57 research outputs found

    Uncinate process deviation in patients with odontogenic sinusitis: a computed tomographic evaluation

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    The uncinate process of the ethmoidis is one of the anatomic boundaries of osti- omeatal complex. Its relationship with the maxillary sinus ostium makes it the key landmark for endoscopic sinus surgery. Many authors denied a direct role of the uncinate process in the development of sinonasal infections (1). Nevertheless, chronic sinonasal diseases are often accompanied by an uncinate process antero-medialization, most notably in presence of an odontogenic etiology. This study aimed to retrospectively analyze uncinate process anatomy on computed tomographic (CT) scans, defining the association between uncinate process inclination and sinonasal health status. Sinonasal CT examinations of 46 individuals were reviewed, comparing patients without clinical and radiographic signs of sinonasal diseases (Group I), and patients diagnosed with odontogenic sinusitis according to the criteria proposed by Felisati et al. (2)(Group II). Uncinate process inclination was calculated by Radiant Dicom Viewer software, as the angle between the straight line connecting the antero- superior and the postero-inferior part of uncinate process, and the axis of symmetry, passing through sphenoidal rostrum and perpendicular to bizygomatic line. For each patient three axial scans (the most cranial, median, the most caudal), in which uncinate process was clearly detectable, were selected and a mean value was computed. Descriptive statistics of uncinate process inclination were calculated separately in the two groups. In Group I the mean angle was13.18° ± 10.33°with confidence limits (CL) (99%) between 6.21° and 20.15°,in Group II the mean angle was 29.89°±9.56° with CL between 24.44° and 35.34°. From these preliminary results, a marked medial devia tion of uncinate process was identified in odontogenic sinusitis compared to healthy sites. Additional assessments are required to confirm the role of this anatomical varia- tion in the pathogenesis of odontogenic sinusitis

    Adherence and Reactogenicity to Vaccines against SARS-COV-2 in 285 Patients with Neuropathy: A Multicentric Study

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    Background: The safety of the new vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 have already been shown, although data on patients with polyneuropathy are still lacking. The aim of this study is to evaluate the adherence to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, as well as the reactogenicity to those vaccines in patients affected by neuropathy. Methods: A multicentric and web-based cross-sectional survey was conducted among patients affected by neuropathy from part of South Italy. Results: Out of 285 responders, n = 268 were included in the final analysis and n = 258 of them (96.3%) were fully vaccinated. Adherence to vaccination was higher in patients with hereditary neuropathies compared to others, while it was lower in patients with anti-MAG neuropathy (all p < 0.05). The overall prevalence of adverse events (AEs) was 61.2% and its occurrence was not associated with neuropathy type. Being female and of younger age were factors associated with higher risk of AEs, while having an inflammatory neuropathy and steroids assumption were associated with a lower risk (all p < 0.05). Younger age, having had an AE, and COVID-19 before vaccination were factors associated with symptoms worsening after vaccination (all p < 0.05). (4) Conclusions: Patients with neuropathy showed a high level of adherence to COVID-19 vaccination. Safety of vaccines in patients with neuropathies was comparable to the general population and it was more favorable in those with inflammatory neuropathy

    Miller Fisher syndrome: an updated narrative review

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    IntroductionMiller Fisher syndrome (MFS) is considered a rare variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), a group of acute-onset immune-mediated neuropathies characterized by the classic triad of ataxia, areflexia, and ophthalmoparesis. The present review aimed to provide a detailed and updated profile of all aspects of the syndrome through a collection of published articles on the subject, ranging from the initial description to recent developments related to COVID-19.MethodsWe searched PubMed, Scopus, EMBASE, and Web of Science databases and gray literature, including references from the identified studies, review studies, and conference abstracts on this topic. We used all MeSH terms pertaining to “Miller Fisher syndrome,” “Miller Fisher,” “Fisher syndrome,” and “anti-GQ1b antibody.”ResultsAn extensive bibliography was researched and summarized in the review from an initial profile of MFS since its description to the recent accounts of diagnosis in COVID-19 patients. MFS is an immune-mediated disease with onset most frequently following infection. Anti-ganglioside GQ1b antibodies, detected in ~85% of patients, play a role in the pathogenesis of the syndrome. There are usually no abnormalities in MFS through routine neuroimaging. In rare cases, neuroimaging shows nerve root enhancement and signs of the involvement of the central nervous system. The most consistent electrophysiological findings in MFS are reduced sensory nerve action potentials and absent H reflexes. Although MFS is generally self-limited and has excellent prognosis, rare recurrent forms have been documented.ConclusionThis article gives an updated narrative review of MFS with special emphasis on clinical characteristics, neurophysiology, treatment, and prognosis of MFS patients

    An Endoribonuclease Functionally Linked to Perinuclear mRNP Quality Control Associates with the Nuclear Pore Complexes

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    Nuclear mRNA export is a crucial step in eukaryotic gene expression, which is in yeast coupled to cotranscriptional messenger ribonucleoprotein particle (mRNP) assembly and surveillance. Several surveillance systems that monitor nuclear mRNP biogenesis and export have been described, but the mechanism by which the improper mRNPs are recognized and eliminated remains poorly understood. Here we report that the conserved PIN domain protein Swt1 is an RNA endonuclease that participates in quality control of nuclear mRNPs and can associate with the nuclear pore complex (NPC). Swt1 showed endoribonuclease activity in vitro that was inhibited by a point mutation in the predicted catalytic site. Swt1 lacked clear sequence specificity but showed a strong preference for single-stranded regions. Genetic interactions were found between Swt1 and the THO/TREX and TREX-2 complexes, and with components of the perinuclear mRNP surveillance system, Mlp1, Nup60, and Esc1. Inhibition of the nuclease activity of Swt1 increased the levels and cytoplasmic leakage of unspliced aberrant pre-mRNA, and induced robust nuclear poly(A)+ RNA accumulation in mlp1Δ and esc1Δ strains. Overexpression of Swt1 also caused strong nuclear poly(A)+ RNA accumulation. Swt1 is normally distributed throughout the nucleus and cytoplasm but becomes concentrated at nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) in the nup133Δ mutant, which causes NPC clustering and defects in mRNP export. The data suggest that Swt1 endoribonuclease might be transiently recruited to NPCs to initiate the degradation of defective pre-mRNPs or mRNPs trapped at nuclear periphery in order to avoid their cytoplasmic export and translation

    Relating natural heterogeneities and rheological properties of rocksalt: New insights from microstructural observations and petrophyisical parameters on Messinian halites from the Italian Peninsula

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    The importance and economic interest of rocksalt as well as its influence on tectonics and applicative purposes such as mining, hydrocarbons extraction, and nuclear waste storage are well known. Careful characterization of physical and chemical properties of rocksalt is fundamental as the rocksalt behavior may influence its potential use for applicative purposes. Mechanical and rheological properties of rocksalt have been extensively studied in the past. However, the role of natural heterogeneities within rocksalt and their effect on salt rheology have not been investigated quantitatively. Here we present a comprehensive salt facies study on Messinian rocksalt from several Italian sites (Volterra Basin, Tuscany, Caltanissetta Basin, Sicily and Crotone Basin, Calabria). Four salt facies end members have been identified and analyzed by optical analyses. The main facies-defining characteristics resulted to be the primary salt crystal abundance, crystal size, roundness and orientation, as well as the clay inclusion contents. Three out of four facies were placed on an evolutionary path from an "immature," with respect to the deformation history, to a "mature," rocksalt. So we observed, with increasing rocksalt maturity, a progressive disappearing of primary crystal remnants, increasing crystals elongation and iso-orientation and decreasing in crystal size. This trend has been confirmed by differential stress calculation from subgrain size. Through seismic waves velocity measurements and uniaxial compressive runs, specific salt facies were tested. Results of the investigations demonstrate that the facies parameters have a distinct influence on the rocksalt petrophysical parameters like P- and S-waves velocity, dynamic and static Young Modulus, elastic limit, and strain at peak. Finally, this study allowed to suggest the subdivision of Volterra's salt sequence in three different units that have been subjected to variable deformation degree in response to the different salt characteristics

    Marina Abramovich: attraversare i muri

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    Marina Abramovich ha trascorso la stagione della pratica performativa, partendo dagli studi all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Zagabria per approdare ad Amsterdam e successivamente a New York. Nata nel 1946 a Belgrado, da genitori convinti e fedeli assertori della dittattura comunista, il padre diventa eroe nazionale, si definisce oggi “Grandmother of perfomance art”. La serie dei Rhythm divenne di portata rivoluzionaria per la violenza che infliggeva al suo corpo, spingendosi all’estremo limite fisico. Nel 1975 con Rhythm 5, si stende al centro di una stella a cinque punte in legno che viene data alle fiamme, l’aria diventa irrespirabile, perde i sensi, rischia di morire e viene salvata dall’aiuto degli spettatori. Nel 2016 edita da Bompiani esce la sua autobiografia Attraversare i muri, in cui ripercorre la sua vita privata e di artista, si interroga sui concetti di dolore e paura come emozioni che sopraggiungono nel momento in cui varchiamo la soglia di un limite. Eppure solo attraversando il muro abbattiamo la dicotomia tra corpo e mente. Afferma “Il dolore è un muro, straziante, insopportabile, ma chi riesce a trapassarlo accede ad un diverso stato di consapevolezza. A una nuova fonte di energia illimitata. E la Marina impaurita, diventa la Marina eroica. Una sensazione inebriante che raggiungo solo davanti al pubblico, perché è dagli spettatori che traggo forza. Senza di loro non arriverei in fondo”