348 research outputs found

    Unexpected nucleophilic participation and rearrangement of DBU in reactions with saccharin derivatives

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    DBU attacks saccharin derivatives with subsequent rearrangement to give rise to 3-[3'-(1"-azepin-2"-onyl)propylamino]-1,2-benzisothiazole-1,1-dioxide 2 after work-up

    Effect of trigonellafoenum-graecum seed-containing herbal tea consumed by mothers on growth parameters of breastfed baby girls

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    Background and purpose: Trigonellafoenum-graecum seed has galactogogues properties due to phytoestrogens structure and can increase the volume of breast milk. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of herbal tea containing Trigonellafoenum-graecum seed consumed by mothers on growth parameters of baby girls (0-4 months of age) attending health centers in south of Tehran, 2014. Materials and methods: This clinical trial study was performed in 78 mothers breast feeding their 0-4 month old baby girls. They were randomly assigned into two groups (n=39 per groups). The intervention group received herbal tea containing 7.5g Trigonellafoenum-graecum seed powder and 3g black tea and the control group received herbal tea containing 3g black tea powder. The mothers used the beverages three times a day for 4 weeks,. The weight, height and head circumference of the babies were measured using baby weight measurement scale, stadiometer and tape measure in the beginning of the study and each week until 4 weeks. Data was analyzed by independent sample t-test and repeated measurement test in SPSS. Results: No significant difference was found between the two groups in weight, height and head circumference before the intervention (P>0.05). After four weeks Trigonellafoenum-graecum significantly increased the babies� weight from 5282.05 ± 1021.51 to 6383.07 ± 952.06 and head circumference from 38.31 ± 1.62 to 39.92 ± 1.50 (P<0.001), but it had no effect on the height of studied girls (P=0.078). Conclusion: The results showed that consumption of Trigonellafoenum-graecum seedcontaining herbal tea by mothers could improve the weight and head circumference of breastfed babies. © 2015, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    The effect of herbal tea containing fenugreek seed on the signs of breast milk sufficiency in iranian girl infants

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    Background: One of the important reasons behind termination of breast-feeding in the first six months after childbirth is insufficient production of breast milk. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of herbal tea containing fenugreek seed on the signs of breast milk sufficiency in Iranian girl infants aged 0 - 4 months, at the medical health centers of Tehran university of medical sciences. Patients and Methods: This study was a clinical trial with a control group. Seventy-eight girl infants, 0 - 4 months old that were exclusively breastfed by their mothers, were randomly assigned to the intervention group (received herbal tea containing 7.5 g fenugreek seed powder in addition to 3 g of black tea, three times a day) and the control group (received herbal tea containing 3 g of black tea powder, three times a day). Before and during the four weeks of study, the signs of breast milk sufficiency were evaluated through measurement of growth parameters and use of follow-up forms for measuring the number of wet diapers in one day, frequency of defecation and infant breast-feeding times in a day. Results: Before the intervention there was no significant difference between weight, height, head circumference, the number of wet diapers and frequency of defecation between the two groups (P > 0.05), yet the number of breast feeding times of the control group was more than the Fenugreek group. At the end of the fourth week in proportion to the pre-intervention conditions, the weight of the infants in the fenugreek group increased significantly from 5282.0513 ± 1021.51121 to 6383.0769 ± 952.06190, while head circumference increased from 38.3103 ± 1.62736 to 39.9256 ± 1.50660, number of wet diapers from 5.2821 ± 0.93044 to 8.1648 ± 1.20620, frequency of defecation from 1.8846 ± 1.08495 to 2.7326 ± 0.94771 and the number of breast feeding times from 9.1795 ± 1.39778 to 15.9597 ± 1.45056 (P 0.05). Conclusions: Herbal tea of fenugreek seed in comparison to the control group improves the signs of breast milk sufficiency. © 2015, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal

    Retinoic acid effects on nuclear maturation of bovine oocytes in vitro

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    In the present study, the effect of all-trans retinoic acid (t-RA) administration during in vitro maturation (IVM) on bovine oocytes maturation was determined. Concentrations of t-RA (RA; 0, 0.25, 0.5 and 1 μM) and 0.1% ethanol (vehicle) were included in the maturation medium. Ovaries collected from the local abattoir were transported to the laboratory in in 0.9% NaCl with 100 IU/ml penicillin and 100 in vitro maturation (IVM) on bovine oocytes maturation was determined. Concentrations of t-RA (RA; 0, 0.25, 0.5 and 1 μM) and 0.1% ethanol (vehicle) were included in the maturation medium. Ovaries collected from the local abattoir were transported to the laboratory in in 0.9% NaCl with 100 IU/ml penicillin and 100  in vitro maturation (IVM) on bovine oocytes maturation was determined. Concentrations of t-RA (RA; 0, 0.25, 0.5 and 1 μM) and 0.1% ethanol (vehicle) were included in the maturation medium. Ovaries collected from the local abattoir were transported to the laboratory in in 0.9% NaCl with 100 IU/ml penicillin and 100 g/ml streptomycin at 30 - 35°C within 1-2 h after collection. The oocytes of antral follicles, 2 to 8 mm in diameter, were recovered by aspiration. After preliminary evaluation, the oocytes were selected and washed four times in HEPES-TCM 199 supplemented with 2% FBS, 0.2 mM sodium pyruvate, 100 IU/ml penicillin and 100 g/ml streptomycin. Then 10 cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were subjected to each droplet of maturation medium and incubated at 38.5°C, 5% CO2 and 95% humidity for 24 h. Maturation medium was bicarbonate-buffered TCM199 supplemented with 10% FBS, 0.2 mM sodium pyruvate, 5 μg/ml bovine FSH, 0.01 IU/ml bovine LH, 100 IU/ml penicillin and 100 g/ml streptomycin. Results show different concentrations of t-RA have no effect on cumulus expansion. The rate of oocytes developing to the MII stage compared to control, vehicle, and 0.25 μM groups was significantly increased with 1 μM t-RA treatment (

    The Effectiveness of Hypertext Annotations on Learners' Vocabulary Learning: A Meta-analysis

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    CALL) programs have been incorporated into language classrooms over the past five decades, it has become more important to find a clear answer to questions such as to what extent, and under which moderator variables CALL programs can yield more effective outcomes as compared to traditional language instruction. The present meta-analysis is a comprehensive investigation to determine the extent of the effectiveness of hypertext annotations on the learners' vocabulary learning.  Moreover, the study aimed at identifying the moderator variables that influence the heterogeneity of the effect of various studies. Methods: The statistical population of the present study consisted of all the studies conducted in the past related to the effectiveness of hypertext annotations on learners' vocabulary learning. To this aim, an exhaustive research of the multiple electronic databases was carried out in order to identify all the studies examining the relative effectiveness of CALL on enhancing learners' vocabulary learning The main criterion for selecting the studies to be analyzed in the present research was their publication in journals or proceedings of conferences during the period between 1950 to 2014.  Concurrently, the experts in this area were also consulted for articles that had not been identified in the primary search. Eventually, the search process resulted in the identification of 132 articles of potential relevance to the present meta-analysis. In the next stage, all studies were investigated more carefully and examined based on the checklist which was the criterion for the final selection of those studies  that should be included in the present meta-analysis. Finally, a total sample of 36 studies met the required criteria and selected for the final analysis. Data analysis was performed using Comprehensive Meta-analysis Software (Version 2). Findings: With respect to the overall effect size of the hypertext annotations on the students’ vocabulary acquisition, the results of 36 study in the present meta-analysis revealed that hypertext annotations had a large, positive, significant effect on students' vocabulary. Acquisition (+140).  In addition, there was a highly significant heterogeneity in the distribution of the effect sizes in the meta-analysis under investigation. To further explore the sources of the heterogeneity between the effect sizes across studies, moderator analyses were administered in terms of six variables (research design, sample size, proficiency level, age, duration of the program, year of publication). It was found that the variable of  the sample size had significantly affected the inconsistency of the effect sizes across the studies under investigation to the extent that studies with a sample size of more than 60 individuals produced a large effect size, whereas studies with sample size of less than 60 individuals generated medium effect size. Another significant finding was that the mean of the effect sizes statistically differed across different duration levels  of the teaching program. That is, studies with a higher duration of teaching program had a larger mean effect size than those with a lower duration, indicating that the learners' vocabulary achievement enhances significantly as the length of the teaching program increases. Moreover, the results revealed that publication year was also a significant moderator variable so that the studies published in the recent years had a higher effect size as compared with those published in earlier years. Other findings revealed that the dissimilarity of the effect sizes in the present meta-analysis was not influenced by the differences among research design, proficiency level, and age of the language learners. Conclusion: Based on the findings of the present meta-analysis, it is necessary to integrate CALL into traditional language classes in order to reach better learning outcomes. With respect to future research, the researchers are recommended to provide more details of the study so that it could be possible to confirm or reject the factors that are effective in the role of computer in second language (L2) learning.  ===================================================================================== COPYRIGHTS  ©2021 The author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, as long as the original authors and source are cited. No permission is required from the authors or the publishers.  ====================================================================================

    New combined PIC-MCC approach for fast simulation of a radio frequency discharge at low gas pressure

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    A new combined PIC-MCC approach is developed for accurate and fast simulation of a radio frequency discharge at low gas pressure and high density of plasma. Test calculations of transition between different modes of electron heating in a ccrf discharge in helium and argon show a good agreement with experimental data. We demonstrate high efficiency of the combined PIC-MCC algorithm, especially for the collisionless regime of electron heating.Comment: 6 paged, 8 figure

    Influence of various dietary fat sources on freezing capacity of Moghani ram semen

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation of protected fish oil (FO) and Persia fat® (PF) on the quality of Moghani ram semen. For this purpose, a total of 96 ejaculates were collected from 12 healthy mature Moghani rams, which were divided into three distinct groups (n = 4) and were assigned to one of three experimental diets. The first group (control) received a diet supplemented with palm oil (PO), while the second and third groups received encapsulated FO and PF, respectively. After primary evaluation, semen samples of each group were pooled to eliminate individual differences, and then evaluated for semen concentration and volume. Afterwards, the samples were diluted with a Tris-based extender and frozen with a standard protocol. After thawing, motion kinetics, viability, membrane functionality and abnormality were assessed. The results showed that the group that received FO had significanty higher viability (quadratic), progressive motility (PM) (%), average path velocity (VAP) (μm/s), curvilinear velocity (VCL) (μm/s) (linear), amplitude of lateral head displacement (ALH) (μm) (quadratic) and sperm concentration (linear) than the others. Additionally, total motility (TM) (%) and straight-line velocity (VSL) (μm/s) were significantly higher in the groups that received FO and PF compared with the control (quadratic) The results indicated that sperm abnormalities in the control group were significantly higher than the other groups. In conclusion, enrichment of the diet with FO or Persia fat could enhance ram sperm quality after freeze-thawing process.Keywords: fish oil, frozen spermatozoa, ram, motion parameter

    Generalized Uncertainty Principle and the Ramsauer-Townsend Effect

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    The scattering cross section of electrons in noble gas atoms exhibits a minimum value at electron energies of approximately 1eV. This is the Ramsauer-Townsend effect. In this letter, we study the Ramsauer-Townsend effect in the framework of the Generalized Uncertainty Principle.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Entanglement study of the 1D Ising model with Added Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction

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    We have studied occurrence of quantum phase transition in the one-dimensional spin-1/2 Ising model with added Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) interaction from bi- partite and multi-partite entanglement point of view. Using exact numerical solutions, we are able to study such systems up to 24 qubits. The minimum of the entanglement ratio R \equiv \tau 2/\tau 1 < 1, as a novel estimator of QPT, has been used to detect QPT and our calculations have shown that its minimum took place at the critical point. We have also shown both the global-entanglement (GE) and multipartite entanglement (ME) are maximal at the critical point for the Ising chain with added DM interaction. Using matrix product state approach, we have calculated the tangle and concurrence of the model and it is able to capture and confirm our numerical experiment result. Lack of inversion symmetry in the presence of DM interaction stimulated us to study entanglement of three qubits in symmetric and antisymmetric way which brings some surprising results.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, submitte