7 research outputs found

    Incidence of symptoms and fungal pathogens associated with grapevine trunk diseases in Czech vineyards: first example from a north-eastern European grape-growing region

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    Grapevine trunk diseases (GTD) are one of the most important constraints for grapevine and wine production worldwide. Most of the published studies on these diseases in Europe relate to the major vine growing regions mainly located in southern Europe. This is the first study of GTD incidence and associated fungal pathogens in Czech vineyards, as an example of the north-eastern European grape-growing region. Annual incidence of GTD symptoms in vineyards of cvs. ‘Chardonnay’ and ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ in three Czech locations was surveyed. On average, 3.7% of the ‘Chardonnay’ plants showed GTD symptoms and 0.7% suddenly collapsed each year. Within the ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ vineyards, 10.1% of the plants showed GTD symptoms and 2.5% suddenly collapsed. Several fungal pathogens were associated with the suddenly collapsed grapevines, and the most frequent was Phaeomoniella chlamydospora (77% of analyzed grapevines), followed by Eutypa lata (62%), Diaporthe ampelina (31%), Botryosphaeria dothidea (15%) and Fomitiporia mediterranea (15%)

    Incidence of symptoms and fungal pathogens associated with grapevine trunk diseases in Czech vineyards: first example from a north-eastern European grape-growing region

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    Summary. Grapevine trunk diseases (GTD) are one of the most important constraints for grapevine and wine production worldwide. Most of the published studies on these diseases in Europe relate to the major vine growing regions mainly located in southern Europe. This is the first study of GTD incidence and associated fungal pathogens in Czech vineyards, as an example of the north-eastern European grape-growing region. Annual incidence of GTD symptoms in vineyards of cvs. ‘Chardonnay’ and ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ in three Czech locations was surveyed. On average, 3.7% of the ‘Chardonnay’ plants showed GTD symptoms and 0.7% suddenly collapsed each year. Within the ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ vineyards, 10.1% of the plants showed GTD symptoms and 2.5% suddenly collapsed. Several fungal pathogens were associated with the suddenly collapsed grapevines, and the most frequent was Phaeomoniella chlamydospora (77% of analyzed grapevines), followed by Eutypa lata (62%), Diaporthe ampelina (31%), Botryosphaeria dothidea (15%) and Fomitiporia mediterranea (15%)

    Monitoring the Green Vegetation Period of Two <i>Narcissus</i> Taxa by Non-Destructive Analysis of Selected Physiological and Morphological Properties

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    In a pot experiment, an early-flowering Narcissus pseudonarcissus cv. ‘Dutch Master’ (DM) and late-flowering N. poeticus cultural form (PO) were examined. The photosynthetic rate (A), transpiration rate (E), stomatal conductance (gs), photosynthetic water use efficiency (WUE), relative chlorophyll content (CCI) and chlorophyll fluorescence (F) were measured regularly. Leaf length, scape length and weight of the plant organs were also measured. The DM cultivar had higher gs and lower E values than the PO on most measuring dates (season average: gs: DM: 165.34, PO: 123.63; E: DM: 1.39, PO: 1.78 mmol H2O m−2s−1). The A curve was similar for the two taxa, except for the first measuring dates. The basic F values (F0, Fm, Fv) for DM were lower and CCI values were higher than for PO (season average of CCI: DM: 94.82, PO: 60.34). The Fm/F0, Fv/F0 and CCI curves were well described by a second order equation. The seasonal change of F and CCI values was the greatest for both taxa near the leaf tip. Bulb growth occurred in the two taxa in approximately the same calendar period, regardless of flowering time. A significant part of the leaf growth in DM occurred after flowering, while the leaves of PO reached their mature size by flowering

    Monitoring the Green Vegetation Period of Two Narcissus Taxa by Non-Destructive Analysis of Selected Physiological and Morphological Properties

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    In a pot experiment, an early-flowering Narcissus pseudonarcissus cv. &lsquo;Dutch Master&rsquo; (DM) and late-flowering N. poeticus cultural form (PO) were examined. The photosynthetic rate (A), transpiration rate (E), stomatal conductance (gs), photosynthetic water use efficiency (WUE), relative chlorophyll content (CCI) and chlorophyll fluorescence (F) were measured regularly. Leaf length, scape length and weight of the plant organs were also measured. The DM cultivar had higher gs and lower E values than the PO on most measuring dates (season average: gs: DM: 165.34, PO: 123.63; E: DM: 1.39, PO: 1.78 mmol H2O m&minus;2s&minus;1). The A curve was similar for the two taxa, except for the first measuring dates. The basic F values (F0, Fm, Fv) for DM were lower and CCI values were higher than for PO (season average of CCI: DM: 94.82, PO: 60.34). The Fm/F0, Fv/F0 and CCI curves were well described by a second order equation. The seasonal change of F and CCI values was the greatest for both taxa near the leaf tip. Bulb growth occurred in the two taxa in approximately the same calendar period, regardless of flowering time. A significant part of the leaf growth in DM occurred after flowering, while the leaves of PO reached their mature size by flowering

    The Influence of the Bud Stage at Harvest and Cold Storage on the Vase Life of Narcissus poeticus (L.) Flowers

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    The Narcissus poeticus (L.) species stands out from other narcissus due to its unique ornamental and sensory values. In our experiment, the flowers of N. poeticus were harvested at five different stages. After cutting, the plants were placed directly at room temperature or at 4 &deg;C for 1 week. The opening status of the flowers was recorded every 12 h, and based on this, the ornamental value of the flowers was calculated. Additionally, the flower diameter, the scape and flower weight, the dry matter content, the water soluble K, Ca, and Mg content of the plant parts, and the chlorophyll content of the scapes were measured. The complete senescence of the stored flowers was noted to be earlier (after 6.6&ndash;7.5 days) than that of the fresh flowers (7.5&ndash;8.5 days) and depended on the bud stage at harvest. Flowers opened from all the buds, but the flower size was smaller in the early developmental harvest stage (a 10 mm reduction in diameter and a 0.38 g reduction in fresh weight between the green bud and the large white bud harvest stages). Cold storage delayed further bud development and reduced the flower size in several cases, but it increased the maximum decorative value of the flowers for those flowers that had been harvested as big white buds

    The Influence of the Bud Stage at Harvest and Cold Storage on the Vase Life of <i>Narcissus poeticus</i> (L.) Flowers

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    The Narcissus poeticus (L.) species stands out from other narcissus due to its unique ornamental and sensory values. In our experiment, the flowers of N. poeticus were harvested at five different stages. After cutting, the plants were placed directly at room temperature or at 4 °C for 1 week. The opening status of the flowers was recorded every 12 h, and based on this, the ornamental value of the flowers was calculated. Additionally, the flower diameter, the scape and flower weight, the dry matter content, the water soluble K, Ca, and Mg content of the plant parts, and the chlorophyll content of the scapes were measured. The complete senescence of the stored flowers was noted to be earlier (after 6.6–7.5 days) than that of the fresh flowers (7.5–8.5 days) and depended on the bud stage at harvest. Flowers opened from all the buds, but the flower size was smaller in the early developmental harvest stage (a 10 mm reduction in diameter and a 0.38 g reduction in fresh weight between the green bud and the large white bud harvest stages). Cold storage delayed further bud development and reduced the flower size in several cases, but it increased the maximum decorative value of the flowers for those flowers that had been harvested as big white buds