13 research outputs found

    Data On The Presence Or Absence Of Genes Encoding Essential Proteins For Ochratoxin And Fumonisin Biosynthesis In Aspergillus Niger And Aspergillus Welwitschiae

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    We present the multiplex PCR data for the presence/absence of genes involved in OTA and FB2 biosynthesis in Aspergillus niger/Aspergillus welwitschiae strains isolated from different food substrates in Brazil. Among the 175 strains analyzed, four mPCR profiles were found: Profile 1 (17%) highlights strains harboring in their genome the pks, radH and the fum8 genes. Profile 2 (3.5%) highlights strains harboring genes involved in OTA biosynthesis i.e. radH and pks. Profile 3 (51.5%) highlights strains harboring the fum8 gene. Profile 4 (28%) highlights strains not carrying the genes studied herein. This research content is supplemental to our original research article, "Prospecting for the incidence of genes involved in ochratoxin and fumonisin biosynthesis in Brazilian strains of A. niger and A. welwitschiae" [1]. © 2016 The Authors.770470

    Prospecting For The Incidence Of Genes Involved In Ochratoxin And Fumonisin Biosynthesis In Brazilian Strains Of Aspergillus Niger And Aspergillus Welwitschiae

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    Aspergillus niger "aggregate" is an informal taxonomic rank that represents a group of species from the section Nigri. Among A. niger "aggregate" species Aspergillus niger sensu stricto and its cryptic species Aspergillus welwitschiae (=Aspergillus awamori sensu Perrone) are proven as ochratoxin A and fumonisin B2 producing species. A. niger has been frequently found in tropical and subtropical foods. A. welwitschiae is a new species, which was recently dismembered from the A. niger taxon. These species are morphologically very similar and molecular data are indispensable for their identification. A total of 175 Brazilian isolates previously identified as A. niger collected from dried fruits, Brazil nuts, coffee beans, grapes, cocoa and onions were investigated in this study. Based on partial calmodulin gene sequences about one-half of our isolates were identified as A. welwitschiae. This new species was the predominant species in onions analyzed in Brazil. A. niger and A. welwitschiae differ in their ability to produce ochratoxin A and fumonisin B2. Among A. niger isolates, approximately 32% were OTA producers, but in contrast only 1% of the A. welwitschiae isolates revealed the ability to produce ochratoxin A. Regarding fumonisin B2 production, there was a higher frequency of FB2 producing isolates in A. niger (74%) compared to A. welwitschiae (34%). Because not all A. niger and A. welwitschiae strains produce ochratoxin A and fumonisin B2, in this study a multiplex PCR was developed for detecting the presence of essential genes involved in ochratoxin (polyketide synthase and radHflavin-dependent halogenase) and fumonisin (α-oxoamine synthase) biosynthesis in the genome of A. niger and A. welwitschiae isolates. The frequency of strains harboring the mycotoxin genes was markedly different between A. niger and A. welwitschiae. All OTA producing isolates of A. niger and A. welwitschiae showed in their genome the pks and radH genes, and 95.2% of the nonproducing isolates did not contain these genes. The α-oxoamine synthase gene was detected in 100% and 36% of the A. niger and A. welwitschiae isolates, respectively. The loss of ochratoxin A production in A. niger and A. welwitschiae is highly associated with gene deletions within the ochratoxin biosynthetic gene cluster. The loss of fumonisin production in A. welwitschiae is associated with gene deletions within the fumonisin biosynthetic gene cluster, but this is not the case with A. niger. © 2016.221192

    Características epidemiológicas dos acidentes na infância Epidemiological characteristics of childhood accidents

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    Foram estudadas as características epidemiológicas dos acidentes na infância, através da aplicação de questionário. Foram levantados os acidentes ocorridos num período de 2 anos em crianças de famílias que freqüentavam dois postos de assistência médica de bairros situados na periferia da cidade de São Paulo, SP, Brasil. Foram entrevistadas 388 famílias, com um total de 1.036 crianças de 0 a 12 anos. Das famílias, 289 não referiram qualquer acidente nas crianças nos dois anos anteriores. Em 99 famílias foi referido pelo menos 1 acidente, sendo registrado um total de 122. Os tipos de acidentes mais freqüentes foram as quedas (54,1%), ferimentos causados por objetos cortantes ou penetrantes (13,1%) e mordeduras por animais (9,8%). As lesões mais freqüentes foram os cortes (26,2%), contusões (24,6%) e escoriações (17,2%). A maior incidência de acidentes ocorreu em meninos de 5 a 9 anos seguido de meninos de 10 a 12 anos. A recuperação foi total em 88,5% dos casos, havendo 9,8% de casos com recuperação parcial, com sinais, 1 caso de recuperação parcial, com limitações, e um óbito. Em 91% dos casos não houve necessidade de internação, mas em 32,0% dos casos foram necessários 15 dias ou mais para que a recuperação se desse. O coeficiente de mortalidade encontrado foi de 114,9 óbitos para cem mil crianças menores de 12 anos por ano e a letalidade foi de 8,2 óbitos por mil acidentes. O estudo permitiu acrescentar série de dados complementares que facilitam a caracterização epidemiológica dos acidentes na infância.<br>The epidemiological characteristics of those accidents which had happened to children in the previous 2 years were studied by means of interviews with the families of children less than 12 years of age, who had been assisted in two Health Centres in an outlying area of S. Paulo City, Brazil. A total of 388 families were interviewed, with a total of 1036 children less than 12 years old. Of these families, 289 did not report any accident involving children during the previous 2 years, but 99 families reported at least one accident, and a total of 122 accidents were registered. The most frequent types of accidents were falls (54.1%), wounds produced by cutting and piercing instruments of objects (13.1%) and animal bites (9.8%). The most frequent lesions were open wounds (68%). The greatest incidence of accidents occurred in boys of 5 to 9 years old, followed by that in boys of 10 to 11 years of age. Recovery was complete in 88.5% of the cases, but there were 9.8% of cases (12) with partial recovery with scars, one case of partial, limited, recovery and one death. Only 9% of the cases needed hospitalization, but in 32% of the accidents 15 or more days were needed for recovery. The mortality rate in this study was 114.9 deaths per 100,000 children under 12 years of age per year, and the fatality rate was 8.2 deaths per thousand accidents. This study of accidents permitted the addition of complimentary data which favour a better epidemilogic charaterization characterization of accidents in children

    O impacto dos efeitos da ocupação sobre a saúde de trabalhadores: II - Mortalidade The impact of occupation on worker's health: II - Mortality

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    Foi realizada revisão bibliográfica analítica com o objetivo de quantificar o impacto dos efeitos da ocupação sobre a mortalidade de trabalhadores em suas implicações sobre o setor saúde. As repercussões sobre a mortalidade de trabalhadores são medidas através das mortes diretamente relacionadas com o trabalho (acidentes do trabalho fatais e intoxicações fatais) e das indiretamente relacionadas. Partindo das grandes causas de morte entre adultos - doenças cardiovasculares, câncer e mortes violentas - e explorando as informações obtidas em estudos epidemiológicos realizados em outros países, estimou-se a força da contribuição da ocupação sobre a mortalidade. O peso e a complexidade das repercussões sobre o setor saúde pressupõem um desempenho mais ativo na definição de políticas e responsabilidades, e na organização de ações destinadas a identificar, reduzir ou eliminar a participação dos riscos ocupacionais nas grandes causas de doença e morte.<br>An attempt to estimate the impact of occupation on worker's health was made as part of the rationale for the progressive integration of Occupational Health into the Health Sector. In this second study, based on a critical review of the literature, the repercussions on mortality are discussed on this basis analysis of the Brazilian data on deaths directly related to occupation (fatal occupational accidents and acute poisonings), as well as on those indirectly so related. The analysis of the major causes of adult deaths - cardiovascular diseases, cancer and violent deaths - compared with the proportion of "work-relatedness" according to several epidemiologic studies carried out in developed countries, make possible an estimation of the influence of the contribution of occupation on mortality. The size of this contribution is the main argument for an active involvement of the health sector in Occupational Health issues, because of the heavy toll in terms of adult morbidity and mortality exacted on industrialized societies