3,583 research outputs found

    The genetic control of reproductive development under high ambient temperature

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    Ambient temperature has a large impact on reproductive development and grain yield in temperate cereals. However, little is known about the genetic control of development under different ambient temperatures. Here, we demonstrate that in barley (Hordeum vulgare), high ambient temperatures accelerate or delay reproductive development depending on the photoperiod response gene PHOTOPERIOD1 (Ppd-H1) and its upstream regulator EARLY FLOWERING3 (HvELF3). A natural mutation in Ppd-H1 prevalent in spring barley delayed floral development and reduced the number of florets and seeds per spike, while the wild-type Ppd-H1 or a mutant Hvelf3 allele accelerated floral development and maintained the seed number under high ambient temperatures. High ambient temperature delayed the expression phase and reduced the amplitude of clock genes and repressed the floral integrator gene FLOWERING LOCUS T1 independently of the genotype. Ppd-H1-dependent variation in flowering time under different ambient temperatures correlated with relative expression levels of the BARLEY MADS-box genes VERNALIZATION1 (HvVRN1), HvBM3, and HvBM8 in the leaf. Finally, we show that Ppd-H1 interacts with regulatory variation at HvVRN1. Ppd-H1 only accelerated floral development in the background of a spring HvVRN1 allele with a deletion in the regulatory intron. The full-length winter Hvvrn1 allele was strongly down-regulated, and flowering was delayed by high temperatures irrespective of Ppd-H1. Our findings demonstrate that the photoperiodic and vernalization pathways interact to control flowering time and floret fertility in response to ambient temperature in barley

    Distinguishing between “change” and “amount” infinitesimals in first-semester calculus-based physics

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    From the perspective of an introductory calculus course, an integral is simply a Riemann sum: a particular limit of a sum of small quantities. However, students connect those mathematical quantities to physical representations in different ways. For example, integrals that add up mass and integrals that add up displacement use infinitesimals differently. Students who are not cognizant of these differences may not understand what they are doing when they integrate. Further, they may not understand how to set up an integral. We propose a framework for scaffolding students' knowledge of integrals using a distinction between “change” and “amount” infinitesimals. In support of the framework, we present results from two qualitative studies about student understanding of integration

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    Nonlocal ultrafast demagnetization dynamics of Co/Pt multilayers by optical field enhancement

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    The influence on ultrafast demagnetization dynamics of metallic nano-structured gratings deposited on thin films of magnetic Co/Pt multilayers is investigated by the time-resolved optical Kerr effect. Depending on the polarization of the pump pulse, a pronounced enhancement of the demagnetization amplitude is found. Calculation of the inhomogeneous optical field distribution due to plasmon interaction and time-dependent solutions of the coupled electron, lattice, and spin temperatures in two dimensions show good agreement with the experimental data, as well as giving evidence of non-local demagnetization dynamics due to electron diffusion.BMBF, 05K10KTB, Verbundprojekt: FSP 301 - FLASH: Nanoskopische Systeme. Teilprojekt 1.1: Universelle Experimentierkammer für Streuexperimente mit kohärenten Femtosekunden-Röntgenpulsen Multi Purpose Coherent Scattering Chamber for FLASH and XFEL 'MPscatt
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