30 research outputs found

    Nest initiation by multiple females in an aerial-nesting orchid bee, Euglossa cybelia (Apidae: Euglossini)

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    Among orchid bees that have been observed, nest initiation by multiple females is rare, and has never been reported from an aerial-nesting species. Here, we document nest initiation by multiple females in the aerial-nesting Euglossa cybelia. Observations were carried out on five nests, which were found on the undersides of understory palm leaves in Costa Rica. Female bees collaborated in constructing the envelope, but when this was finished each bee built and provisioned its own cells. This species therefore shows communal behavior. In one of the nests, individual foraging trips and interactions between female bees were quantified. Although, there were no overall differences between individuals with respect to initiating or receiving aggression, this changed over time.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Biologí