22 research outputs found

    Reprezentacije sebe in drugih med korejsko manjšino na Japonskem

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    This paper focuses on the study of the diversity, mutual representations and the expression of identity of the Korean minority in Japan, which occurs through the assertion of their existence and value in a foreign country, through an analysis of the problems of their lack of recognition, and through giving them voice. The question of identity in general and national and ethnic identity in particular requires not just the identification of the subject with a specific space as home, but also the examination of the process of production and reproduction of such an identity. The paper focuses on the problems that the minority group of resident Koreans has with understanding, expressing and representing their identities.Pričujoča raziskava se ukvarja z raznolikostjo, vzajemno reprezentacijo in izražanjem identitete korejske manjšine na Japonskem, in sicer analizira način uveljavljanja njihovega obstoja in vrednotenja v tuji državi ter njihove pripovedi. Vprašanje identitete, še zlasti nacionalne in etnične, ne zahteva le identifikacije posameznika z domom kot posebnim prostorom, temveč tudi vpogled v proces njenega oblikovanja in preoblikovanja. Članek se osredotoča na težave, ki jih ima manjšinska skupnost na Japonskem živečih Korejcev predvsem z razumevanjem, izražanjem in reprezentacijo svojih identitet

    Bivalna kultura v tradicionalni japonski hiši

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    Članek povzema rezultate terenskega dela in raziskovanja tradicionalne japonske hiše. Na podlagi raziskave primera mestne hiše iz edskega obdobja v muzeju Boso no mura na Japonskem je predstavljena tradicionalna bivalna kultura. V bivalni kulturi se kažejo vplivi naravnih in družbenih značilnosti obdobja in tako študija japonskega bivališča priskrbi vpogled v karakter japonskega naroda in oblikovnih dejstev v kulturni rasti. *** The article summarizes the results of the fieldwork and researching of the traditional Japanese house. On the basis of researching of the exemplary house, namely the city house from Edo period in Boso no mura Museum, the traditional dwelling culture is represented. In dwelling culture the influences of the natural and social characteristics of the period are shown, and in that way the study of the Japanese dwelling provides an insight to the characteristic of the Japanese people and formative facts in cultural grow

    Koreans in Japan: Processes of Community Building in Marginal Places in Kyoto

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    The article mostly deals with an area on the southeast of Kyoto, which is known to be settled also by the Korean minority. The research based on a few short fieldworks focuses on their struggle to gain access to the resources through the process of community building (machizukuri). The process of machizukuri began under the liberation movement of another marginalized group known as burakumin, who live in the neighbourhood area. The research also looks for the relationship between these two discriminated groups. This article thus challenges the idea that the involvement in the process of community building of one group serves as a know-how for other marginal communities for collaborations with cities and local self-governing establishments.   Članek predvsem obravnava z območjem na jugovzhodu Kjota, kjer je znano, da živi tudi korejska manjšina. Raziskava, ki temelji na nekaj kratkih terenskih raziskavah se osredotoča na njihov boj do dostopa virov skozi proces oblikovanja skupnosti (machizukuri). Proces machizukuri se je začel v okviru osvobodilnih gibanj druge marginalizirane skupine znane kot burakumin, ki živijo v sosednjem območju. Raziskava si tudi ogleda odnose med tema dvema diskriminiranima skupnostma. Tako članek tudi izziva ideje, da lahko vključevanje v proces oblikovanja skupnosti ene skupine služi kot izkušnja za druge marginalne skupnosti v sodelovanju z mesti in lokalnimi samoupravami. 


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    Vloga konfucijanske ideologije pri oblikovanju nacionalne države na Japonskem

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    The very ideas of searching for an identity of people living in Japan entails a process of having them explaining themselves and their country. Many new concepts were constructed within this process, and research into ethnogenesis on Japanese islands was under the great influence of nationalist discourses in Japanese culture, thus triggering a number of diverse assumptions which are still present today. The process of constructing identities, especially Japanese national identity, was intense during the Meiji period (1868–1912), i.e. when Japan opened up to the world and tried to form a national state under external influence. The politicians of this period adopted the sense of a national belongingness that was to function as the foundation stone for the modern national state. They formed the idea of a family state (kazoku kokka, 家族国 家) which contained traditional familism buttressed by Confucian ethics; however, it is still somehow different than the Japanese interpretation of the group. Familism, which included the extended family system, was expanded to cover the entire nation in a way that included the imperial family as the main family of all Japanese families. This paper thus tries to answer the question of how Confucianism was integrated within the Japanese context of the modernizing nation-states of the late nineteenth century and how it came to define one of the major or even the dominant layer of early-modern and modern worldviews. In doing so, the paper also critically questions the concept used in these processes and also looks into the way these concepts were constructed and were changing in accordance with social changes.Ideja o iskanju identitete kot procesu, ki pojasnjuje, kdo so ljudje, je pri človeku vedno prisotna. V okviru tega kompleksnega procesa so bili tudi na Japonskem izumljeni številni novi koncepti, poleg tega pa je bila raziskava o etnogenezi na japonskih otokih pod velikim vplivom nacionalističnih diskurzov o japonski kulturi in je sprožila vrsto različnih predpostavk, ki so danes še vedno prisotne. Proces konstruiranja identitet, zlasti japonske nacionalne identitete, je bil še posebej intenziven v obdobju Meiji (1868–1912), tj. ko se je Japonska odprla svetu in je poskusila oblikovati nacionalno državo. V tem obdobju so politiki sprejeli zamisel o nacionalni pripadnosti, ki je delovala kot temeljni kamen za oblikovanje moderne nacionalne države. Oblikovali so idejo o družinski državi (kazoku kokka 家族国家). Ta vsebuje tradicionalno družinsko povezanost ali čut za družino (kazoku shugi 家族 主義), ki je del klasične konfucijanske etike, vendar se nekoliko razlikuje od japonske interpretacije skupine. Čut za družino, ki vključuje sistem širše družine, se je razširil na celoten narod, in sicer tako, da je vključeval cesarsko družino kot glavno družino vseh japonskih družin. Ta članek bo tako poskušal odgovoriti, kako se je konfucijanstvo vključevalo v japonski okvir posodobitve nacionalne države v poznem 19. stoletju in kako je prišlo do opredelitve ene glavnih, če ne celo prevladujoče plasti zgodnjih modernih in sodobnih svetovnih nazorov. Pri tem bo skozi analizo konceptov kritično prevetril uporabo konceptov v teh procesih ter pogledal, kako so ti koncepti nastajali in se spreminjali glede na potrebe družbenega dogajanja

    Food and Identity in Japan

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    Većina Japanaca i danas vjeruje da je japansko društvo od razdoblja Yayoi do razdoblja Eda bilo poljoprivredno društvo koje se temeljilo na riži i rižinim poljima. Zato je riža odigrala važnu ulogu u oblikovanju japanskog identiteta tijekom stoljeća. Ideologija riže i rižinih polja nedvojbeno je povezana s institucijom cara i carstvom. Uz to, ona je temelj svakodnevnog života koji se odvija kroz rad, jelo i svečanosti. Na taj se način japanska nacionalna, regionalna, jezična i religijska obilježja odražavaju u kulinarstvu i prehrambenim običajima.Even nowdays a majority of Japanese people believe that from Yayoi to the Edo period the Japanese society was an agricultural society based on paddy fields and rice. For that reason rice played a great role in the Japanese construction of identity throughout the centuries. The ideology of rice and paddy fields is undoubtedly connected with the emperor and state. Beside that it is the base of everyday life through working, eating and festivals. In this way Japanese national, regional, linguistic and religious distinctions are marked in culinary fashion and eating habits

    Percepcije telesnosti in prostora v okviru procesov identifikacij na Japonskem

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    The present article is a slightly changed version of a part of my PhD thesis titled The House as a Place of Identity; Construction of Dwelling Culture and Perception of the Embodiment in Japan: The case of Kanazawa City. It discusses the construction of identity as a process of identification which is a process of placement and it focuses on one of the space metaphors that is namely body, and its movement and perception. An embodiment is a process in which a space is constructed through socialization and body learning. Within the construction of space particular emotions important for individual identity arise. One of such spaces that creates strong feelings of belonging to a place is the dwelling environment.Pričujoč prispevek je nekoliko spremenjen izsek iz doktorske disertacije z naslovom Hiša kot prostor identitete; oblikovanje bivalne kulture in percepcije telesnosti na Japonskem: primer mesto Kanazawa. Obravnava oblikovanje identitet kot proces identifikacije, ki je prostorsko situiran proces, in se osredotoča na eno izmed metafor prostora, in sicer na telo in na njegovo gibanje in percepcijo. Telesenje je namreč proces v katerem skozi gibanje nastaja prostor v okviru socializacije in učenje telesa. Pri ustvarjanju prostora se izoblikujejo določeni občutki, ki so pomembni za posameznikovo identiteto. Eden izmed prostorov, ki ustvarjajo močne občutke pripadnosti nekemu kraju, je tudi bivalno okolje

    Pahljače kot zbirateljski predmeti v vzhodnoazijskih zbirkah v Sloveniji

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    The article presents and explores the role of fans as a collector’s item, focusing in particular on East Asian fans in Slovenian museums as part of a research project examining East Asian collections. In many cultures fans have long been known as objects with a wide variety of uses, as they combine practical, ritual and aesthetic functions. Thus, in addition to their practical use for cooling on hot days, fans have also had an important role in social life in many areas. Fans are also ideal objects to collect due to their small size and easy transportation, and with the high levels of workmanship and painting often seen, they can have high aesthetic value. In this paper, we are first interested in the evaluation of fans as a collector’s item, then we examine the path of fans from Asia and the classification of Asian fans in the world of collectors and academia, and conclude with an analysis of fans in three non-European collections of objects in Slovenian museums. From the review of fans presented in this study, we find that the collections contain very diverse fans from China, Japan and Korea, among which there are some very rare items, even at the global level, which makes the collections extremely important in Slovenia.Prispevek predstavlja in raziskuje vlogo pahljač kot zbirateljskega predmeta, pri čemer se še posebej osredotoča na vzhodnoazijske pahljače v slovenskih muzejih v okviru raziskovanja vzhodnoazijskih zbirk. Pahljačo v mnogih kulturah skozi dolgo zgodovino spoznamo kot predmet z zelo raznovrstno uporabnostjo, saj združuje praktične, obredne in estetske funkcije. Tako poleg praktične uporabnosti za hlajenje v vročih dneh svojo pomembno vlogo izkazuje tudi v družbenem življenju na številnih področjih. Pahljača je tudi zelo hvaležen predmet za zbiranje zaradi svoje velikosti, izdelave in poslikave, pripisujemo pa ji tudi lahko visoke estetske vrednosti. V tem prispevku nas tako najprej zanima vrednotenje pahljač kot zbirateljskega predmeta, nato preučimo pot pahljač iz Azije in uvrstitev azijskih pahljač v strokovni prostor zbirateljev in akademske sfere, zaključimo pa s pregledno analizo pahljač v treh neevropskih zbirkah predmetov v slovenskih muzejih. Iz pregleda pahljač ugotovimo, da se v zbirkah nahajajo zelo raznolike pahljače iz kitajskega, japonskega in korejskega prostora, med katerimi pa je nekaj zelo redkih pahljač tudi na svetovni ravni, s čimer lahko uvrstimo zbirke med izredno pomembne v slovenskem prostoru

    Living with Diversity Vol. II: 20-21 October 2009, University of Ljubljana

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    Living with Diversity, volume II, documents the proceedings of the Slovenia-Japan University Cooperation Network Graduate Student Forum Series held at Ljubljana University in 2009. The proceedings comprise the individual research papers as well as reports of the two discussion sessions and overall forum evaluation. While the individual papers discuss issues from each researcher’s specific field of expertise within the federating theme, the discussion sessions address a wide range of issues and problems concerning the individual, governance and flexibility from an essentially trans-disciplinary perspective. 『多様性を生きる』第2巻は、2009年にリュブリャナ大学において開催された「スロベニア・日本学生知的交流会議」の報告書です。本報告書は、個々の論文ならびに2つのディスカッション・セッション報告と学生会議に対する総評を収めています。各論文においては、統一テーマの枠内で、研究者が各自の専門領域から問題を論じているのに対して、2つのディスカッション・セッションにおいては、本質的に領域横断的な視点から、個人、統治、柔軟性に関する広範な論点と課題を取り上げています