7 research outputs found

    Determination of lithospheric model beneath the central Alborz Mountains based on the integrated interpretation of gravity, geoid and topography data sets

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    Le désir de comprendre l'origine de la Terre, son évolution et sa composition, le futur de notre planète et les événements géologiques comme les séismes et les désastres qu'ils provoquent, ainsi que la curiosité de l'esprit humain font que les chercheurs étudient l'évolution tectonique et la structure actuelle de la Terre. Entre les paramètres clé pour une meilleure compréhension se trouvent la profondeur de la limite croûte-manteau (Moho) et celle de la limite entre la lithosphère et l'asthénosphère (LAB). Le but de cette thèse était de modéliser la limite lithosphère-asthénosphère (LAB) et l'épaisseur crustale sous l'Alborz central, le block sud-caspien et les régions environnantes. Dans cette étude, nous utilisions une méthode d'imagerie de la lithosphère, basée sur l'interprétation de données gravimétriques et de la topographie en équilibre isostatique local. Nous appliquons des algorithmes 1D et 2D de modélisation avant de présenter un nouvel algorithme d'inversion 3D. Nous présentons d'abord une inversion conjointe 1D de données de géoïde et de topographie. Le second pas est la modélisation 2D le long de trois profils par l'interprétation conjointe de géoïde, gravité (air libre et Bouguer), de topographie et de flux de chaleur à la surface. Finalement, nous performons une inversion 3D conjointe de données de géoïde, gravité (air libre) et de topographie. L'application des trois différentes méthodes à la région d'étude nous donne comme résultats principaux une croûte épaisse sous la chaine d'Alborz et sous l'Apsheron-Balkan Sill à la limite septentrionale du bassin sud-caspien. Des fortes variations de l'épaisseur de la lithosphère ont été obtenues, où la lithosphère la plus mince est localisée sous l'Iran central et NW, surtout dans des régions de volcanisme Cénozoïque. Les régions d'épaisseur maximale de la lithosphère se trouvent sous l'Apsheron-Balkan Sill, indiquant en combinaison avec un épaississement parallèle de la croûte une subduction de la lithosphère sud-caspienne vers le nord sous la lithosphère eurasienne.The wish to understand the Earth's origin, evolution and composition, curiosity of the human to comprehend our planet's future evolution plus the geological needs compel researchers to investigate tectonic evolution and their present day structure and behavior. Some key parameters to better understand these subjects are depth of the Moho (the boundary between crust and mantle) and of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB). The targeted area of this research includes the Alborz Mountains in northern Iran and the South Caspian Basin. The Alborz Mountains separate the South Caspian Basin from Central Iran. For our research, the definition of the LAB is an isotherm and we try to calculate the temperature distribution in the lithosphere. We also consider local isostasy to be valid for our modeling. Gravity, geoid, topography and surface heat flow data are used in this research to model the Moho and LAB discontinuities. Potential field data are sensitive to the lateral density variations which happen across these two boundaries but at different depth. In this research 1D, 2D and 3D modeling has been conducted in our targeted area. In 1D modeling, our data are topography and geoid undulations. The method is a 1D inversion based on a two-layered model comprising crust and lithospheric mantle. Using gravity, geoid, topography and surface heat flow data, we have modeled 2D distributions of the density and temperature in the lithosphere along three profiles crossing Iran in SW-NE direction from the Arabian foreland in the SW to the South Caspian Basin and the Turan Platform to the NE. Finally, a 3D algorithm has been developed and tested to obtain the density structure of the lithosphere from joint inversion of free air gravity, geoid and topography data based on a Bayesian approach with Gaussian probability density function. The algorithm delivers the crustal and lithospheric thicknesses and the average crustal density. The results show crustal root under the Alborz Mountains and a thin crust under the southernmost South Caspian Basin thickening northward until the Apsheron-Balkan Sill. Regarding LAB, the results show thick lithosphere under the South Caspian Basin compared to thin lithosphere of Central Iran.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    3D joint inversion of gravity data and Rayleigh wave group velocities to resolve shear-wave velocity and density structure in the Makran subduction zone, south-east Iran

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    International audienceIn this study, we developed a method to invert jointly Rayleigh wave group velocities and gravity anomalies for velocity and density structure of the lithosphere. We applied the method to the Makran accretionary prism, SE Iran. The reason for using different data sets is that each of these data sets is sensitive to different parameters. Surface wave group velocities are sensitive mainly to shear wave velocity distribution in depth but do not well resolve density variations. Therefore, joint inversion with gravity data increases the resolution of density distribution. Our approach differs from others mainly in the model parameterization: Instead of subdividing the model into a large number of thin layers, we invert for the properties of only four layers: thickness, P- and S-wave velocities and densities and their vertical gradients in sediments, upper-crust, lower-crust and upper mantle. The method is applied first to synthetic models in order to demonstrate its usefulness. We then applied the method to real data to investigate the lithosphere structure beneath the Makran. The resulting model shows that Moho depth increases from Oman Sea (18–33 km) and Makran fore-arc (33–37 km) to the volcanic-arc (44–46 km). The crustal density is high in the Oman Sea as should be expected for the oceanic crust. We also find a high-velocity anomaly in the upper mantle under the Oman Sea corresponding to the subducting slab. The crust under the fore-arc, volcanic-arc and back-arc settings of Makran subduction zone is characterized by low-velocity zones

    Integrated analysis of surface wave velocity and gravity data for the development of new density-velocity models of the crust and upper mantle in SE Iran

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    International audienceInversion of Rayleigh wave dispersion curves is challenging due to its nonlinearity and multimodality. In this paper, a Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm is applied to the nonlinear inversion of fundamental-mode Rayleigh wave group dispersion curves for shear and compressional wave velocities. In our approach, we invert thickness, velocities and densities and their vertical gradients of four layers, sediments, upper-crust, lower-crust and lithospheric mantle. At first, to determine the efficiency and stability of the method, noise-free and noisy synthetic data sets are inverted. Results from the synthetic data demonstrate that the SA applied to the nonlinear inversion of surface wave data is interesting not only in terms of accuracy but also in terms of the convergence speed. In fact, the SA method is suitable for large-scale optimization problems, especially for those in which a desired global minimum is hidden among many local minima. In a second step, real data in SE Iran are invertedto examine the usage and robustness of the proposed approach on real surface wave data. Then, we applied 3D gravity modeling based on surface wave analysis results to obtain the density structure of each layer. The reason for using both types of data sets is that the gravity anomaly does not have a good vertical resolution and surface wave group velocities are more appropriate for placing layer limits at depth, but they are not very sensitiveto density variations. Therefore, the use of gravity data increases the overall resolution of density distribution. Compared with the Shuffle Complex Evolution (SCE) method that was implemented in a previous study, we found out that the SA method is more stable and has less variability of model parameter values in successive tests. In the final step, we reapplied the SA method to invert the fundamental-mode Rayleigh wave group velocities based on the results of gravity modeling. Gravity results, such as thicknesses and densities were used to limit the searchspace in the SA method. Our results show that the Mohodepth across the Makran subduction zone is increasing from the Oman seafloor (24–30 km) and Makran forearc setting (34–42 km) to the Taftan-Bazman volcanic arc (47–49 km). Also, the results show high shear and compressional velocities under the Gulf of Oman, decreasing to the north of the Makran region. The density image shows an average crustal density with maximum values under the Gulf of Oman, decreasing northward to the Makran region

    Estimating depths and dimensions of gravity sources through optimized support vector classifier (SVC)

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    By researching and applying new methods we will be able to improve significantly estimation of shapes, dimensions and depths of gravity sources. After shapes estimation of gravity sources through support vector classifier (SVC) in our last research [Hekmatian et al. 2015], in this paper SVC is applied for estimating depths and dimensions of gravity sources. These estimations give us logical and complete initial guesses regarding shapes, depths and dimensions of gravity sources which are needed in more precise interpretations and inversions of gravity sources. Also for better application of SVC, we selected more proper features using the technique called feature selection (FS). In this paper, we trained SVC with 320 synthetic gravity profiles for estimation of dimensions and depths of gravity sources. We tested the trained SVC codes by about 200 other synthetic and some real gravity profiles. The depths and dimensions of a well along with two ore bodies (three real gravity sources) are estimated during the testing process