132 research outputs found

    EasyPrimer: user-friendly tool for pan-PCR/HRM primers design. Development of an HRM protocol on wzi gene for fast Klebsiella pneumoniae typing

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    In this work we present EasyPrimer, a user-friendly online tool developed to assist pan-PCR and High Resolution Melting (HRM) primer design. The tool finds the most suitable regions for primer design in a gene alignment and returns a clear graphical representation of their positions on the consensus sequence. EasyPrimer is particularly useful in difficult contexts, e.g. on gene alignments of hundreds of sequences and/or on highly variable genes. HRM analysis is an emerging method for fast and cost saving bacterial typing and an HRM scheme of six primer pairs on five Multi-Locus Sequence Type (MLST) genes is already available for Klebsiella pneumoniae. We validated the tool designing a scheme of two HRM primer pairs on the hypervariable gene wzi of Klebsiella pneumoniae and compared the two schemes. The wzi scheme resulted to have a discriminatory power comparable to the HRM MLST scheme, using only one third of primer pairs. Then we successfully used the wzi HRM primer scheme to reconstruct a Klebsiella pneumoniae nosocomial outbreak in few hours. The use of hypervariable genes reduces the number of HRM primer pairs required for bacterial typing allowing to perform cost saving, large-scale surveillance programs

    Carcinoma basocellulare nel genere femminile: indagine clinico-epidemiologica di una neoplasia sorprendentemente prevalente al femminile nelle decadi basse e medie della vita

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    Da ormai diversi anni, un crescente numero di studi sul carcinoma basocellulare ha messo in luce un costante aumento dell’incidenza di questo tumore nella popolazione generale [1-5]. Questo lavoro si prefissa di delineare gli aspetti clinico-epidemiologici del carcinoma basocellulare mediante un’analisi retrospettiva della popolazione afferente presso la Clinica Dermatologica della Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo di Pavia, proponendo quindi un’indagine sull’arco degli ultimi 10 anni, incentrata sulla frequenza di questa neoplasia nel sesso femminile. Da tale indagine emerge in modo chiaro come in quest’ultimo decennio le donne giovani-adulte trattate per carcinoma basocellulare nella nostra Clinica siano aumentate in modo considerevole e come, contrariamente alle età più avanzate, nelle decadi basse il genere femminile sia maggiormente rappresentato

    Diffusion in liquid mixtures

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    The understanding of transport and mixing in fluids in the presence and in the absence of external fields and reactions represents a challenging topic of strategic relevance for space exploration. Indeed, mixing and transport of components in a fluid are especially important during long-term space missions where fuels, food and other materials, needed for the sustainability of long space travels, must be processed under microgravity conditions. So far, the processes of transport and mixing have been investigated mainly at the macroscopic and microscopic scale. Their investigation at the mesoscopic scale is becoming increasingly important for the understanding of mass transfer in confined systems, such as porous media, biological systems and microfluidic systems. Microgravity conditions will provide the opportunity to analyze the effect of external fields and reactions on optimizing mixing and transport in the absence of the convective flows induced by buoyancy on Earth. This would be of great practical applicative relevance to handle complex fluids under microgravity conditions for the processing of materials in space

    Trichphyton violaceum and T. soudanese: re-emerging pathogens in Italy, 2005-2013

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    Dermatomycoses due to Trichophyton violaceum are described in Mediterranean Countries, North Africa and in the Horn of Africa where T. soudanense is present too, but it was rare until few years ago in Italy. Aim of the present study was to evaluate an Italian multicenter 9 year (2005-2013) experience concerning these re-emerging pathogens. Fifty three fungal strains were sent from clinical laboratories to the Medical Mycology Committee (CoSM) - Italian Association of Clinical Microbiology (AMCLI) for mycological confirmation. Strains were identified as T. violaceum (23) and T. soudanense (30) by phenotypic and genotypic methods. These dermatophytes present epidemiological (high rate of inter-human transmission, high risk among adopted children coming from countries of either the Horn of Africa or Sub-Saharan Africa also in outbreaks of tinea capitis) and clinical peculiarities (reduced alopecia, presence of exudative lesions) confirming the originality of these \u201cimported\u201d dermatophyte infection

    Prevalence of urinary colonization by extended spectrum-beta-lactamase Enterobacteriaceae among catheterised inpatients in Italian long term care facilities.

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    Abstract Background: Long Term Care Facilities (LTCFs) play a key role in guaranteeing care to patients in developed countries. Many patients, mostly elderly, access LTCFs at some time in their lives, and their healthcare pathways often require them to move back and forth between hospital and outpatient settings. These patterns bring about new challenges regarding infection control, especially healthcare associated infections. Methods: A point prevalence study was conducted in 23 Italian LTCFs, to identify colonization in patients with urinary catheter (>24 hours). Species identification, susceptibility tests and extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) production screenings were performed using Vitek 2 System. Enterobacteria identified by Vitek 2 System as ESBL-producers or suspected AmpC hyperproducers on the basis of cephamycin resistance, were sent to a research laboratory where they underwent a double-disk synergy test. Finally, ESBL-producers were screened for bla resistance genes by PCR assay. Results: 211 patients with catheter were screened, 185 out of 211 patients showed positive samples for the presence of Enterobacteriaceae, 114 of these 185 patients were colonized by extended spectrum cephalosporins resistant microorganisms. We identified a total of 257 Gram negative pathogens, of which 51.8% (133/257) were extended spectrum cephalosporins resistant. 7 out of 133 cephamycin not susceptible strains proved to be AmpC-type beta-lactamases and 125/133 ESBL-producers; 1 was not further characterized. 43 out of 257 (16.7%) E. coli, 37/257 (14.4%) P. mirabilis, 20/257 (7.8%), P. stuartii, 14/257 (5.4%) M. morganii, 7/257 (2.7%), K. pneumoniae, 4/257 (1.6%) C. koseri proved to be overall ESBL-producers by double-disk synergy test. Third and fourth generation cephalosporin resistant P. mirabilis, P. stuartii and M. morganii strains mainly harboured a blaTEM gene (95.9%), while 89.1% of E. coli were positive for the blaCTX-M determinant by PCR and sequencing. Patients with decubitus had a higher risk of colonization by at least one resistant isolate (p < 0.01). Samples of patients undergoing antibiotic therapy and patients with decubitus showed a higher risk (p < 0.05) of colonization by beta-lactam resistant microorganisms. Conclusions: These data confirm the presence of high percentages of ESBL-positive Enterobacteria in Italian LTCFs and the predominance of CTX-M type ESBL in E. coli. The alarming presence of ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae in Italian LTCFs can seriously compromise the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.acilities (LTCFs), Antimicrobial resistance

    Prevalence of urinary colonization by extended spectrum-beta-lactamase Enterobacteriaceae among catheterised inpatients in Italian long term care facilities.

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    Abstract Background: Long Term Care Facilities (LTCFs) play a key role in guaranteeing care to patients in developed countries. Many patients, mostly elderly, access LTCFs at some time in their lives, and their healthcare pathways often require them to move back and forth between hospital and outpatient settings. These patterns bring about new challenges regarding infection control, especially healthcare associated infections. Methods: A point prevalence study was conducted in 23 Italian LTCFs, to identify colonization in patients with urinary catheter (>24 hours). Species identification, susceptibility tests and extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) production screenings were performed using Vitek 2 System. Enterobacteria identified by Vitek 2 System as ESBL-producers or suspected AmpC hyperproducers on the basis of cephamycin resistance, were sent to a research laboratory where they underwent a double-disk synergy test. Finally, ESBL-producers were screened for bla resistance genes by PCR assay. Results: 211 patients with catheter were screened, 185 out of 211 patients showed positive samples for the presence of Enterobacteriaceae, 114 of these 185 patients were colonized by extended spectrum cephalosporins resistant microorganisms. We identified a total of 257 Gram negative pathogens, of which 51.8% (133/257) were extended spectrum cephalosporins resistant. 7 out of 133 cephamycin not susceptible strains proved to be AmpC-type beta-lactamases and 125/133 ESBL-producers; 1 was not further characterized. 43 out of 257 (16.7%) E. coli, 37/257 (14.4%) P. mirabilis, 20/257 (7.8%), P. stuartii, 14/257 (5.4%) M. morganii, 7/257 (2.7%), K. pneumoniae, 4/257 (1.6%) C. koseri proved to be overall ESBL-producers by double-disk synergy test. Third and fourth generation cephalosporin resistant P. mirabilis, P. stuartii and M. morganii strains mainly harboured a blaTEM gene (95.9%), while 89.1% of E. coli were positive for the blaCTX-M determinant by PCR and sequencing. Patients with decubitus had a higher risk of colonization by at least one resistant isolate (p < 0.01). Samples of patients undergoing antibiotic therapy and patients with decubitus showed a higher risk (p < 0.05) of colonization by beta-lactam resistant microorganisms. Conclusions: These data confirm the presence of high percentages of ESBL-positive Enterobacteria in Italian LTCFs and the predominance of CTX-M type ESBL in E. coli. The alarming presence of ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae in Italian LTCFs can seriously compromise the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.acilities (LTCFs), Antimicrobial resistance
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