7 research outputs found

    Middle Pleistocene fauna and palaeoenvironment in the south of Eastern Europe: A case study of the Medzhybizh 1 locality (MIS 11, Ukraine)

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    The Middle Pleistocene was a period of dynamic changes in Europe. During MIS 11, a number of modern mammal taxa appeared and environmental conditions remained warm and favourable for a relatively long time. The Medzhybizh 1 locality of Ukraine dated to this very period comprises alluvial deposits with rich animal remains, which allow not only to reconstruct the fauna composition, but also to highlight the environmental conditions that dominated at this locality. A revision of the fauna of Medzhybizh 1 locality based on remains of all vertebrate groups revealed a taxonomically diverse fish community (16 species of 11 genera) dominated by cyprinids common for lacustrine or riverine assemblages. Amphibians are represented by 11 species, while the number of reptile and bird remains are less significant. Mammals are the most represented group at the locality, including small mammals (30 species), carnivorans (2 species), and ungulates (5 taxa), the latter dominated by C. elaphus. The taxonomic composition of terrestrial groups indicates temperate climate with boreal-type forests and meadows similar to cold steppe, as well as low wet areas and riparian habitats inhabited by amphibians, reptiles, insectivores, beavers, and various voles. The fish assemblage indicates a partially overgrown but well-aerated water body (lake or slow-flowing river) with sandy-silty bottom. Lithic artefacts found at the Medzhybizh 1 locality contribute to a better understanding of relationships between ancient hominins and faunas during the Middle Pleistocene of Eastern Europe.Archaeological field works at Medzhybizh were supported by the NASU state research projects 0105U001383 (2005–2009), 0109U008921 (2010–2014) and partly funded by the State Fund of Fundamental Research of Ukraine grant 0118U001457 (F77/50–2018). This research was also supported by the grant 0201/2048/18 ‘Life and death of extinct rhino (Stephanorhinus sp.) from Western Poland: a multi-proxy palaeoenvironmental approach’ financed from the funds of the National Science Centre, Poland. JvdM received support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Inovación y Universidades (current grant numbers PGC2018-093925-B-C31 and PGC2018-095489-B-I00).Peer reviewe

    Особливості формування національного інформаційного простору України: від радянської системи ЗМІ до демократичної моделі

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    Об’єкт дослідження – національний інформаційний простір України від функціонування медійного контенту у радянські часи до демократичної преси сьогодення. Предмет дослідження – вивчення особливостей типології мас-медіа України, їх жанрової парадигми, проблемно-тематичної спрямованості, мовно-стилістично- візуального оформлення. Мета науково-дослідної роботи – розглянути головні типологічної структури засобів масової інформації України в історичному і сучасному аспектах, виявити їх жанрово-тематичний контент, мовно-стилістичні ознаки впливу на аудиторію

    The last Palaeoproteus (Urodela: Batrachosauroididae) of Europe

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    The Batrachosauroididae are an enigmatic group of salamanders known from the Cretaceous and Tertiary of North America and Europe. In Europe, the family is known only by two species of the genus Palaeoproteus. The genus has limited distribution in Western and Central Europe. In the present paper, we describe a new species, Palaeoproteus miocenicus, from the early late Miocene (11–9 Ma) of Austria and Ukraine, representing the youngest record of the family Batrachosauroididae from the Neogene of Europe. The new species differs from the Paleogene representatives of the genus by 12 characters, including large body size, the long anterior extension of the Meckelian groove and the size and shape of the odontoid process on the dentary. The µCT scanning of bones of the new species revealed novel features (e.g. anterior extension of Meckelian groove, interconnected network of canals and small cavities in atlas) observable only in this species. P. miocenicus inhabited aquatic environments, which existed under wet climatic conditions with mean annual precipitation higher than 900 mm. The new species expands the temporal range of the genus by at least 30 million years and enlarges the palaeogeographic distribution of the genus into Eastern Europe

    The Black Sea–Eastern Mediterranean flyway of the globally threatened European turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur)

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    The European turtle dove Streptopelia turtur (hereafter turtle dove), is a widespread species in the Palearctic. Due to a large and rapid decline in its abundance, it was classified as “vulnerable” on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List in 2015 and is now regarded as a globally threatened species. The objective of this study was to provide new information on the flyways of this turtle dove population by analyzing available ring recoveries and citizen science sightings data from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility. A new flyway (possibly stretching through the Black and Caspian Seas, Turkey, the Middle East, and Egypt toward the Eastern Sahel) is suggested for turtle doves breeding in Northern and Eastern Europe

    Mtdna d-loop genetic diversity of common quail (Coturnix coturnix) migrating through Ukraine and Spain

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    Populations of common quail (Coturnix coturnix) have recently been declining in Europe. This is the first study of common quail in eastern Europe using molecular markers. The mtDNA D-loop genetic diversity of common quails migrating through Ukraine was analyzed and compared with that of birds migrating via northern Spain in 2017–2018. In samples from 77 birds, 32 polymorphic sites and 30 haplotypes (H1–H30) were identified, only 4 of which were common for birds sampled in both Ukraine and Spain. Phylogenetic analysis indicated 2 well-supported clades. Found were 3 haplotypes clustered in 1 phylogenetic clade only in common quails sampled in Ukraine. The results can be used for the identification of different flyways, particularly for common quails of eastern European origin

    The genetic diversity and structure of the European Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur

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    The European Turtle Dove, Streptopelia turtur, a long-distance migrant wintering in Africa, is a widespread Palearctic species. This species is classified as vulnerable and is undergoing a long-term demographic decline. The results of the previous study (based on mitochondrial (mtDNA) cytochrome-b (cytb) sequences of birds from Western and Southern Europe) indicated that the species was not genetically structured. We analysed the mtDNA cytb and D-loop of 258 birds collected from Morocco, Spain, and Ukraine. High genetic variability, expressed by haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity, was revealed in both cytb (Hd = 0.905 ± 0.009, π = 0.00628 ± 0.00014) and the D-loop (Hd = 0.937 ± 0.009, π = 0.01502 ± 0.00034). SAMOVA and principal coordinates analysis revealed the birds belonged to two genetically distinct groups. One group included birds collected in Spain, while birds sampled in Morocco and Ukraine formed another group. Furthermore, significant genetic differentiation was identified between Turtle Doves from Morocco and Ukraine, and certain Spanish samples. The present results indicate that specific management and conservation plans relevant for the species in various regions should be applied. However, further nuclear DNA research and new studies (particularly in Eastern Europe) are necessary for the decisive results on genetic structure of this species