10 research outputs found

    Shape analysis in shape space

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    This study aims to classify different deformations based on the shape space concept. A shape space is a quotient space in which each point corresponds to a class of shapes. The shapes of each class are transformed to each other by a transformation group preserving a geometrical property in which we are interested. Therefore, each deformation is a curve on the high dimensional shape space manifold, and one can classify the deformations by comparison of their corresponding deformation curves in shape space. Towards this end, two classification methods are proposed. In the first method, a quasi conformal shape space is constructed based on a novel quasi-conformal metric, which preserves the curvature changes at each vertex during the deformation. Besides, a classification framework is introduced for deformation classification. The results on synthetic and real datasets show the effectiveness of the metric to estimate the intrinsic geometry of the shape space manifold, and its ability to classify and interpolate different deformations. In the second method, we introduce the medial surface shape space which classifies the deformations based on the medial surface and thickness of the shape. This shape space is based on the log map and uses two novel measures, average of the normal vectors and mean of the positions, to determine the distance between each pair of shapes on shape space. We applied these methods to classify the left ventricle deformations. The experimental results shows that the first method can remarkably classify the normal and abnormal subjects but this method cannot spot the location of the abnormality. In contrast, the second method can discriminate healthy subjects from patients with cardiomyopathy, and also can spot the abnormality on the left ventricle, which makes it a valuable assistant tool for diagnostic purposes

    Visualization of Shape Motions in Shape Space

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    <p>Solitary pulmonary nodules may indicate an early stage of lung cancer. Hence, the early detection of nodules is the most efficient way for saving the lives of patients. The aim of this paper is to present a comprehensive Computer Aided Diagnosis (CADx) framework for detection of the lung nodules in computed tomography images. The four major components of the developed framework are lung segmentation, identification of candidate nodules, classification and visualization. The process starts with segmentation of lung regions from the thorax. Then, inside the segmented lung regions, candidate nodules are identified using an approach based on multiple thresholds followed by morphological opening and 3D region growing algorithm. Finally, a combination of a rule-based procedure and support vector machine classifier (SVM) is utilized to classify the candidate nodules. The proposed CADx method was validated on CT images of 60 patients, containing the total of 211 nodules, selected from the publicly available Lung Image Database Consortium (LIDC) image dataset. Comparing to the other state of the art methods, the proposed framework demonstrated acceptable detection performance (Sensitivity: 0.80; Fp/Scan: 3.9). Furthermore, we visualize a range of anatomical structures including the 3D lung structure and the segmented nodules along with the Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) volume rendering method that will enable the radiologists to accurately and easily estimate the distance between the lung structures and the nodules which are frequently difficult at best to recognize from CT images.</p