56 research outputs found

    Sintassi delle frasi idiomatiche e delle frasi libere dell’italiano: differenze o similarità?

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    This study is devoted to the analysis of the similarities and differences between Italian idiomatic constructions and non-idiomatic constructions. Idioms pose many problems as concerns the interaction between syntax and semantics because most literature assigns idioms a special status. Rather, their behaviour is not so different from non-idiomatic constructions, either from a distributional or a transformational point of view. I will present the methodological principles on which I constructed the lexico-grammatical classification of Italian idioms, and I will show that a continuum exists between non-idiomatic and idiomatic constructions. Since most idioms are ambiguous, I will analyze the relationship between ambiguity and communication

    It. populaire arrizzare, fr. populaire bander. Une comparaison lexico-grammaticale

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    This article details a lexico-syntactic comparison between the structures of the Italian verb arrizzare and its French equivalent bander. The syntactic analysis of both verbs, that have an equivalent semantic meaning, shows that the Italian verb is intrinsically causative, like the verbs of the table 41 of the Italian lexicon-grammar and table 4 of the French lexicon-grammar, whereas the French verb shows only a hint of causativity, in its present participle form

    Lemmatization of Idioms in Italian

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    IntroductionI will show the utilization of Intex for the information retrieval of Italian “frozen” sentences. The interaction between lexicon-grammar tables and transducers allows the recognition and lemmatisation of “frozen” sentences, traditionally known as idioms. A first analysis of frozen sentences with ordinary “transitive” verbs has been carried out in Vietri (1984), in which about 3000 idioms were analysed and classified in 6 classes. From then on, “frozen” sentences with ordinary ve..

    Lessico-grammatica dell'italiano

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    Il libro illustra i principi metodologici del Lessico-grammatica e presenta l’analisi di 4000 verbi dell’italiano classificati in più di 60 classi lessico-grammaticali. Inoltre, il testo introduce all’analisi dellle frasi idiomatiche e delle parole composte non-verbali. L’ultima parte è dedicata all’analisi automatica dei testi. Il libro è dotato di una ricca batteria di esercizi
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