6 research outputs found


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    Abstract. The aim of this study is investigation of the Effect of social media marketing activities on word of mouth and customer commitment through brand awareness and brand image. Current research is descriptive and regarding to goal it is applied one. Regarding data collection it is counted a survey study. Tool of data collection in this research is questionnaire that includes 23 questions for assessing the whole variables of research. For assessing variables, likert 5 item spectrums are used. Validity of questionnaire was considered and approved by viewpoint of professors and experts and its reliability was approved by using cronbach alpha. Statistical society of research is all customers of luxury brand of clothes in Rasht. Sampling in current research was chosen through non-probable available method. For analyzing data, partial least square method and SMART PLS 2 software was used. Result showed that social media marketing activities have a significant effect on brand image and brand awareness. Also brand awarenessand brand image have a significant effect on both word of mouth and customer commitment.Keywords: Social media marketing activities, E-word of mouth, Customer commitment, Brand awareness,Brand image

    Evaluating the effect of structural dimensions on the successful implementation of strategies in Payam-e-noor University of Iran

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    This study aims to assess the relationship between structural dimensions of organization including centralization, complexity and formalization on one side and strategy effectiveness on the other side. Structural dimensions are determined based on Robbins theory, and each of them is considered as independent variables of research. Strategy effectiveness, which includes achieving strategic goals or successful implementation of strategies are the independent variable of the research, based on Noble’s strategy implementation model. One primary thesis and three secondary these are defined. This is a descriptive research of two variable correlation. The target population includes 600 senior managers of Payam-e-noor university around the country, including staff administrative managers, province and unit headmasters, of Iran at the time of data collection. Simple random sampling is used, with sample size of 120. Library resources are used for theoretical foundation data collection and note-taking. Questionnaires are used to collect data and evaluate research theses. Inferential Statistics and Pearson correlation coefficient are used to analyze the research theses. The first two theses are confirmed, at 95% and 99% respectively, but the third thesis is rejected based on the collected data. Therefore, based on this study, complexity and formalization have respectively inverse and direct effect on strategy effectiveness, but centralization does not affect strategy effectiveness in Payam-e-noor University

    Evaluating the effect of organization culture on the successful execution of strategies: Case study of Payam-e-Noor university

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    In this research, we use Hofstede method and Noble’s framework in strategy execution to evaluate the effect of organization culture on the successful implementation of strategies in a case study of Payam-e-Noor University of Iran. Data Collection is performed with the standard Hofstede survey, an evaluation tool for organization culture, and researchers’ survey tool to evaluate the effective implementation of strategies. The reliability coefficient was calculated as 0.846 using the Cronbach alpha. The target population includes 600 senior managers of Payam-e-Noor university of Iran at the time of data collection Cochran formula was used to calculate the required sample number of 120 individuals. The results show that according to the Hofstede dimensions, the dominant cultural aspects of high power distance, uncertainty avoidance, collectivism, and femininity were identified. The first two have a direct influence on effectiveness of strategies. While individualism is known to have an invert effect on effectiveness of strategies, no connection was identified between masculinity and effectiveness of strategies, and thus, this theory was not confirmed in this research

    El marketing de contenido y la intención de compra de los clientes

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    Esta investigación se realizó con el objetivo de ofrecer un modelo de proceso de marketing de contenidos con el objetivo de fortalecer la intención de compra de los clientes de la industria minorista, centrándose en las redes sociales. Esta investigación se aplica en términos de propósito y encuesta exploratoria en términos de enfoque. Los resultados mostraron que el concepto de "intención de compra del cliente" se consideraba como la categoría principal y axial.This research has been conducted aiming to offering a process model of content marketing with the aim of strengthening the purchase intention of the customers of the retail industry by focusing on social media. This research is applied in terms of purpose and survey-exploratory in terms of approach. Results showed that the concept of "customer purchase intention" was considered as the main and axial category

    Identification and Ranking of Factors Affecting the Services Marketing in the Field of Health Tourism of Mashhad city Using Fuzzy Topsis Technique

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    Health tourism is very sensitive industry. Since health is the greatest for tune of each person, there is no doubt that choosing a destination country as a place in order to improve the health of a person is an important process and requires the examination of various indices. using the fuzzy topsis method, the most important effective factors on the development of health tourism industry were determined. The results illustrated that 13 factors including of price and costs, designed and executive planning ,technical and executive quality of health services, information system, process of acceptance and queue, customer loyalty, sustainability and continuity, laws and regulations attendance in international level, physician brand, residential services, geographical location, brand of medical center, service presentation velocity are the most importance to attract health tourism in Mashhad , respectivel

    Identification of Gaps in the Implementation of Social Commerce in Startups

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    The share of social commerce in Iran is relatively small compared to the developed countries in the field of social commerce. So, it important to identify factors which are critical in the implementation of social commerce. The main purpose of this research is to identify legal and behavioral gaps on the implementation of social commerce among the startups. The statistical population in the qualitative section consists of social commerce experts in knowledge-based companies in the field of information technology in the science and technology park of Tehran University. Experts were identified using snowball and judgmental sampling techniques. According to the adequacy of data, 20 interviews were performed in total. The statistical population in the quantitative section consisted of the managers of startup companies located in Tehran. Two-step sampling method was used to determine the sample size. Data in qualitative section were collected through deep interviews and in the quantitative section it was collected through questionnaires. Data was analyzed using SmartPLS2 software in quantitative section. The results show that changes in business environment is as causal conditions. The pivotal phenomenon including: the implementation of social commerce, the contextual conditions including the business cultures and legal gaps, the interfering conditions including the behavioral gaps, and business resource conditions, and strategies including the reliability of online markets and the development of technical infrastructure have been identified. Ultimately, the consequences of this study have been enhancing business ease and improving sales performance