5,097 research outputs found

    La socialisation démocratique contre la forme scolaire

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    À la question de savoir si l’école ou plus précisément la forme scolaire, au sens où l’ont définie les historiens et les sociologues depuis plusieurs décennies, peut répondre aux exigences d’une socialisation démocratique, cet article apporte une réponse négative. Mais il s’efforce d’indiquer comment on a essayé dans le passé et comment on peut actuellement mettre en place des formes de transmission et d’organisation de la transmission qui participent de ce type de socialisation. Une première partie tente de nouvelles avancées dans l’élaboration des concepts nécessaires (formes de savoirs, formes de transmission, socialisation) et dans leur mise en relation en une théorie opposée à la fois aux conceptions communes et aux présupposés de type durkheimien. L’un des objectifs est de cesser d’isoler les problèmes les uns par rapport aux autres. Un autre est de définir la socialisation démocratique. Une seconde partie présente ou évoque quelques unes des expériences « pédagogiques » qui iraient dans le sens indiqué.To the question of whether or not the school, or more precisely, school form as defined by historians and sociologists for several decades, can meet the demands of democratic socialization, this article answers no. But it also shows how it was tried in the past and how we could now put forms of transmission and organization in place that contribute to this type of socialization. The first part of this article makes new advances into developing the necessary concepts (forms of knowledge, forms of transmission, socialization,…) and at the same time in their relationship to common concepts and Durkheimien-type presuppositions. One of the objectives is to stop isolating problems from each other. Another is to define democratic socialization. A second part of the article presents or evokes some “pedagogical” experiences based on these ideas.A la cuestión de saber si la escuela o más precisamente la forma escolar, en el sentido en que la han definido los historiadores y los sociólogos desde hace varias décadas, responde a las exigencias de una socialización democrática, éste articulo ofrece una respuesta negativa. Sin embargo, hace el esfuerzo de señalar cómo la cuestión ha sido tratada en el pasado y cómo podemos hoy en día instalar formas de trasmisión y de organización de la trasmisión que contribuyan a ese tipo de socialización. La primera parte aborda los progresos en la elaboración de los conceptos necesarios (formas de conocimiento, formas de transmisión, socialización…) y de sus relaciones al interior de una teoría opuesta a la vez a concepciones comunes y a presupuestos de tipo durkheimiano. Uno de sus objetivos es cesar de aislar las relaciones entre los problemas. El otro es definir la socialización democrática. En la segunda parte se presentan o se evocan algunas de las experiencias « pedagógicas » que irían en el sentido indicado

    Congressional Representation of Black Interests: Recognizing the Importance of Stability

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    The relationship between black constituency size and congressional support for black interests has two important attributes: magnitude and stability. Although previous research has examined the first characteristic, scant attention has been directed at the second. This article examines the relationship between district racial composition and congressional voting patterns with a particular emphasis on the stability of support across different types of votes and different types of districts. We hypothesize that, among white Democrats, the influence of black constituency size will be less stable in the South, owing in part to this region’s more racially divided constituencies. Examining LCCR scores from the 101st through 103rd Congress, we find that this expectation is largely confirmed. We also find that, among Republicans, the impact of black constituency size is most stable—albeit negligible in size— in the South. We conclude by discussing the implications of these findings for the relative merits of “influence districts” and “majority minority” districts

    Single Event Effects in CMOS Image Sensors

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    In this work, 3T Active Pixel Sensors (APS) are exposed to heavy ions (N, Ar, Kr, Xe), and Single Event Effects (SEE) are studied. Devices were fully functional during exposure, no Single Event Latch-up (SEL) or Single Event Functional Interrupt (SEFI) happened. However Single Event Transient (SET) effects happened on frames: line disturbances, and half or full circular clusters of white pixels. The collection of charges in cluster was investigated with arrays of two pixel width (7 and 10 \textmu{}m), with bulk and epitaxial substrates. This paper shows technological and design parameters involved in the transient events. It also shows that STARDUST simulation software can predict cluster obtained for bulk substrate devices. However, the discrepancies in epitaxial layer devices are large - which shows the need for an improved model

    Using a SAT solver to generate checking sequences

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    Methods for software testing based on Finite State Machines (FSMs) have been researched since the early 60’s. Many of these methods are about generating a checking sequence from a given FSM which is an input sequence that determines whether an implementation of the FSM is faulty or correct. In this paper, we consider one of these methods, which constructs a checking sequence by reducing the problem of generating a checking sequence to finding a Chinese rural postman tour on a graph induced by the FSM; we re-formulate the constraints used in this method as a set of Boolean formulas; and use a SAT solver to generate a checking sequence of minimal length

    Ionization versus displacement damage effects in proton irradiated CMOS sensors manufactured in deep submicron process

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    Proton irradiation effects have been studied on CMOS image sensors manufactured in a 0.18 μm technology dedicated to imaging. The ionizing dose and displacement damage effects were discriminated and localized thanks to 60Co irradiations and large photodiode reverse current measurements. The only degradation observed was a photodiode dark current increase. It was found that ionizing dose effects dominate this rise by inducing generation centers at the interface between shallow trench isolations and depleted silicon regions. Displacement damages are responsible for a large degradation of dark current non-uniformity. This work suggests that designing a photodiode tolerant to ionizing radiation can mitigate an important part of proton irradiation effects

    Total dose evaluation of deep submicron CMOS imaging technology through elementary device and pixel array behavior analysis

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    Ionizing radiation effects on CMOS image sensors (CIS) manufactured using a 0.18 µm imaging technology are presented through the behavior analysis of elementary structures, such as field oxide FET, gated diodes, photodiodes and MOSFETs. Oxide characterizations appear necessary to understand ionizing dose effects on devices and then on image sensors. The main degradations observed are photodiode dark current increases (caused by a generation current enhancement), minimum size NMOSFET off-state current rises and minimum size PMOSFET radiation induced narrow channel effects. All these effects are attributed to the shallow trench isolation degradation which appears much more sensitive to ionizing radiation than inter layer dielectrics. Unusual post annealing effects are reported in these thick oxides. Finally, the consequences on sensor design are discussed thanks to an irradiated pixel array and a comparison with previous work is discussed