26 research outputs found

    Validación de la Preparación y Uso Previsto de Productos Cárnicos.

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    Investigación realizada en PRONACA Embutidos, Quito con la finalidad de conocer tiempo exacto en el que un producto cárnico, una vez que haya sido sometido a cocción, conserve sus características de sabor, olor, color, y textura, además de ausencia de microorganismos patógenos. Se aplicó método experimental e inductivo-deductivo, utilizando horno, parrilla, microondas, cocina, para el control microbiológico, placas petrifilm, agua y aceite como medios de cocción, cronómetro y termómetro manuales y laser. Se utilizaron 90 productos crudos y cocidos, los primeros fueron sometidos a análisis microbiológico y sensorial, los segundos a análisis sensorial. De éstos se tomó como referencia 3 ítems cárnicos, obteniéndose que en un rango de tiempo de 2 min a 2 min8seg la salchicha código 2598 Salchicha ranchera, hot dog preparada en aceite está lista para ser consumida, presenta olor y sabor característico y una dureza de 8. El producto código 9723 Alitas BBQ Mr. Cook preparadas en microondas esta lista en 4 a 6 min, presenta color dorado, sabor y olor a carne de pollo cocida y dulce, jugosidad de 5. El producto código 9730 Dinonnugets Mr. Cook preparados en aceite, está listo en 2 a 5 min, presenta color dorado, sabor a carne de pollo frita, olor a carne de pollo apanada , jugosidad de 5 y crugencia de 10, ausencia de microorganismos patógenos. Los rangos de tiempo establecidos para preparación o cocción de estos productos son adecuados pues presentan color, olor, sabor, y textura ideales y, los productos crudos no presenta microorganismos patógenos. Cumpliéndose condiciones de cocción y rangos de tiempo estas características se conservan y son ideales

    Targeting EphB1 Receptor in Cellular Models: Analysis of Signaling Pathways and Cross-Talk with Opioid Receptors

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    The activation of EphB1 receptors by their membrane bound ligands ephrins in nociceptive neurons have been implicated in the onset and maintenance of different types of pain and in side effects produced as consequence of prolonged Mor activation. The use of EphB1 blocking reagents rescue opioid-induced analgesia suggesting that antagonists targeting EphB1 receptor could represent a novel class of analgesics. A potential inverse relation between EphB1 and Mor receptors was displayed in a previous investigation by Lombardo Sara where showed that the co-administration of Mor and EphB1 agonists resulted in an occlusion of morphine-mediated p42/44 MAPK phosphorylation. Therefore, the aim of the research was elucidated the signaling pathway and mechanism responsible for the functional crosstalk triggered by the co-administration of both ligands and at the same time developed and tested different EphB1 antagonist peptidomimetics. As results: *ephrinB1/EphB1 activation through PI3K signaling pathways blunted p42/44 activation morphine-mediated and PKC-dependent in SHSY5Y native cells where in addition EphB1 signaling activation seems to be the responsible for blocking the capacity of the morphine to modulate adenylyl cyclase activity. *SHSY5Y cells induced to PMA differentiation produced up regulation of Mor expression and down regulation of EphB1 receptors allowing that morphine significantly activate p42/p44 MAPK even when ephrinB1 was co-administered. *Conversely, in PMA-differentiated SHSY5Y cells exposed to TNF-α, EphB1 expression was significantly up regulated and the morphine failed to increase p42/44 MAPK phosphorylation. * Moreover, were found two novel antagonist peptides capable to counteract ephrinB1-Fc-mediated activation of p42/p44 MAPK phosphorylation. Concluding that when EphB1 is activated morphine no longer triggers PKC-dependent signaling events downstream of Mor activation, explaining the reasons why opioid analgesics are less effective in the treatment of different pain states. At this regards, novel EphB1 receptor antagonists may represent a novel strategy to reduce the negative impact of ephrin system

    Factors conditioning the vitality of dental implants

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    Dental implant treatment is the most predictable therapeutic option in the partial or total replacement of missing teeth; currently it has a considerable success rate, however, failures do not escape them. Being a complex procedure, it is essential to have a good working protocol, i.e. a correct diagnosis in order to identify risk factors that may lead to implant failure and to restore the health, esthetics and function of our patients for many years, implementing preventive measures. The purpose of this article is to make known by means of an updated literature analysis the risk factors that could affect the osseointegration process, as well as the different lesions that can occur. Among the variables analyzed were: osteoporosis, smoking, consumption of bisphosphonates, receiving radiotherapy treatment, as well as the age and sex of the patient. The subject of the risk factors that condition the vitality of dental implants can help more professionals to contribute with alternatives and development so that dental implants continue to evolve. A bibliographic, documentary, exploratory and non-experimental, qualitative research was carried out by means of a search of articles in databases such as: Pubmed, Scielo, Google Scholar

    Effectiveness of inmediate dentin sealing in indirect restorations

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    Introduction: immediate dentin sealing consists of the application of an adhesive agent immediately after tooth preparation and before impression taking, providing a barrier for the dentin and pulp against microorganisms. Objective: to determine the effectiveness of immediate dentin sealing in indirect restorations. Method: a narrative review of the available bibliography was carried out using the analytical, synthetic and historical-logical methods through the articles retrieved from databases such as Pubmed, Scopus and Web of Science. A total of 39 references that addressed the main characteristics of the subject in question were selected. Results: the main objective is to protect the pulpal dentin complex immediately, playing an indispensable role in adhesive dentistry when performing indirect restorations, reduces dentin permeability in the short and long term, prevents the colonization of bacteria in the dentin, improves the marginal and internal adaptation and decreases previous sensitivity. Conclusions: immediate dentin sealing is of great importance in the clinical consultation, since great benefits can be obtained with this technique, such as better bonding strength, less space formation, protection of the dental pulp from bacteria, less bacterial microleakage, and low dentin sensitivity, however its effectiveness in marginal sealing is limited

    Impact of COVID-19 in field of Dentistry

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    Introduction: COVID-19 is a disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus and transmitted through respiratory track. So, dentists face a great risk working directly in the oral cavity. Objective: systematization of the theoretical references concerning the impact of COVID-19 in dental areas. Method: a systematic review on the subject was carried out at the Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes, from September to December 2022. Of a total of 36 articles reviewed, 23 were selected according to criteria, available in PUBMED and SciELO, published in English and Spanish by different authors, and associated to the COVID-19 transmission in dentistry. Results: the following topics were addressed: oral diseases caused by COVID-19, changes in dental areas due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and biosecurity measures used in the dental service for ensure patient safety receiving treatment. Final considerations: COVID-19 has had great repercussions in dentistry, which affects the oral and general health of  patients and, in turn, leads to the use of strict biosecurity measures inside and outside the dental office, so, it is essential for dentists to become empowered of the theoretical references related to the subject and also be focused on detecting lesions that may constitute primary signs of a possible presence of SARS-CoV-2, in adopt responsible behaviors and to avoid any spread of disease

    Enfermedad periodontal y el embarazo

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    Periodontal disease and pregnancyEnfermedad periodontal y el embaraz

    Conditions of the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids) in dental practice

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    Objetivo: conocer los efectos del consumo de AINES sobre la cavidad oral. Método: Descriptivo documental con revisión de 15 artículos ubicados en base de datos PubMed. Conclusión: Los AINEs repercuten en particular sobre los osteoblastos ya que principalmente modulan el crecimiento, la diferenciación/maduración o la adhesión de estos, impidiendo la regeneración ósea tras una lesión o cirugía.Objective: To know the effects of NSAID consumption on the oral cavity. Method: Descriptive documentary with review of 15 articles located in PubMed database. Conclusion: NSAIDs have a particular impact on osteoblasts as they mainly modulate their growth, differentiation/maturation or adhesion, preventing bone regeneration after injury or surgery

    Spiciness as a pungency in the activation of high temperature receptors

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    Objetivo: Analizar el picante como una pungencia en la activación de receptores de altas temperatura. Método: De tipo bibliográfica documental mediante una búsqueda de artículos en bases de datos como: Pubmed, Scielo, Science Direct, Redalyc. Conclusión: El sentido del gusto es un factor indispensable para la detección de sustancias químicas disueltas en la boca por que al ser parte de la lengua y la cavidad oral ayuda a percibir los sabores, pero a la vez también puede percibir otras sensaciones como la temperatura. Cuando ingerimos ciertos compuestos presentes en los alimentos picantes los receptores de temperaturas elevadas presentes en la lengua se activan, por lo que la sensación que nuestro cerebro crea es termoalgesia.Objective: To analyze spiciness as a pungency in the activation of high temperature receptors. Method: Documentary bibliographic type by means of a search of articles in databases such as: Pubmed, Scielo, Science Direct, Redalyc. Conclusion: The sense of taste is an indispensable factor for the detection of dissolved chemical substances in the mouth because it is part of the tongue and oral cavity and helps to perceive flavors, but at the same time it can also perceive other sensations such as temperature. When we ingest certain compounds present in spicy foods, the receptors of high temperatures present in the tongue are activated, so the sensation that our brain creates is thermoalgesia

    Prevalencia, factores, y prevención de caries dentales en niños a nivel de Latinoamérica

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    Objective: To analyze the prevalence, factors, and prevention of dental caries in children in Latin America. Method: Descriptive documentary review of 15 articles located in PubMed database. Conclusion: Among the causal factors of this pathology, carbohydrate intake, poor oral hygiene and socioeconomic factors stand out. Among the prevention methods, the use of fluoride, consumption of fluoridated water, oral hygiene habits, oral health awareness among parents and children, frequent dental visits and a healthy diet are mentioned.Objetivo: Analizar la prevalencia, factores, y prevención de caries dentales en niños a nivel de Latinoamérica. Método: Descriptivo documental con revisión de 15 artículos ubicados en base de datos PubMed. Conclusión: Entre los factores causantes de esta patología se destacan la ingesta de carbohidratos, la deficiente higiene bucal y los factores socioeconómicos. Mientras que entre los métodos de prevención se mencionan el uso de flúor, el consumo de agua fluorada, el hábito de higiene bucal, la concientización de la salud oral a padres y niños, las visitas odontológicas frecuentes y la dieta saludable

    Síndrome de Burnout en docentes de la facultad de ciencias médicas UNIANDES

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    Introduction: Burnout Syndrome (BS) is a psychosocial problem that occurs when there is emotional exhaustion due to exposure to constant stressful situations. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the frequency of Burnout Syndrome and its relationship with sociodemographic factors in teachers of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes "UNIANDES".  Methodology: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 86 intentionally selected teachers through a web survey, sociodemographic data and the Maslach Burnout Inventory were obtained to determine the presence of BS. Results: 54.7% (n=47) were women, the overall age was 44.8±4.0 years. 94.2% of the teachers evaluated showed a tendency to develop BS, while 5.8% had already developed the syndrome. The main factors associated with the presence of BS were sex (female: 8.5% vs. male: 2.6%; P=0.03), having problems with colleagues or superiors (no: 2.8% vs. yes: 20%; P=0.01) and job search to change the current one (no: 3.8% vs yes: 28.6%; P<0.01). Conclusions: Of the teachers of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes "UNIANDES" only 5.8% presented BS and 92.4% showed a tendency to develop it. Therefore, it is essential to provide frequent psychological monitoring to all teaching staff, in relation to their psychic and emotional satisfaction in the workplace.Introducción: El Síndrome de Burnout (SB) es un problema psicosocial que se presenta cuando existe un agotamiento emocional a causa de exponerse a situaciones de estrés constante. Por ello el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la frecuencia de Síndrome de Burnout y su relación con factores sociodemográficos en los docentes de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes “UNIANDES”. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio transversal en 86 docentes seleccionados de manera intencional mediante una encuesta virtual se obtuvieron datos sociodemográficos y la escala o Inventario de Burnout de Maslach para determinar la presencia SB. Resultados: El 54,7% (n=47) fueron mujeres, el promedio general de edad fue 44,8±4,0 años. El 94,2% de los docentes evaluados presentaron tendencia a desarrollar SB, mientras que el 5,8% ya habían desarrollado el síndrome.  Los principales factores asociados a la presencia de SB fueron el sexo (femenino: 8,5% vs masculino: 2,6%; P=0,03), tener problemas con compañeros o superiores (no: 2,8% vs si: 20%; P=0,01) y búsqueda de trabajo para cambiar el actual (no: 3,8% vs si: 28,6%; P<0,01). Conclusiones: De los docentes de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes “UNIANDES” solo 5,8% presentaron SB y 92,4% mostraron tendencia a desarrollarlo. Por ende, es indispensable proporcionar seguimiento psicológico frecuente a todo el personal docente, en relación a su satisfacción psíquica y emocional en el ámbito laboral