68 research outputs found

    Strength in understanding

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    A History of Intercollegiate Football at South Dakota State University

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    The purpose of this study was to present a history of intercollegiate football at South Dakota State University showing the growth and changes in the football program. The scope of the study synthesizes seventy-nine years of intercollegiate football at South Dakota State University from 1889 to 1967. The study begins with Chapter 1 as the Introduction. Chapter II covers the period from 1889 to 1911. Chapter III through Chapter IX pertain to the period from 1912 to 1967, as seven head coaches served during this period. Chapter X consists of the summary of intercollegiate football at South Dakota State University. Gleanings from the investigation indicated that football competition was first instigated within the college by interested students and little stress was placed on organization. Participants were self-coached and furnished their own equipment. Regulations covering eligibility were very lenient. The scheduling of games was limited due to travel and games were played during daylight hours. The caliber of\u27 football improved as the number of participants increased which brought about the addition of qualified coaches to the coaching staff. Pre-season training camps were established. A conference was formed which brought about-new rules and regulations. Scheduling of games was made several years in advance and there was a noted up-grading of the schedule as far as playing nonconference games. The erection of lights brought about the playing of night football games. Financial aid was introduced to help student athletes obtain an education. Facilities and equipment were constantly improved to provide for the safety of the athletes

    Problém založení a legitimizace lidských práv

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    Emergence of the Post-truth Situation: Its Sources and Contexts

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    We often encounter the term “post-truth situation” in quite different contexts. This paper compares existing approaches to the term, reviewing sources of this notion in different domains (scientific, political, economic, academic) and fundametally identifying its conceptual core. The starting point is the analysis of the recent transformation of the relationship between scientific fact and the political sphere and the change of the role of experts in relationship to society. The next section focuses on the role of digital and especially social media in the emergence of the post-truth society and some important phenomena that are constitutive for the post-truth society in the information arena. Subsequently, we identify other sources of post-truth situations in the economic sphere, which is related to globalization, and also in the field of postmodern philosophy

    Longino's Concept of Values in Science

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    Tri poimanja prirodnog prava

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    The concept of natural law is fundamental to political philosophy, ethics, and legal thought. The present article shows that as early as the ancient Greek philosophical tradition, three main ideas of natural law existed, which run in parallel through the philosophical works of many authors in the course of history. The first two approaches are based on the understanding that although equipped with reason, humans are nevertheless still essentially animals subject to biological instincts. The first approach defines natural law as the law of the strongest, which can be observed to hold among all members of the animal kingdom. The second conception presents natural law as the principle of self-preservation, inherent as an instinct in all living beings. The third approach, also developed in antiquity, shifts the focus to our rationality and develops the idea of natural law as the law of reason within us. Some Christian thinkers who consider the origin of reason in us to be divine, identify the law of reason inherent in us with God’s will. This paper gives a brief exposition of the development of these three concepts of natural law in philosophy, with emphasis on the intertwining of these three concepts, which we, however, understand as primarily and essentially independent. The paper concludes with an overview of twentieth-century authors who exclusively focus on only one of the three concepts. The aim of this article is to argue against these one-sided interpretations and to uphold the independence and distinctness of the three historical conceptions of natural law.Pojam prirodnog prava je od suštinskog značaja za političku filozofiju, etiku i pravnu misao. Ovaj rad protivi se redukcijskom pogledu na prirodno pravo i pokazuje da postoje tri glavne ideje prirodnog prava koje se mogu pronaći već u antičkoj grčkoj filozofskoj tradiciji i koje su se paralelno koristile u filozofskim delima mnogih autora u toku istorije. Prva dva pristupa zasnovana su na razumevanju da iako su opremljena razumom, ljudi su ipak u suštini životinje koje podležu biološkim instinktima. Prvi pristup definiše prirodno pravo kao zakon najjačeg kao što se može primetiti da je slučaj među svim članovima životinjskog carstva. Druga koncepcija predstavlja prirodno pravo kao princip samoodržavanja koji je svojstven svim živim bićima kao instinkt. Treći pristup, koji se takođe razvio u antičko doba, usredsređuje se na našu racionalnost i razvija ideju o prirodnom pravu kao pravu razuma u nama. Neki hrišćanski mislioci koji smatraju da je razum dat od boga, identifikuju pravo razuma kao znak božje volje. Ovaj rad ukratko predstavlja razvoj ova tri poimanja prirodnog prava u filozofskoj tradiciji sa naglaskom na njihovo isprepleteno shvatanje, a koja mi razumemo kao nezavisna. Rad zaključuje sa pregledom autora iz 20. veka koji se isključivo fokusiraju na samo jedno od tri moguća poimanja. Cilj ovog rada je da se usprotivi jednostranim interpretacijama, koje su uglavnom zasnovane na tomističkoj tradiciji, te da podrži nezavisnost i izrazitost tri istorijska poimanja prirodnog prava

    Three concepts of natural law

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    Ethical Aspects of Centralization of Internet Search Services

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    At the dawn of the 21st century everyday life of the common citizen of industrialized society has become more and more intertwined with Internet technologies and services. Email and web are not only working tools, but in recent years with the advent of Web 2.0 technology they also developed into means of communication with friends and relatives, means of spending free time and relaxation, tools for education and in some cases they have replaced more traditional media like television and newspaper. The most frequently used and the most important service is still full text web search. This paper describes the history and current state of Internet search services and highlights ethical issues that are related to them

    Modelling Web Service Composition for Deductive Web Mining

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    Composition of simpler web services into custom applications is understood as promising technique for information requests in a heterogeneous and changing environment. This is also relevant for applications characterised as deductive web mining (DWM). We suggest to use problem-solving methods (PSMs) as templates for composed services. We developed a multi-dimensional, ontology-based framework, and a collection of PSMs, which enable to characterise DWM applications at an abstract level; we describe several existing applications in this framework. We show that the heterogeneity and unboundedness of the web demands for some modifications of the PSM paradigm used in the context of traditional artificial intelligence. Finally, as simple proof of concept, we simulate automated DWM service composition on a small collection of services, PSM-based templates, data objects and ontological knowledge, all implemented in Prolog