the information. In this communication we would like to present a Network Collaborative Project between medical libraries belonging to different institutions, located in different geographical areas and with different purposes, objectives and interests (some of them focusing on research and teaching and other on medical practice). Our medical libraries have incorporated "the content syndication", on the one hand, as another tool for medical librarian work and, on the other hand, as a value-added service in order to be useful to different users such as medical staff, teachers, researchers or students. RSS lets us share information channels, creating a space for collaborative research. Syndication is a great help to our users as it develops a new trend in the content management sector, which is changing considerably the relationship with information, for both users and librarians' point of view

    Eines i recursos documentals per la docència i recerca

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    Curs IDES realitzat al febrer de 2012.L'activitat docent i investigadora a la Universitat precisa, per un costat, d'un bon coneixement i maneig dels recursos documentals existents, base de les investigacions actuals i futures i, per l'altre, de l'existència de plataformes que en permetin la seva difusió i visibilitat. Presenta les eines i recursos documentals principals que el Servei de Biblioteques posa a disposició dels docents i investigadors. Proporciona informació per donar més visibilitat a les creacions i investigacions del personal docent i investigador. Facilita la cerca d'informació necessària requerida per acreditacions oficials (ANECA, AQU, CNEAI...)

    Open Medical Library: Cooperation and Scientific Communication Network through RSS

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    http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:179869One of the fastest and most performing tools on Web 2.0 is RSS (Really Simple Syndication). It allows the access to digital content without constantly visiting the pages where it is stored. Syndication enables to share all kind of information in XML format, and offers us the opportunity of showing our own content in other web pages in an integrated way, giving an added value to the information. In this communication we would like to present a Network Collaborative Project between medical libraries belonging to different institutions, located in different geographical areas and with different purposes, objectives and interests (some of them focusing on research and teaching and other on medical practice). Our medical libraries have incorporated “the content syndication”, on the one hand, as another tool for medical librarian work and, on the other hand, as a value-added service in order to be useful to different users such as medical staff, teachers, researchers or students. RSS lets us share information channels, creating a space for collaborative research. Syndication is a great help to our users as it develops a new trend in the content management sector, which is changing considerably the relationship with information, for both users and librarians’ point of view

    El Procés de cerca bibliogràfica en Medicina

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    Formació dirigida als alumnes de l'assignatura "Pràctica Clínica" de la Llicenciatura de Medicina i del Grau de Medicina de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, a partir del curs 2012/2013L'objectiu d'aquestes presentacions és proporcionar als alumnes de Medicina els coneixements bàsics per a l'ús eficient de les principals fonts d'informació de l'àrea de les Ciències de la Salut

    Publicar en accés obert

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    Presentació preparada en el marc del Programa de Formació de Doctors on es dóna una visió de tots els aspectes que cal tenir en compte per a publicar en accés obert. S'expliquen els següents continguts: 1. Què és l'accés obert? 2. Com publicar en accés obert. 3. Sistemes d'identificació d'autors i identitat digital. 4. Xarxes socials acadèmiques. 5. Recomanacion

    Cerca d'informació en Fisioteràpia

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    L'objectiu d'aquests documents és proporcionar als alumnes de 4t del Grau de Fisioteràpia els coneixements bàsics per a l'ús eficient de les principals fonts d'informació en l'àrea de la Fisioteràpia

    Open medical library: cooperation and scientific communication

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    One of the fastest and most performing tools on Web 2.0 is RSS (Really Simple Syndication). It allows the access to digital content without constantly visiting the pages where it is stored. Syndication enables to share all kind of information in XML format, and offers us the opportunity of showing our own content in other web pages in an integrated way, giving an added value to the information. In this communication we would like to present a Network Collaborative Project between medical libraries belonging to different institutions, located in different geographical areas and with different purposes, objectives and interests (some of them focusing on research and teaching and other on medical practice). Our medical libraries have incorporated “the content syndication”, on the one hand, as another tool for medical librarian work and, on the other hand, as a value-added service in order to be useful to different users such as medical staff, teachers, researchers or students. RSS lets us share information channels, creating a space for collaborative research. Syndication is a great help to our users as it develops a new trend in the content management sector, which is changing considerably the relationship with information, for both users and librarians’ point of view

    Com està el servei! : auca del Servei de Biblioteques /

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    Material promocional part de la commemoració del registre 1 milió del catàleg de les Biblioteques de la UA