249 research outputs found

    Building Integrated Photovoltaic System for a Solar Infrastructure: Liv-lib' Project

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    Abstract The growing importance of sustainability and passive house design requires the reconsideration of integrating the solar PV modules in both buildings and architectural design processes. The architectural integration of photovoltaic systems is one of the fundamental themes of contemporary architecture to optimize efficiency while taking into account the proportions, morphology and aesthetics of the project. The direct conversion of solar energy into electrical energy using photovoltaic systems appears to be a consolidated technology of exploitation of renewable energy sources. In addition to the availability of the source, its characteristics are its reliability and that it needs low maintenance. In this paper, we present, as a case study, a solar canopy specially designed for the Liv-lib' project at Solar Decathlon Europe 2014. Canopy's shape was designed to maximize the performance of the solar conversion by integrating in series two innovative solar technologies, Luminescent Solar Concentrators (LSC) and Copper Indium Gallium diSelenide (CIGS) solar cells. LSC are constituted by slabs of transparent materials (PMMA) doped with a fluorescent dye that captures a fraction of the sun rays passing through the panel. The dye molecules then re-emit light at a longer wavelength inside the slab which, due to the total internal reflection, traps and guides this light toward its edges. Strips of solar cells are optically coupled to the edges and convert into electric energy the light gathered by the slab. Liv-lib' is a self-sustainable passive house run by University Paris-Est, thanks to the joint work of staff and students from "ENSA Paris-Malaquais", "ESTP", "ESIEE Paris", and "Chimie ParisTech" with academic and industrial partners, among which, for the LSC, the Department of Physics and Earth Sciences of the University of Ferrara

    Il Lanificio Martino a Sepino

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    Content: - La Domus Publica die Pieterabbondante / di Adriano La Regina - La preistoria dell’Alto Molise : Una panoramica / a cura di Ettore Rufo - Siti Dell'Età del bronzo nel Molise interno / a cura di Alberto Cazzella and more [...

    Stamp technique: an explorative SEM analysis

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    Background: Achieving correct tooth anatomy and saving time at the dental chair are some of the goals of modern restorative dentistry. Stamp technique has gained acceptance in clinical practice. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of this technique in terms of microleakage, voids, overhangs and marginal adaptation of Class I restorations, and to analyse the operative times in comparison with traditional restorative procedures. Methods: Twenty extracted teeth were divided into 2 groups. Ten teeth in the study group (SG) were Class I prepared and restored using stamp technique, and ten teeth in the control group (CG) were Class I restored traditionally. SEM analysis was performed to evaluate voids, microleakage, overhangs, and marginal adaptation, and operative times were recorded. A statistical analysis was performed. Results: There were no significant differences in microleakage, marginal adaptation and filling defects between the two groups, however, the stamp technique seems to facilitate the formation of large overflowing margins that require a careful finishing phase. Conclusions: Stamp technique does not seem to have any critical aspects in terms of restoration durability and it can be performed in a short time

    ST 1535: a preferential A2A adenosine receptor antagonist.

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    Antagonism of the A2A adenosine function has proved beneficial in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, in that it increases L-dopa therapeutical effects without concomitant worsening of its side-effects. In this paper we describe a preferential A2A adenosine antagonist, ST 1535, with long-lasting pharmacodynamic effects. It competitively antagonizes the effects of the A2A adenosine agonist NECA on cAMP in cells cloned with the human A2A adenosine receptor (IC50=353+/-30 nM), and the effects of the A1 adenosine agonist CHA on cAMP in cells cloned with the human A1 adenosine receptor (IC50=510+/-38 nM). ST 1535, at oral doses of 5 and 10 mg/kg, antagonizes catalepsy induced by intracerebroventricular administration of the A2A adenosine agonist CGS 21680 (10 microg/5 microl) in mice. At oral doses ranging between 5 and 20 mg/kg, ST 1535 induces hypermotility and antagonizes haloperidol-induced catalepsy in mice up to 7 h. Oral ST 1535, at 1.25 and 2.5 mg/kg, potentiates L-dopa effects in reducing haloperidol-induced catalepsy. ST 1535 represents a potential new compound, with long-lasting activity, for the treatment of Parkinson's disease

    The Secondary Structure of a Major Wine Protein is Modified upon Interaction with Polyphenols

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    Polyphenols are an important constituent of wines and they are largely studied due to their antioxidant properties and for their effects on wine quality and stability, which is also related to their capacity to bind to proteins. The effects of some selected polyphenols, including procyanidins B1 and B2, tannic acid, quercetin, and rutin, as well as those of a total white wine procyanidin extract on the conformational properties of the major wine protein VVTL1 (Vitis vinifera Thaumatin-Like-1) were investigated by Synchrotron Radiation Circular Dichroism (SRCD). Results showed that VVTL1 interacts with polyphenols as demonstrated by the changes in the secondary (far-UV) and tertiary (near-UV) structures, which were differently affected by different polyphenols. Additionally, polyphenols modified the two melting temperatures (TM) that were found for VVTL1 (32.2 °C and 53.9 °C for the protein alone). The circular dichroism (CD) spectra in the near-UV region revealed an involvement of the aromatic side-chains of the protein in the interaction with phenolics. The data demonstrate the existence of an interaction between polyphenols and VVTL1, which results in modification of its thermal and UV denaturation pattern. This information can be useful in understanding the behavior of wine proteins in presence of polyphenols, thus giving new insights on the phenomena that are involved in wine stability

    Chromogranin a measurement for assessing the selectivity of adrenal venous sampling in primary aldosteronism.

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    The assessment of selectivity of blood sampling is a fundamental step for a proper interpretation of the results of adrenal vein sampling (AVS), which is a "must" for identifying the surgically curable subtypes of primary aldosteronism. However, uncertainties remain on how to best achieve this goal

    Prevalence and clinical outcome of hepatic haemangioma with specific reference to the risk of rupture: a large retrospective cross-sectional study.

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    BACKGROUND: Prevalence and incidence of hepatic haemangioma are estimated from autopsy series only. Although benign and generally asymptomatic, hepatic haemangioma can cause serious complications. AIMS: The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of hepatic haemangioma and to attempt to quantify the risk of major complications such as spontaneous rupture. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the radiology database of a Regional University Hospital over a 7-year period: the radiological records of 83,181 patients who had an abdominal computed tomography or magnetic resonance scan were reviewed. Diagnoses made at imaging were reviewed and related to clinical course. RESULTS: Hepatic haemangioma was diagnosed in 2071 patients (2.5% prevalence). In 226 patients (10.9%), haemangioma had diameter of 4 cm or more (giant haemangioma). The risk of bleeding was assessed on patients without concomitant malignancies. Spontaneous bleeding occurred in 5/1067 patients (0.47%). All 5 patients had giant haemangioma: 4 had exophytic lesions and presented with haemoperitoneum; 1 with centrally located tumour experienced intrahepatic bleeding. CONCLUSION: Giant haemangiomas have a low but relevant risk of rupture (3.2% in this series), particularly when peripherally located and exophytic. Surgery might be considered in these cases
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