75 research outputs found

    numerical and experimental validation of a non standard specimen for uniaxial tensile test

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    Abstract Material testing is a fundamental activity for the characterization of materials mechanical properties and for the certification of product quality. With concepts such as Smart Factories and Industry 4.0 coming to the fore, testing and measurement is moving away from laboratories and closer to the production floor: MaCh 3D is a miniaturized tensile testing machine developed for products and materials certification directly on the production site. The heart of the technology is the specimen with non-conventional geometry for tensile tests developed so as to be easily installed on the machine. The objective of this work is to illustrate the process of determining the geometry of specimen and fixtures by numerical analysis and their experimental validation, comparing the results with those obtained from specimens according to ASTM D638 standard, ASTM International, (1999)

    Evaluating impact of possible transgenic poplar cultivation on protected areas

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    Plant biodiversity studies have been performed in the Migliarino-San Rossore-Massaciuccoli Regional Park in Tuscany (Italy) within the framework of the European project LIFE08 NAT/IT/342.This project aims at developing a quick monitoring index (QMI) to rapidly assess the potential risk generated by transgenic plants in characterized ecosystems or biotopes. For this reason test areas have been selected inside the protected area to evaluate plant (weeds and trees), animal, and soil microoganisms biodiversity. The proximity of the selected test area to cropped surfaces where Genetically Modified Plants (GMPs) might be cultivated has been taken into account. GMPs could spread pollen and contaminate natural populations. To avoid this risk, an efficient monitoring system is required taking into account genetic diversity and breeding study. As far as tree biodiversity concern, Populus species were identified in the test areas. Two populations of Populus present into two different ecosystems (forest and wetland areas) were examined together with two cultivated varieties. The two ecosystems were characterized for the vegetation. Nuclear microsatellites were used to evaluate genetic diversity of poplar populations and level of breeding between natural and cultivated Populus. In addition the insect populations present on male and female poplars during flowering period have been studied

    O Atendimento odontológico do paciente renal terminal submetido a dialise: uma revisão atual da literatura médica vigente.

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    Chronic renal failure is a progressive disease characterized by a gradual destruction of the nephrons and a consequent reduction in renal function. End-stage kidney disease (ESRD) requires renal replacement therapy such as peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis or transplantation. Patients affected by ESRD or on hemodialysis are at risk of developing a series of comorbidities, including hypertension, anemia, risk of bleeding, susceptibility to infection, side effects of medications and oral manifestations associated with the disease itself and treatment on hemodialysis. In this context, oral diseases represent a potential and preventable cause of poor health outcomes in people with ESRD due to their relationship with infection, inflammation and malnutrition.A insuficiência renal crônica é uma doença progressiva caracterizada por uma destruição gradual dos néfrons e uma conseqüente redução da função renal. A doença renal em estágio terminal (DRT) requer terapia de substituição renal como diálise peritoneal, hemodiálise ou transplante. Os pacientes afetados pela DRT ou em hemodiálise correm risco de desenvolver uma série de comorbidades, incluindo hipertensão, anemia, risco de sangramento, suscetibilidade à infecção, efeitos colaterais dos medicamentos e manifestações orais associadas à própria doença e ao tratamento em hemodiálise. Nesse contexto, as doenças bucais representam uma causa potencial e evitável de maus resultados de saúde em pessoas com DRT devido à sua relação com infecção, inflamação e desnutrição

    Enhanced micropropagation response and biocontrol effect of Azospirillum brasilense Sp245 on fruit-tree rootstocks

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    Abstract Free-living plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) can be used in a variety of ways when plant growth enhancements are required. The effects of the PGPR Azospirillum brasilense Sp245 have been assessed on micropropagation of three fruit tree rootstocks: Mr.S 2/5 (plum), GF 677 (peach x almond hybrid) and MM 106 (apple). Sp245 is a motile, free-living, gram-negative bacterium that occurs in the soil, capable of nitrogen fixation and phytohormones production. Tests with Mr.S 2/5 revealed that inoculated plantlets rooted in advance obtaining also a higher rooting percentage compared to the control. Positive results due to the presence of Sp245 have also been achieved during the acclimatation phase of Mr.S 2/5, GF 677 and MM 106 micropropagated plants. Interestingly, A. brasilense Sp245 revealed a biocontrol activity against Rhizoctonia solani and Phytophthora nicotianae detected in vivo and through in vitro inhibition tests. The biocontrol activity was confirmed by DGGE (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis) profiles of microbial communities in the rhizosphere. Results acquired suggest that A. brasilense Sp245 can be convenientely used in substitution of chemicals during rooting and acclimatation phase of micropropagated plants. Finally, a bacterial formulation and a method for biofertilization and bioprotection of vegetal material with Sp245 have been developed

    Sulla definizione di coerenza testuale. Dai dizionari ai corpora, un modello operativo per le classi del ciclo superiore

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    Il termine "coerenza", nella sua accezione testuale, è codificato nell'ambito specialistico della linguistica attraverso definizioni che risentono delle oscillazioni innescate di volta in volta dalle varie riflessioni teoriche. Nei comuni repertori lessicografici dell'uso questa eterogeneità, però, non si manifesta e spesso il termine viene designato in modo parziale o generico, con una vaghezza semantica che è di scarso aiuto a docenti o studenti che consultino il lemma. A partire dall'analisi diacronica e sincronica del temine e attraverso l'esemplificazione di alcune risorse lessicografiche (anche specialistiche), in questo contributo ci proponiamo di evidenziare i significati che possano guidare gli insegnanti di italiano e di altre lingue nella descrizione di un modello di "coerenza testuale" per la scrittura scolastica. L'elaborazione di tale modello è frutto delle ricerche condotte nel progetto ITACA, all'interno del quale si sono esaminate le produzioni scritte di tipo argomentativo di un campione statisticamente rappresentativo di studenti della scuola in lingua italiana della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano

    In viaggio verso ITACA: la coerenza testuale come meta della scrittura scolastica. Proposta di una griglia di valutazione

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    Coherence and cohesion are often seen as fundamental elements of learners’ textual competences, and their correct realisation is just as often required by teachers. While text linguistics has long been confronted with the constructs of coherence and cohesion and has developed convincing theoretical models, it is much rarer to see these theories transformed into easy-to-use evaluation grids. In this paper, we present the process of constructing a grid tailored to the evaluation of coherence and cohesion, as defined by the Basel Model of textuality. The production of the scale is carried out within the broader framework of the project ITACA – Coherence in Academic ITAlian, a research project devoted to the analysis of high school students' argumentative texts written in L1 Italian.  Nelle ricerche sulla didattica della scrittura scolastica, la coerenza e la coesione sono spesso indicate come elementi fondanti della competenza testuale degli apprendenti e la loro corretta realizzazione è altrettanto spesso richiesta dagli insegnanti. Se da un lato la linguistica testuale si è lungamente confrontata con i costrutti di coerenza e coesione e ha elaborato modelli teorici convincenti, dall’altro assai più rare sono le declinazioni di questi paradigmi in scale e griglie operative. In questo contributo verrà presentato il processo di costruzione di una scala di valutazione espressamente dedicata alle proprietà di coerenza e coesione, così come definite nel modello di Basilea. La costruzione della scala è portata avanti nella cornice di un più ampio progetto di ricerca, ITACA - Coerenza nell’ITAliano Accademico, volto all’analisi di testi argomentativi in italiano L1 nella scuola secondaria di II grado
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