22 research outputs found

    Sister chromatid exchanges and micronuclei in peripheral lymphocytes of shoe factory workers exposed to solvents.

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    We examined sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) and micronuclei (MN; cytokinesis-block method) in cultured peripheral lymphocytes from 52 female workers of two shoe factories and from 36 unexposed age- and sex-matched referents. The factory workers showed an elevated level of urinary hippuric acid, a biomarker of toluene exposure, and workplace air contained high concentrations of various organic solvents such as toluene, gasoline, acetone, and (in one of the plants only) ethylacetate and methylenediphenyl diisocyanate. The shoe factory workers showed a statistically significant higher frequency of micronucleated binucleate lymphocytes in comparison with the referents. This finding agreed with three preliminary MN determinations (each comprising 27-32 shoe workers and 16-20 controls) performed in one of the plants 2-5 years earlier. The shoe factory workers also had a lower average level of blood hemoglobin than the referents. In contrast, no difference was found between the groups in SCE analysis. Smokers showed significantly higher mean frequencies of SCEs per cell and high frequency cells (HFC) than nonsmokers. Aging was associated with increased MN rates and reduced cell proliferation. Polymorphism of the glutathione S-transferase M1 gene (GSTM1) did not affect the individual level of SCEs; but in smoking shoe workers an effect of the occupational exposure on the frequency of micronucleated cells could be seen only in GSTM1 null subjects. The low prevalence of the glutathione S-transferase T1 (GSTT1) null genotype precluded the evaluation of the influence of GSTT1 polymorphism. Our results show that the shoe factory workers have experienced genotoxic exposure, which is manifest as an increase in the frequency of MN, but not of SCEs, in peripheral lymphocytes. The exposures responsible for the MN induction could not be identified with certainty, but exposure to benzene in gasoline and methylenediphenyl diisocyanate may explain some of the findings

    Metals and kidney markers in adult offspring of endemic nephropathy patients and controls: a two-year follow-up study

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    Abstract Background The etiology of Balkan Endemic Nephropathy, (BEN), a tubulointerstitial kidney disease, is unknown. Although this disease is endemic in rural areas of Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, and Serbia, similar manifestations are reported to occur in other regions, for instance Tunisia and Sri Lanka. A number of explanations have been stated including lignites, aristolochic acid, ochratoxin A, metals, and metalloids. Etiologic claims are often based on one or a few studies without sound scientific evidence. In this systematic study, we tested whether exposures to metals (cadmium and lead) and metalloids (arsenic and selenium) are related to Balkan Endemic Nephropathy. Methods In 2003/04 we recruited 102 adults whose parents had BEN and who resided in one of three communities (Vratza, Bistretz, or Beli Izvor, Bulgaria). A control group comprised of 99 adults having non-BEN hospitalized parents was enrolled in the study during the same time. We conducted face-to-face interviews, ultrasound kidney measurements, and determined kidney function in two consecutive investigations (2003/04 and 2004/05). Metals and metalloids were measured in urine and blood samples. To assess the agreement between these consecutive measurements, we calculated intraclass correlation coefficients. Repeated measurement data were analyzed using mixed models. Results We found that cadmium and arsenic were associated with neither kidney size nor function. Lead had a significant but negligible effect on creatinine clearance. Selenium showed a weak but significant negative association with two of the four kidney parameters, namely creatinine clearance and β2-microglobulin. It was positively related to kidney length. These associations were not restricted to the offspring of BEN patients. Adding credence to these findings are reports showing comparable kidney effects in animals exposed to selenium. Conclusion The findings of this 2-year follow-up study indicate that metals and metalloids do not play a role in the etiology of Balkan Endemic Nephropathy. Against the assumption in the literature, selenium was not protective but a risk factor. Since comparable associations were observed in animals, future studies are needed to explore whether selenium may have adverse renal effects in humans.</p

    Normal and Cut-Off Values of the Cytokinesis-Block Micronucleus Assay on Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes in the Croatian General Population

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    Mikronukleus (MN) test na limfocitima periferne krvi jedna je od najvažnijih metoda koje se primjenjuju u citogenetičkom nadzoru. Osnovni preduvjet za primjenu nekog testa u svrhu nadzora profesionalno izloženih populacija jest poznavanje normalnih vrijednosti promatranoga biološkog pokazatelja (biomarkera) u kontrolnoj populaciji. Baze podataka na razini opće populacije moraju se redovito obnavljati novim podacima. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi normalne i granične vrijednosti MN-testa na limfocitima periferne krvi 200 zdravih ispitanika obaju spolova iz opće populacije Republike Hrvatske te ispitati koji čimbenici pridonose spontanom nastanku MN. Na razini istražene populacije utvrđeno je prosječno (6,90±3,32) MN (medijan 7 MN), dok je raspon pojedinačnih vrijednosti iznosio 0 do 18 MN u 1000 binuklearnih stanica. Gornja granična vrijednost dobivena izračunavanjem 95. percentila za cjelokupnu promatranu populaciju iznosi 12,5 MN na 1000 limfocita. Utvrđeno je da na spontani nastanak MN utječu spol, dob i navika pušenja. Žene u prosjeku imaju više vrijednosti svih parametara MN-testa od muškaraca, a u njih je bio i naglašeniji porast vrijednosti citogenetičkog nalaza zbog navike pušenja. Kako su literaturni podaci o utjecaju pušenja cigareta na nastanak MN kontradiktorni, planiran je nastavak istraživanja radi razjašnjavanja utjecaja dnevno utrošenog broja cigareta i ukupnog trajanja pušačkog staža na vrijednosti parametara MN-testa. Usporedba rezultata s literaturnim podacima potvrdila je da su dobivene vrijednosti u skladu s vrijednostima MN-testa zabilježenim na općoj populaciji u drugim svjetskim laboratorijima. Normalne i granične vrijednosti MN-testa utvrđene u ovome istraživanju poslužit će kao osnova za usporedbu i tumačenje nalaza MN-testa u ispitanika izloženih populacija te daljnju nadogradnju laboratorijske baze podataka.The cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) assay on peripheral blood lymphocytes is one of the most important methods employed in cytogenetic biomonitoring. For the purposes of biological dosimetry, it is important to kno the spontaneous frequency of a biomarker and its normal values in general population. These values are used for population databases, which should be updated regularly. In this study, MN levels were investigated in cytokinesis-blocked lymphocytes of 200 healthy male and female blood donors selected at random from the general population of Croatia. The aim was to assess the variability and determine possible infl uences of external and/or internal factors on the background levels of MN and to establish the cut-off value for the CBMN assay. The background frequency of MN was (6.90±3.32) MN (median 7 MN) and the range was 0 to 18 MN per 1000 binuclear lymphocytes. The cut-off value, which corresponds to 95th percentile of the distribution of 200 individual values, was 12.5 MN. Spontaneous formation of MN was infl uenced by sex, age, and smoking. Women had higher MN levels than men. However, only age and smoking signifi cantly increased the values of all parameters evaluated by the CBMN assay. Since the existing literature data on smoking-related formation of MN are contradictory, we will continue these investigations to resolve how the number of cigarettes smoked per day and the duration of smoking in years infl uence the results of the CBMN assay. Our results are consistent with the background MN frequencies reported by other cytogenetic laboratories worldwide. Normal and cut-off values estimated in this study will be used to update the current general population data and as reference for occupationally or accidental exposure

    Genetic radiosensitivity in mammals

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