1,601 research outputs found

    The Gribov problem in Noncommutative QED

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    It is shown that in the noncommutative version of QED (NCQED) Gribov copies induced by the noncommutativity of space-time appear in the Landau gauge. This is a genuine effect of noncommutative geometry which disappears when the noncommutative parameter vanishes.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. Published. The paper has been shortened and many references have been judged unnecessary or not suitable during the reviewing proces

    Probability representation in quantum field theory

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    The recently proposed probability representation of quantum mechanics is generalized to quantum field theory. We introduce a probability distribution functional for field configurations and find an evolution equation for such a distribution. The connection to the time-dependent generating functional of Green's functions is elucidated and the classical limit is discussed

    La prima moneta romana in argento: l’apporto dei ripostigli negli studi recenti

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    This paper focuses on the most recent essays on the first roman silver coinage, especially on the volume by F. Coarelli Argentum signatum and the debate about the same topic, among him and other scholars. After a brief comparison of some different chronological proposals, outlined respectively by A. Burnett and M. Crawford, F. Coarelli, P. Marchetti, the attention is drawn on the coin-hoards with roman-campanian coinage, first of all on their composition. It is underlined that these hoards represent a meaningful evidence, that can be neither neglected nor overvalued. One of the key – element in the analysis of these coin-hoards is the relationship among roman-campanian coinage and other series, such as ones issued by Neapolis and Tarentum at the end of the IV BC and in the III BC: these coinages and their chronological frame offer some main clues to roman coinages in this epoch, but they are still very discussed from the chronological point of view. The comparison of some hoards, recently discovered, with other cases could offer a bit of evidence with regard to some topics: the beginning of the roman silver coinage at 310-300 BC; a short pause between weighty roman didrachms and the lighter ones, probably at or after the end of the Pyrrhic war; in relation to an earlier and shorter minting of the lighter didrachms (RRC 22, 25-27), likely contemporary each to other, at least as for the third and the fourth ones

    How Patients and Nurses defined Advocacy in Nursing? A Review of the Literature

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    Objectives: Advocacy is an important aspect in current professional nursing care and it is a relatively new role for nursing, emerged in the United States in 1980s. This article aimed to explore the basis of advocacy concept viewed by both nurses and patients.Design: A computerized search in PubMed, Medline, Embase databases was conducted to highlight the relevance of nursing advocacy by nurses and patients. This review included qualitative studies which explained better advocacy concept in nursing practice and analyzed the concept of nursing advocacy. Data sources: Fifteen articles were found. Of these, only six met all the requirements of the inclusion criteria Review methods: Articles were compared by considering for each paper the purpose, the design, the methodology, the finding, in order to define advocacy concept by both patients and nurses.Results: Six articles were found, which were published between 1996 and 2018.Conclusions: It was found that the concept and the practice of the nursing advocacy was still enshrouded in confusion, conflict and change. Keywords: Advocacy; Nursing Advocacy; Literature Review; Patient Advocacy. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/63-08 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Nursing Perception on Patient Safety Culture: The Latest Methodological Approaches

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    Safety culture can be defined as “the values shared among organization members about what is important, their beliefs about how things operate in the organization, and the interaction of these with work unit and organizational structures and systems, which together produce behavioral norms in the organization that promote safety”. This literature review aimed to identify the latest methodological approaches quantifying patient safety culture perception among nurses. The available literature was searched from January 2018 to today . Eleven eligible works were found and analyzed and the main key concepts highlighted were: the research approaches to assess patient safety culture, the development of quantitative survey tools for data collection for further reproducibility and the levels of data aggregation for conducting data analyses. A cohesive body of literature of evaluation tools is requiring on patient safety culture among nurses which is still limited in the current literature. Keywords: Health Safety; Methodological Approach; Nursing Perception; Patient Safety; Safety Culture; Safety Survey. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/62-12 Publication date:May 31st 201

    Assessment of Correlations among Activities of Daily Living (ADL), Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) and Cumulative Illness Rating Index (CI) Scores in the Elderly Patients with Femur Fractures: A Prospective Study

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    Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) has established that injury will be the second principal cause of the world disease onerous by the year 2020. Purpose: In this study comorbidity was evaluated with the Cumulative Illness Rating Index, (CI) and studied in relation to the functional status of the elderly participants, by considering: Activities of Daily Living (ADL), and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), scores. Method: Ninety-five elderly patients with femur fracture were recruited for this study. A prospective investigation and evaluation of their comorbidity and their physical activity conditions was performed. Results: Correlations were evaluated between: ADL and CIRS values (r = 0.23); CIRS and IADL values (r = 0.24), and finally correlations between patients age and CIRS values (r = 0.09).Conclusion: No significant correlations were assessed to standardize the different score levels. Keywords: Activities of Daily Living (ADL), Cumulative Illness Rating Index (CI), Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), Elderly Patients. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/63-05 Publication date:June 30th 2019

    Discovery of a Remarkable Methyl Shift Effect in the Vanilloid Activity of Triterpene Amides

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    As part of a study on triterpenoid conjugates, the dietary pentacyclic triterpenoids oleanolic (2a) and ursolic acids (3a) were coupled with vanillamine, and the resulting amides (2b and 3b, respectively) were assayed for activity on the vanilloid receptor TRPV1. Despite a structural difference limited to the location of a methyl group in their conformationally rigid pentacyclic core, oleanoloyl vanillamide dramatically outperformed ursoloyl vanillamide in terms of potency (EC50 = 35 ± 2 nM for 2b and 5.4 ± 2.3 μM for 3b). Using molecular docking and dynamics, this difference was translated into distinct accommodation modes at the TRPV1 vanillyl ligand pocket, suggesting a critical role of a C-H πphenyl interaction between the triterpenoid C-29 methyl and Phe591 of TRPV1. Because the molecular mechanisms underlying the activation process of transient receptor channels (TRPs) remain to be fully elucidated, the observation of spatially restricted structure-activity information is of significant relevance to identify the molecular detail of TRPV1 ligand gating

    Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance Profile and Biofilm Production of Staphylococcus aureus Isolates Derived from Human Specimens and Animal-Derived Samples

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    Background: The diusion of antimicrobial resistance is a significant concern for public health worldwide. Staphylococcus aureus represents a paradigm microorganism for antibiotic resistance in that resistant strains appear within a decade after the introduction of new antibiotics. Methods: Fourteen S. aureus isolates from human specimens and twenty-one from samples of animal origin, were compared for their antimicrobial resistance and biofilm capability. In addition, they were characterized at the molecular level to detect the antimicrobial resistance mecA gene and genes related with enterotoxin, toxin, and biofilm production. Results: Both phenotypic and molecular analysis showed main dierences among human- and animal-derived isolates. Among the human-derived isolates, more multidrug-resistant isolates were detected and mecA gene, enterotoxin, and toxin genes were more prevalent. Dierent genes involved in biofilm production were detected with bap present only in animal-derived isolates and sasC present in both isolates, however, with a higher prevalence in the human-derived isolates. Biofilm capability was higher in human-derived isolates mainly associated to the sasC gene. Conclusions: The overall results indicate that human S. aureus isolates are more virulent and resistant than the isolates of animal origin randomly selected with no infection anamnesis. This study confirms that selection for more virulent and resistant S. aureus strains is related to the clinical practice
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