181 research outputs found

    Which technique for removing nevi is least scarring?

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    A shave biopsy with a razor blade or #15 scalpel is the best approach for a facial nevus, assuming malignancy is not suspected. The resulting scar is usually flat, smaller than the lesion, has no suture lines, and -- if shaved in mid or upper dermis -- has a low risk of producing a hypertrophic or hypotrophic scar (strength of recommendation: C, expert opinion, committee guidelines)

    Identifying Key Constructs and Measurements to Assess the Situation Analysis Reports

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    Every five years, unit offices of Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) must submit a situation analysis (SA) report. The purpose of the SA report is to identify the current issues at the local level to develop future educational programs. The primary objective of this study was to develop a methodology that could be used to assess the quality of SA reports in Virginia. We have evaluated 196 SA reports from VCE to begin development of an assessment. Results of testing of the tool identify areas for continued development

    Identifying Needs and Implementing Organizational Change to Improve Retention of Early-Career Agents

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    Retention of agents is important for the growth and stability of Cooperative Extension. A study of early-career agents in Virginia Cooperative Extension identified specific areas in which organizational change could be made to improve agent fit in the organization and long-term retention. As a result, numerous changes have been made, particularly associated with existing agents but also in work with prospective agents. Although this article relates specifically to Virginia, the challenges and solutions identified may be relevant to other programs and to national professional development organizations

    Loneliness in the Digital Age: Building Strategies for Empathy and Trust

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    Loneliness is a complex emotion that impacts upon an individual’s sense of social-relatedness, health and wellbeing. While a large amount of scholarship has tackled the issue of chronic loneliness, the issue of transient loneliness has thus far not received significant attention in academic research. In this position paper, we discuss the role that technology may play in ameliorating experiences of transient loneliness for individuals most at risk of it, and reflect on how technology can promote empathy for, and between, people who are temporarily separated from their loved ones and home communities. We outline a large-scale research project that involves collaboration across health and social psychology, the creative arts, design and HCI exploring these issues, and speculate upon new applications of social technologies that may enhance empathic relations between disparate groups and individuals

    Experiences of Loneliness Associated with Being an Informal Caregiver: A Qualitative Investigation

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    Although providing care to a family member or friend may provide psychological benefits, informal (i.e., unpaid) caregivers also encounter difficulties which may negatively affect their quality of life as well as their mental and physical health. Loneliness is one important challenge that caregivers face, with this psychological state being associated with morbidity and premature mortality. Although previous research has identified loneliness as an issue associated with being an informal caregiver, there is a paucity of evidence that attempts to understand this phenomenon in depth. This study aimed to examine informal caregivers' reflections on, and accounts of, experiences of loneliness linked to their caregiving situation. As part of a cross-sectional, qualitative study, sixteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with 8 spousal caregivers, 4 daughters caring for a parent, 3 mothers caring for a child (or children), and 1 woman looking after her partner. The cared-for persons were suffering from a range of mental and physical health conditions (e.g., dementia, frailty due to old age, multiple sclerosis, depression, autism). Data were analyzed using an inductive thematic analysis. Experiences of loneliness were described by reference to a context of shrunken personal space and diminished social interaction caused by the restrictions imposed by the caregiving role. Loneliness was also articulated against a background of relational deprivations and losses as well as sentiments of powerlessness, helplessness, and a sense of sole responsibility. Social encounters were also seen to generate loneliness when they were characterized by some form of distancing. Though not all sources or circumstances of loneliness in caregivers are amenable to change, more opportunities for respite care services, as well as a heightened sensibility and social appreciation of caregivers' valued contributions could help caregivers manage some forms of loneliness

    Cross-Sectional Carrier Lifetime Profiling and Deep Level Monitoring in Silicon Carbide Films Exhibiting Variable Carbon Vacancy Concentrations

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    The carrier lifetime control over 150 μm thick 4H-SiC epitaxial layers via thermal generation and annihilation of carbon vacancy (VC) related Z1/2 lifetime killer sites is reported. The defect developments upon typical SiC processing steps, such as high- and moderate-temperature anneals in the presence of a carbon cap, are monitored by combining electrical characterization techniques capable of VC depth-profiling, capacitance–voltage (CV) and deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS), with a novel all-optical approach of cross-sectional carrier lifetime profiling across 4H-SiC epilayer/substrate based on imaging time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) spectroscopy in orthogonal pump-probe geometry, which readily exposes in-depth efficacy of defect reduction and surface recombination effects. The lifetime control is realized by initial high-temperature treatment (1800 °C) to increase VC concentration to ≈1013 cm−3 level followed by a moderate-temperature (1500 °C) post-annealing of variable duration under C-rich thermodynamic equilibrium conditions. The post-annealing carried out for 5 h in effect eliminates VC throughout the entire ultra-thick epilayer. The reduction of VC-related Z1/2 sites is proven by a significant lifetime increase from 0.8 to 2.5 μs. The upper limit of lifetimes in terms of carrier surface leakage and the presence of other nonradiative recombination centers besides Z1/2, possibly related to residual impurities such as boron are discussed.publishedVersio

    Coping with loneliness at University: a qualitative interview study with students in the UK

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    Leaving home to attend University constitutes a transition that is often characterized by an increased risk of loneliness, a psychological state that predicts poor mental health outcomes. Informed by a comprehensive conceptual framework of coping with stress, this study sought to examine the coping strategies young adults deploy to manage experiences of loneliness whilst studying at University. A qualitative, cross-sectional study was designed. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 University students who had moved away from home to study, and who self-identified experiencing loneliness. We used directed qualitative content analysis to analyse the data both between and within participants. The results demonstrate that participants used a variety of coping strategies to manage the distressing experience of loneliness. Accommodation, mainly in the form of distraction, support-seeking, social isolation, self-reliance, and problem-solving behaviours were the most prevalent coping strategies mentioned. Coping reflecting helplessness, escape, submission, and more rarely, opposition, were also found, albeit less often. Students showed evidence of a wide-ranging coping repertoire, with the deployment of specific coping strategies presenting as highly selective and contextual. Strategies for coping with loneliness take into account constraints and opportunities in the environment, the availability and appropriateness of social resources, as well as individual resources and needs

    Everything we do, everything we press: Data-driven remote performance management in a mobile workplace

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    © 2018 Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). This paper examines how data-driven performance monitoring technologies affect the work of telecommunications field engineers. As a mobile workforce, this occupational group rely on an array of smartphone applications to plan, manage and report on their jobs, and to liaise remotely with managers and colleagues. These technologies intend to help field engineers be more productive and have greater control over their work; however they also gather data related to the quantity and effectiveness of their labor. We conducted a qualitative study examining engineers' experiences of these systems. Our findings suggest they simultaneously enhance worker autonomy, support co-ordination with and monitoring of colleagues, but promote anxieties around productivity and the interpretation of data by management. We discuss the implications of datadriven performance management technologies on worker agency, and examine the consequences of such systems in an era of quantified workplaces

    Connecting Those That Care: Designing for Transitioning, Talking, Belonging and Escaping

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ACM via the DOI in this record.Care provision in many nations increasingly relies on the work of informal, or non-professional, carers. Often these carers experience substantial disruptions and reductions to their own sociality, weakened social support networks and, ultimately, a heightened risk of social isolation. We describe a qualitative study, comprised of interviews, design workshops and probes, that investigated the social and community support practices of carers. Our findings highlight issues related to becoming and recognising being a carer, and feelings of being ignored by, and isolated from, others. We also note the benefits that sharing between carers can bring, and routes to coping and relaxing from the burdens of care. We conclude with design considerations for facilitating new forms of digitally mediated support that connect those that care, emphasising design qualities related to transitioning, talking, belonging and escaping
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