28 research outputs found

    The Importance of Mechanical Transport, Rock Texture, and Mineral Chemistry in Chemical Weathering of Granites: The Melechov Massif, Czech Republic

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    Data of 41 or more elements in superficial as well as drill-core samples of the peraluminous Lipnice and Melechov granites, located several kilometers apart in northern Moldanubian Batholith, are evaluated. Weathering of both granite types proceeded in virtually identical time and environment, but it shows very different patterns. In the weathered Lipnice granite, Al2O3 slightly increased, loss on ignition (LOI) increased strongly, and contents of all other major elements except for Fe are lower (however, reconcentration of K, Mg, and Ti in secondary phases is possible). In the relatively coarse-grained and more acidic Melechov granite, the depleted major elements are Si, Fe, Ti, Mn, and Mg. Strongly increased Al in half of weathered samples is independent on the moderate increase of LOI and relatively small changes of Na, Ca, K, and P contents. These samples are relatively poor in quartz, which is the result of fossil weathering, mechanical mineral separation, and erosion processes. In the Lipnice granite, however, chemical weathering dominated over mechanical fractionation due to a more compact character of the rock (as well as of biotite and plagioclase). Regarding trace elements, enrichment in Ga and loss of U are the only changes documented in both granite types (in different proportions however). The rare-earth element (REE) fractionation is generally weak, but in the Lipnice granite, two processes are proven: (i) dissolution of apatite which has an M-type lanthanide tetrad effect in the fresh rock and (ii) formation of positive Ce anomaly

    Phlogopite/matrix, Cpx/matrix and Cpx/phlogopite trace element partitioning in true lamprophyres

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    This contribution summarizes the results of pilot determination of distribution coefficients for various trace elements between the phlogopite, clinopyroxene and surrounding matrix of calc-alkaline lamprophyres. Partition coefficients were determined using the method of laser ablation in conjunction with inductively coupled plasma-mass spektrometry (LA-ICP-MS).Příspěvek shrnuje výsledky pilotního stanovení rozdělovacích koeficientů pro jednotlivé stopové prvky mezi flogopitem, klinopyroxenem a okolní matrix vápenato-alkalických lamprofyrů. Rozdělovací koeficienty byly určeny s využitím metody laserové ablace ve spojení s hmotnostní spektrometrií indukčně vázaného plazmatu (LA-ICP-MS).This contribution summarizes the results of pilot determination of distribution coefficients for various trace elements between the phlogopite, clinopyroxene and surrounding matrix of calc-alkaline lamprophyres. Partition coefficients were determined using the method of laser ablation in conjunction with inductively coupled plasma-mass spektrometry (LA-ICP-MS)

    Macro- and microelements in soil profile of the moss-covered area in James Ross Island, Antarctica

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    The study of Antarctic ecosystem provides a valuable insight into the nature development on the Earth. Biocenosis formation and colonization of land by organisms are noticeable especially in newly-deglaciated areas. In this research, soil profile development in the coastal zone of James Ross Island was investigated. The main objective was the characterisation of soil horizons. The contents of As, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Ni, P, Se and Zn were measured using ICP-MS technique. Soil parameters like organic carbon content, pH and content ofsub-63 μm fraction were also determined. Based on the results obtained, the mineral-depleted and mineral‑enriched layers in the soil profile were distinguished. With increasing depth, the shallow soil profile consisted mainly of weathered regolith. Apparently, the basic processes which are prerequisite for the development of soil ecosystem in the studied area were confirmed

    Utilization of antibody-nanoparticle conjugates as a tool for immunochemistry with ICP-MS detection

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    Immunoanalytical techniques are key methods of application in clinical diagnostics, genomics, proteomics and other biochemical and molecular biology disciplines. Most often, they are based on the ability of labeled antibodies to bind specific antigens. It is possible to use a large variety of nanomaterials that are designed, synthesized and adapted to allow highly sensitive detection of advanced immunoassays. Detection can be a highly efficient analytical method of laser ablation followed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), which allows the detection of elemental tags suitably conjugated to antibodies. The aim of this work was to conjugate model anti-mouse antibody on a surface of 10nm and 60nm gold nanoparticles and choose the better one for conjugation experimentally by using dot-blot immunobinding assay followed by LA-ICP-MS. It has been experimentally proven that 10nm gold nanoparticles are more suitable for conjugation with antibodies because of lower non-specific sorption on a membrane

    Nanoparticles as a biorecognition platform in combination with LA-ICP-MS

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    Metal nanoparticles proved to be effective signaling tags in combination with laser ablation followed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric detection. The surface may be suitably modified by various biorecognition elements such as antibodies or aptamers. Moreover, molecularly imprinted polymers can be prepared on their surface. In this study, the biorecognition capabilities of nanoparticles functionalized by antibodies and molecularly imprinted polymers were compared

    Comparison of metal nanoparticles (Au, Ag, Eu, Cd) used for immunoanalysis using LA-ICP-MS detection

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    Immunochemical methods are used not only in clinical practice for the diagnosis of a wide range of diseases but also in basic and advanced research. Based on the unique reaction between the antibody and its respective antigens, it serves to specifically recognize target molecules in biological complex samples. Current methods of labelling antibodies with elemental labels followed by detection by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) allow detection of multiple antigens in parallel in a single analysis. Using the laser ablation (LA) modality (LA-ICP-MS), it is also possible to monitor the spatial distribution of biogenic elements. Moreover, the employment of metal nanoparticle-labeled antibodies expands the applicability also to molecular imaging by LA-ICP-MS. In this work, conjugates of model monoclonal antibody (DO-1, recognizing p53 protein) with various metal nanoparticles-based labels were created and utilized in dot-blot analysis in order to compare their benefits and disadvantages. Based on experiments with the p53 protein standard, commercial kits of gold nanoparticles proved to be the most suitable for the preparation of conjugates. The LA-ICP-MS demonstrated very good repeatability, wide linear dynamic range (0.1-14 ng), and limit of detection was calculated as a 1.3 pg of p53 protein

    Adsorption of mercury species on river sediments ? effects of selected abiotic parameters

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    Abiotické parametery (pH, teplota, pohyb, koncentrace specií rtuti, a složení sedimentů a vodného prostředí) ovlivňují adsorpci specií rtuti (methyl- MeHg+, ethyl- EtHg+, fenyl- PhHg+ a anorganické rtuti - Hg2+) na říční sedimenty. Nejvyšší množství adsorbovaných specií MeHg+ a EtHg+ (82 - 93 % a 85 - 91 % za statických podmínek a v systému na třepačce, resp.) bylo pozorováno při pH 3 - 4. Maximum adsorpce (90 % and 95 % pro statický a protřepávaný systém,) byl pozorován v šírokém rozmezí pH (3 ? 10) pro PhHg+ kdežto pro Hg2+ (94 % a 97 % pro statické a protřepávaný systém) byl pozorován při pH ~ 3. Teplota (v rozsahu 4.5 - 60 °C) ovlivňuje rychlost adsorpce, nikoliv však kvantitu. Rychlost a kvantita se zvyšuje v pořadí: míchání ? třepání > statické podmínky, respective. Složení vodného prostředí ovlivňuje obě, rychlost i množství. Největší pokles adsorpce byl pozorován v přítomnosti síranu (okolo 15-25 %) a sulfidů (okolo 67 %) pro organortuťnaté specie a pro Hg2+. Přítomnost kationtů ve vodném prostředí při pH = 5.2 snižuje jak rychlost adsorpce (Ca2+, Al3+) tak i celkové množství adsorbovaných specií rtuti (Zn2+, Fe3+). Positivní korelace byla nalezena mezi relativním obsahem C, N, S a kationtovou výměnnou kapacitou (CEC) a procentem specií rtuti adsorbovaných na sedimentech (korelační koeficienty 0.45 - 0.66, 0.56 - 0.89, 0.45 - 0.61 a 0.55 - 0.73, resp.) kdežto negativní korelace byly pozorována v přítomnosti Fe a Al (korelační koeficienty od ?0.63 do -0.90 a od ?0.65 do -0.86).Abiotic parameters (pH, temperature, current velocity, mercury species concentration, and sediment and aqueous media composition) influence mercury species (MeHg+, EtHg+, PhHg+ and inorganic Hg2+) adsorption on river sediments. The highest amount of adsorbed MeHg+ and EtHg+ (82-93% and 85-91% for static and agitated system, respectively) occurred at pH 3-4. For PhHg+ the maximum adsorption (90% and 95% for static and agitated systems) was located over the broad 3-10 pH range, while for Hg2+ (94% and 97% for static and agitated systems) it was at pH ~ 3. Temperature (4.5-60°C) influenced the adsorption rate but not the quantity. Both rate and quantity increased in the order: static < agitated ? stirred systems. The aqueous medium composition affected both rate and quantity. Sulfate caused the largest adsorption decrease for organomercury species (15-25% decrease)sulfide reduced Hg2+ adsorption about 67%. Cations at pH 5.2 reduced either the adsorption rate (Ca2+, Al3+) or the total adsorption (Zn2+, Fe3+). Positive correlations were found between sediment C, N, S content as well as cation exchange capacity (CEC) with mercury adsorption (R = 0.45-0.66, 0.56-0.89, 0.45-0.61 and 0.55-0.73, respectively) while negative correlations were observed with Fe and Al (R = -0.63 to -0.90 and -0.65 to -0.86, respectively)