167 research outputs found

    Les dictionnaires face à un conflit de nomination. Analyse des modélisations sémantiques du paradigme intégration, insertion, assimilation, inclusion, acculturation, incorporation dans deux dictionnaires généralistes de langue française

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    This article aims to conduct a metalexicographical micro-analysis of a paradigm of French lexemes whose uses have raised socio-political issues for several decades: integration, insertion, assimilation, inclusion, even acculturation and incorporation. While many recent publications bring these terms into play as sociological concepts, or study their uses in political discourse, work on the semantic functioning and uses of these lexemes in other discourses is rarer. However, the recurrent nomination conflict that runs through French public policies on immigration shows that the stakes of these usages remain salient. Do French dictionaries make it possible to grasp the ideological issues raised by the competing uses of lexemes? How do they treat and model the abundance of uses of these lexemes? How are paradigmatic competitors related: opposition, contrast, synonymy, hyperonymy, co-hyponymy? What are the salient semantic features retained in the given definitions?The corpus selected for this study is composed of extracts from two generalist French-language dictionaries, the Petit Robert de la langue française and the Trésor de la Langue Française informatisé. I analyse the production of meaning at work by using a grid with four entries. First, I model and analyze the semantic relations established between the terms of the paradigm, relations which structure the paradigm. I then try to identify the semantic features which are similar or different between the lexemes, thus revealing another type of structure in the micro-system. Last, I work on the collocations and the agentive configurations implemented in the definitions and examples composing each article.All these analyses highlight a defining circularity that hinders a contrastive grasp of the lexemes, in a context where important social and political issues are at stake

    Les bras et le ventre. Une sociologie politique des plantations industrielles dans le Cameroun contemporain

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    Les plantations industrielles forment le premier secteur d’emploi privé au Cameroun, et couvrent d’immenses surfaces. Malgré leur importance pour la production du territoire, il s’agit d’espaces peu étudiés. Ailleurs, ce sont les enjeux fonciers bien plus que ceux liés au travail qui ont concentré l’attention des études sur le capitalisme agricole dans les Sud. Quelles sont les trajectoires biographiques et professionnelles de celles et ceux qui y travaillent, dans leur diversité ? Comment s..

    Medical Students' Skills and Needs for Training in Breaking Bad News

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    This study assessed medical students' perception of individual vs. group training in breaking bad news (BBN) and explored training needs in BBN. Master-level students (N = 124) were randomised to group training (GT)—where only one or two students per group conducted a simulated patient (SP) interview, which was discussed collectively with the faculty—or individual training (IT)—where each student conducted an SP interview, which was discussed during individual supervision. Training evaluation was based on questionnaires, and the videotaped interviews were rated using the Roter Interaction Analysis System. Students were globally satisfied with the training. Still, there were noticeable differences between students performing an interview (GT/IT) and students observing interviews (GT). The analysis of the interviews showed significant differences according to scenarios and to gender. Active involvement through SP interviews seems required for students to feel able to reach training objectives. The evaluation of communication skills, revealing a baseline heterogeneity, supports individualised trainin

    Évaluation de la connaissance de la maladie et de l observance thérapeutique des patients après un accident vasculaire cérébral

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    INTRODUCTION : La connaissance d une maladie et de ses traitements améliore l adhérence aux règles hygiéno-diététiques et l observance thérapeutique. OBJECTIF : Evaluer la connaissance de la maladie cérébro-vasculaire et le niveau d observance des patients en prévention secondaire d un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC). Comparer les résultats avec les connaissances d une population témoin. METHODE : Nous avons repris une cohorte de 494 patients hospitalisés pour AVC dans le service de neuro-vasculaire d Annecy entre le 01/11/08 et le 31/03/10. Puis une cohorte témoin de 222 patients rencontrés dans des cabinets de médecine générale sur le bassin annécien entre le 07/05/12 et le 31/07/12. Nous leur avons proposé de répondre à un auto-questionnaire. RESULTATS : Nous avons pu obtenir les réponses de 213 patients et 220 témoins. Les patients connaissent leur diagnostic à 75% mais ont insuffisamment connaissance de leurs facteurs de risque cérébro-vasculaire (FDRCV). Ils ne connaissent pas mieux que les témoins les signes cliniques compatibles avec un AVC et auraient même moins tendance à faire appel au SAMU face à ces mêmes signes. L autoévaluation de l observance est bonne à 67,8% mais nous n avons pas trouvé de relation entre l observance et la connaissance du diagnostic, ni avec la reconnaissance des FDRCV. CONCLUSION : La connaissance de la maladie des patients en prévention secondaire d un AVC n est pas optimale. La mise en place d une éducation thérapeutique pluridisciplinaire semble intéressante.INTRODUCTION : Knowledge of a disease and its treatments improve adherence to a behaviour modification and compliance. OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the knowledge of cerebrovascular disease and the level of compliance of patients with secondary prevention of stroke. Compare the results with the knowledge of a control population. METHOD : We took over a cohort of 494 patients hospitalized for stroke in the neuro-vascular department of Annecy s hospital between 11/1/08 and 03/31/10. Then, a cohort indicator of 222 patients encountered in general practice offices of Annecy s suburb between 05/07/12 and the 07/31/12. We asked them to answer a questionnaire. RESULTS : in the end, we were able to get answers of 213 patients and 220 witnesses. Patients know their diagnosis to a 75% rate but are insufficiently aware of their cerebrovascular risk factors. They don t know better clinical signs compatible with a stroke than witnesses and would have been even less likely to call the emergency medical service facing these same signs. Self-assessment of compliance is good to a 67.8% rate, but we didn t find a relationship between compliance and knowledge of diagnosis, or with the recognition of their cerebrovascular risk factors. CONCLUSION : The knowledge of disease of patients in secondary prevention of stroke is not optimal. The establishment of a multidisciplinary therapeutic education would seem interesting.GRENOBLE1-BU Médecine pharm. (385162101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Improving Breast Cancer Education: The Case of an Evolving Multidisciplinary Module for Undergraduate Medical Students (Lausanne Medical School, 1993-2008)

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    Breast cancer is a public health issue in numerous countries. Multidisciplinary collaboration is required for patient care, research, and also education of future physicians. This paper uses Kern's framework for curriculum design to demonstrate how a breast diseases module for undergraduate medical students created in 1993 evolved over 15years. The main outcomes of program refinements were better integrated course content, the development of electronic course documents, and implementation of computer-aided small group learning. A main future challenge is to further develop efficient instructional strategies in line with well-defined learning needs for undergraduate student

    Improving breast cancer education: the case of an evolving multidisciplinary module for undergraduate medical students (lausanne medical school, 1993-2008).

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    Breast cancer is a public health issue in numerous countries. Multidisciplinary collaboration is required for patient care, research, and also education of future physicians. This paper uses Kern's framework for curriculum design to demonstrate how a breast diseases module for undergraduate medical students created in 1993 evolved over 15 years. The main outcomes of program refinements were better integrated course content, the development of electronic course documents, and implementation of computer-aided small group learning. A main future challenge is to further develop efficient instructional strategies in line with well-defined learning needs for undergraduate students