714 research outputs found

    Revisiting the martensite/ferrite interface damage initiation mechanism:The key role of substructure boundary sliding

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    Martensite/ferrite (M/F) interface damage plays a critical role in controlling failure of dual-phase (DP) steels and is commonly understood to originate from the large phase contrast between martensite and ferrite. This however conflicts with a few, recent observations, showing that considerable M/F interface damage initiation is often accompanied by apparent martensite island plasticity and weak M/F strain partitioning. In fact, martensite has a complex hierarchical structure which induces a strongly heterogeneous and orientation-dependent plastic response. Depending on the local stress state, (lath) martensite is presumed to be hard to deform based on common understanding. However, when favourably oriented, substructure boundary sliding can be triggered at a resolved shear stress which is comparable to that of ferrite. Moreover, careful measurements of the M/F interface structure indicate the occurrence of sharp martensite wedges protruding into the ferrite and clear steps in correspondence with lath boundaries, constituting a jagged M/F interfacial morphology that may have a large effect on the M/F interface behaviour. By taking into account the substructure and morphology features, which are usually overlooked in the literature, this contribution re-examines the M/F interface damage initiation mechanism. A systematic study is performed, which accounts for different loading conditions, phase contrasts, residual stresses/strains resulting from the preceding martensitic phase transformation, as well as the possible M/F interfacial morphologies. Crystal plasticity simulations are conducted to include inter-lath retained austenite (RA) films enabling the substructure boundary sliding. The results show that the substructure boundary sliding, which is the most favourable plastic deformation mode of lath martensite, can trigger M/F interface damage and hence control the failure behaviour of DP steels. The present finding may change the way in which M/F interface damage initiation is understood as a critical failure mechanism in DP steels

    Verantwoorde en communiceerbare argumenten bij biologische producten: milieueffecten

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    Het project ‘Verantwoorde en communiceerbare argumenten bij biologische producten’ bestaat uit vijf deelprojecten/aandachtsgebieden: veiligheid, gezondheid en smaak; dierenwelzijn; milieu; biodiversiteit, natuur en landschap; klimaat, broeikasgassen en waterberging. In dit rapport worden de onderdelen milieu, eindige grondstoffen, broeikasgassen en watergebruik behandel

    Astro-WISE: Chaining to the Universe

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    The recent explosion of recorded digital data and its processed derivatives threatens to overwhelm researchers when analysing their experimental data or when looking up data items in archives and file systems. While current hardware developments allow to acquire, process and store 100s of terabytes of data at the cost of a modern sports car, the software systems to handle these data are lagging behind. This general problem is recognized and addressed by various scientific communities, e.g., DATAGRID/EGEE federates compute and storage power over the high-energy physical community, while the astronomical community is building an Internet geared Virtual Observatory, connecting archival data. These large projects either focus on a specific distribution aspect or aim to connect many sub-communities and have a relatively long trajectory for setting standards and a common layer. Here, we report "first light" of a very different solution to the problem initiated by a smaller astronomical IT community. It provides the abstract "scientific information layer" which integrates distributed scientific analysis with distributed processing and federated archiving and publishing. By designing new abstractions and mixing in old ones, a Science Information System with fully scalable cornerstones has been achieved, transforming data systems into knowledge systems. This break-through is facilitated by the full end-to-end linking of all dependent data items, which allows full backward chaining from the observer/researcher to the experiment. Key is the notion that information is intrinsic in nature and thus is the data acquired by a scientific experiment. The new abstraction is that software systems guide the user to that intrinsic information by forcing full backward and forward chaining in the data modelling.Comment: To be published in ADASS XVI ASP Conference Series, 2006, R. Shaw, F. Hill and D. Bell, ed

    Deep-water macroalgae from the Canary Islands: new records and biogeographical relationships

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    Due to the geographical location and paleobiogeography of the Canary Islands, the seaweed flora contains macroalgae with different distributional patterns. In this contribution, the biogeographical relations of several new records of deep-water macroalgae recently collected around the Canarian archipelago are discussed. These are Bryopsidella neglecta (Berthotd) Rietema,Discosporangium mesarthrocarpum (Meneghini) Hauck, Hincksia onslowensis (Amsler et Kapraun)P.C. Silva, Syringoderma floridana Henry, Peyssonnelia harveyana J. Agardh, Cryptonemia seminervis(C. Agardh) J. Agardh, Botryodadia wynnei Ballantine, Gloiocladia blomquistii (Searles) R. E.Norris, PIahchrysis peltata (W. R. Taylor) P. Huv4 et H. Huv4, Leptofauchea brasiliensis Joly, and Sarcodiotheca divaricata W. R. Taylor. These new records, especially those in the Florideophyceae,support the strong affinity of the Canary Islands seaweed flora with the warm-temperate Mediterranean-Atlantic region. Some species are recorded for the first time from the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean, enhancing the biogeographic relations of the Canarian marine flora with that of the western Atlantic regions

    The stellar content, metallicity and ionization structure of HII regions

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    Observations of infrared fine-structure lines provide direct information on the metallicity and ionization structure of HII regions and indirectly on the hardness of the radiation field ionizing these nebulae. We have analyzed a sample of Galactic and Magellanic Cloud HII regions observed by the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) to examine the interplay between stellar content, metallicity and the ionization structure of HII regions. The observed [SIV]10.5/[SIII]18.7 mum and [NeIII]15.5/[NeII]12.8 mum line ratios are shown to be highly correlated over more than two orders of magnitude. We have compared the observed line ratios to the results of photoionization models using different stellar energy distributions. The derived characteristics of the ionizing star depend critically on the adopted stellar model as well as the (stellar) metallicity. We have compared the stellar effective temperatures derived from these model studies for a few well-studied HII regions with published direct spectroscopic determinations of the spectral type of the ionizing stars. This comparison supports our interpretation that stellar and nebular metallicity influences the observed infrared ionic line ratios. We can explain the observed increase in degree of ionization, as traced by the [SIV]\[SIII] and [NeIII]\[NeII] line ratios, by the hardening of the radiation field due to the decrease of metallicity. The implications of our results for the determination of the ages of starbursts in starburst galaxies are assessed.Comment: 9 pages; accepted for publication in A&A; figure 3 modifie

    Effects of competition on pattern formation in the rock-paper-scissors game

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    We investigate the impact of cyclic competition on pattern formation in the rock-paper-scissors game. By separately considering random and prepared initial conditions, we observe a critical influence of the competition rate pp on the stability of spiral waves and on the emergence of biodiversity. In particular, while increasing values of pp promote biodiversity, they may act detrimental on spatial pattern formation. For random initial conditions, we observe a phase transition from biodiversity to an absorbing phase, whereby the critical value of mobility grows linearly with increasing values of pp on a log-log scale, but then saturates as pp becomes large. For prepared initial conditions, we observe the formation of single-armed spirals, but only for values of pp that are below a critical value. Once above, the spirals break up and form disordered spatial structures, mainly because of the percolation of vacant sites. Thus, there exists a critical value of the competition rate pcp_{c} for stable single-armed spirals in finite populations. Importantly though, pcp_{c} increases with increasing system size, because noise reinforces the disintegration of ordered patterns. In addition, we also find that pcp_{c} increases with the mobility. These phenomena are reproduced by a deterministic model that is based on nonlinear partial differential equations. Our findings indicate that competition is vital for the sustenance of biodiversity and emergence of pattern formation in ecosystems governed by cyclical interactions.Comment: 7 two-column pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Global Phylogenomic Assessment of \u3ci\u3eLeptoseris\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eAgaricia\u3c/i\u3e Reveals Substantial Undescibed Diversity at Mesophotic Depths

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    Background: Mesophotic coral communities are increasingly gaining attention for the unique biological diversity they host, exemplified by the numerous mesophotic fish species that continue to be discovered. In contrast, many of the photosynthetic scleractinian corals observed at mesophotic depths are assumed to be depth-generalists, with very few species characterised as mesophotic-specialists. This presumed lack of a specialised community remains largely untested, as phylogenetic studies on corals have rarely included mesophotic samples and have long suffered from resolution issues associated with traditional sequence markers. Results: Here, we used reduced-representation genome sequencing to conduct a phylogenomic assessment of the two dominant mesophotic genera of plating corals in the Indo-Pacific and Western Atlantic, respectively, Leptoseris and Agaricia. While these genome-wide phylogenies broadly corroborated the morphological taxonomy, they also exposed deep divergences within the two genera and undescribed diversity across the current taxonomic species. Five of the eight focal species consisted of at least two sympatric and genetically distinct lineages, which were consistently detected across different methods. Conclusions: The repeated observation of genetically divergent lineages associated with mesophotic depths highlights that there may be many more mesophotic-specialist coral species than currently acknowledged and that an urgent assessment of this largely unstudied biological diversity is warranted