2,720 research outputs found

    Polarographic Study of Complexation of BP+ with Schiff Bases In Acetate Buffer

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    Organic Farming In Banana And Guava

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    India is the second largest producer of fruits in the world. With the increasing population, the cultivable land resource is shrinking day to day. Green Revolution in the post- independence era has shown path to developing countries for self- sufficiency in food but sustaining agricultural production against the finite natural resource base demands has shifted from the “resource degrading” chemical agriculture to a “resource protective” biological or organic farming. The major component of organic farming is: manures, green manures, intercropping, mulching, vermiculture biotechnology, bio fertilizers, biodynamic farming, bio control etc. Application of bio-fertilizer was more effective than organic manures in enhancing fruit growth parameters. When bio-fertilizer was grouped together in Red Fleshed guava and banana cv. grand nine, P-solubilizers were found to have more beneficial influence on fruit physico- chemical characteristics than that of N-fixers

    Study on fetomaternal outcome in antepartum haemorrhage

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    Background: Any bleeding from or into the genital tract after the period of viability, but before the birth of the baby is termed as antepartum haemorrhage (APH).Methods: 110 cases of bleeding per vaginal (pv) after 28 weeks of gestation were studied retrospectively from August 2018 to June 2019 and were grouped as placenta previa, placental abruption and indeterminate.Results: 35.45% cases were of placenta previa, 53.63% cases were of placental abruption and 10.90% cases were of indeterminate. Majority were delivered by lower segment caesarean section (LSCS) and most of the cases required blood transfusion.Conclusions: APH cannot reliably be predicted .It is major cause of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. Multidisciplinary approach and senior input is necessary in making decision about timing and mode of delivery. Presently increase in use of ultrasonography (USG) for placental localisation and to diagnose abruption, improved obstetrical and anesthetic facilities, increase in use in blood products to correct anemia and advanced neonatal care facilities, all of these have played important role in decreasing perinatal as well as maternal mortality and morbidit

    Fetomaternal outcome in pregnancy with HELLP syndrome

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    Background: HELLP Syndrome is a serious complication of pregnancy induced hypertensive disorders. It is defined as a triad of hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count (HELLP). Objectives of this study was to find out incidence of HELLP syndrome in pre-eclampsia, eclampsia and its overall incidence. To analyse the clinical profile of HELLP syndrome. To study maternal and perinatal outcome including morbidity and mortality.Methods: A retrospective study was conducted from July 2017 to September 2019 at a tertiary care center with inclusion criteria of abnormal peripheral blood smear, elevated liver enzymes (LDH, aspartate aminotransferase), and low platelet count.Results: HELLP syndrome was more common in younger age group (45%) and in primigravida (52.5%). Most of the patients presented at >36 weeks of gestation (40%) and most of the patients delivered by caesarean section (67.5%). Maternal complications were acute renal failure (27.5%), DIC (22.5%), maternal mortality (7.5%). Neonatal complications associated were intrauterine death (27.5%), prematurity (25%) and intrauterine growth retardation (15%).Conclusions: Thus, HELLP syndrome requires an early diagnosis and early initiation of treatment at tertiary care center with all the medical facilities available

    Fetomaternal outcome in patients with diabetes mellitus in pregnancy

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is defined as increased blood glucose level due to defect in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Undiagnosed or inadequately treated diabetes mellitus during pregnancy can lead to significant maternal and fetal complications. The study was conducted to review feto-maternal outcome in pregnancy with diabetes and to plan management of pregnancy with diabetes and to study the modalities for treatment of DM in pregnancy.Methods: A prospective case study was conducted from July 2015 to December 2018 at a tertiary care center. Study group used single step 75gm oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) test recommended by WHO for GDM diagnosis.Results: GDM (85%) was more common than overt diabetes (15%) and in younger age group (53.75%) and Multiparous patients (18.2%). Most of patients required insulin (81.2%) for treatment of DM during pregnancy along with medical nutrition therapy and exercise. Most common association in this patient was hypertension (41%). Rate of caesarean section (60%) was more common. Average birth weight was of >3.5 kg, intrauterine death (4.2%), preterm delivery (14.2%) and admission to NICU were also common.Conclusions: There was significant fetomaternal morbidity in patients with diabetes mellitus. Early diagnosis and treatment reduces the fetomaternal outcome

    Pinpointing The Extent Of Electronic Delocalization In The Re(i)-to-tetrazine Charge-separated Excited State Using Time-resolved Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Femtosecond mid-IR transient absorption spectroscopy (TRIR) and time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) calculations on Re(CO)(3)Cl(Me(2)BPTZ) [Me(2)BPTZ = 3,6-bis(5-methyl-2-pyridine)-1,2,4,5-tetrazine] are used to demonstrate that the lowest excited state of the complex is a triplet metal-to-ligand charge-transfer ((3)MLCT) state with a lifetime of 225 ps. The short excited-state lifetime is explained by the energy-gap taw. Vibrational cooling of the (3)MLCT state shows up as early-time dynamics (3.6 ps). The structural changes in the excited state are deduced from the frequency shifts in the TRIR vibrational bands. The vibrational frequencies of the CO groups increase upon excitation as a result of decreased back-bonding between the CO ligands and the oxidized Re center in the (3)MLCT state. The vibrational frequencies of the central tetrazine ring of Me(2)BPTZ decrease because of the decrease in the bond order upon reduction of the Me(2)BPTZ ligand in the (3)MLCT state. Interestingly, the TRIR signals from the pyridine moieties of Me2BPTZ were not detected. These results can be explained by localization of the electronic charge on the central tetrazine ring in the (3)MLCT state of Re(CO)(3)Cl(Me(2)BPTZ), as supported by TD-DFT calculations

    Higher order antibunching is not a rare phenomenon

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    Since the introduction of higher order nonclassical effects, higher order squeezing has been reported in a number of different physical systems but higher order antibunching is predicted only in three particular cases. In the present work, we have shown that the higher order antibunching is not a rare phenomenon rather it can be seen in many simple optical processes. To establish our claim, we have shown it in six wave mixing process, four wave mixing process and in second harmonic generation process.Comment: 6 pages, no figure, Latex 2