251 research outputs found

    Aluminum Ingestion Promotes Colorectal Hypersensitivity in Rodents

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    Background & Aims: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a multifactorial disease arising from a complex interplay between genetic predisposition and environmental influences. To date, environmental triggers are not well known. Aluminum is commonly present in food, notably by its use as food additive. We investigated the effects of aluminum ingestion in rodent models of visceral hypersensitivity, and the mechanisms involved. Methods: Visceral hypersensitivity was recorded by colorectal distension in rats administered with oral low doses ofΒ aluminum. Inflammation was analyzed in the colon of aluminum-treated rats by quantitative PCR for cytokine expression and by immunohistochemistry for immune cells quantification. Involvement of mast cells in the aluminum-induced hypersensitivity was determined by cromoglycate administration of rats and in mast cell-deficient mice (Kit). Proteinase-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) activation in response to aluminum was evaluated and its implication in aluminum-induced hypersensitivity was assessed in PAR2 knockout mice. Results: Orally administered low-dose aluminum induced visceral hypersensitivity in rats and mice. Visceral pain induced by aluminum persisted over time even after cessation of treatment, reappeared and was amplified when treatment resumed. As observed in humans, female animals were more sensitive than males. Major mediators of nociception were up-regulated in the colon by aluminum. Activation of mast cells and PAR2 were required for aluminum-induced hypersensitivity. Conclusions: These findings indicate that oral exposure to aluminum at human dietary level reproduces clinical and molecular features of IBS, highlighting a new pathway of prevention and treatment of visceral pain in some susceptible patients

    The intestinal microenvironment and functional gastrointestinal disorders

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    For decades, interactions between the enteric neuromuscular apparatus and the central nervous system have served as the primary focus of pathophysiological research in the functional gastrointestinal disorders. The accumulation of patient reports, as well as clinical observations, has belatedly led to an interest in the role of various luminal factors and their interactions with each other and the host in functional gastrointestinal disorders. Most prominent among these factors has been the role of food. As a consequence, while not always evidence-based, dietary interventions are enjoying a renaissance in irritable bowel syndrome management. Not surprisingly, given its exploration in many disease states, the gut microbiota has also been studied in functional gastrointestinal disorders; data remain inconclusive. Likewise, there is also a considerable body of experimental and some clinical data to link functional gastrointestinal disorders pathogenesis to disturbances in epithelial barrier integrity, abnormal entero-endocrine signaling and immune activation. These data provide growing evidence supporting the existence of micro-organic changes, particularly in subgroups of patients with functional dyspepsia and IBS. However, their exact role in the complex pathophysiology and symptom generation of functional gastrointestinal disorders needs to be further studied and elucidated particularly with longitudinal and interventional studies.Giovanni Barbara, Christine Feinle-Bisset, Uday C. Ghoshal, Javier Santos, Stepen J. Vanner, Nathalie Vergnolle, Erwin G. Zoetendal, and Eamonn M. Quigle

    Initiation of human colon cancer cell proliferation by trypsin acting at protease-activated receptor-2

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    The protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR-2) is a G protein-coupled receptor that is cleaved and activated by trypsin. We investigated the expression of PAR-2 and the role of trypsin in cell proliferation in human colon cancer cell lines. A total of 10 cell lines were tested for expression of PAR-2 mRNA by Northern blot and RT-PCR. PAR-2 protein was detected by immunofluorescence. Trypsin and the peptide agonist SLIGKV (AP2) were tested for their ability to induce calcium mobilization and to promote cell proliferation on serum-deprived cells. PAR-2 mRNA was detected by Northern blot analysis in 6 out of 10 cell lines [HT-29, Cl.19A, Caco-2, SW480, HCT-8 and T84]. Other cell lines expressed low levels of transcripts, which were detected only by RT-PCR. Further results were obtained with HT-29 cells: (1) PAR-2 protein is expressed at the cell surface; (2) an increase in intracellular calcium concentration was observed upon trypsin (1–100β€ˆnM) or AP2 (10–100β€ˆΞΌM) challenges; (3) cells grown in serum-deprived media supplemented with trypsin (0.1–1β€ˆnM) or AP2 (1–300β€ˆΞΌM) exhibited important mitogenic responses (3-fold increase of cell number). Proliferative effects of trypsin or AP2 were also observed in other cell lines expressing PAR-2. These data show that subnanomolar concentrations of trypsin, acting at PAR-2, promoted the proliferation of human colon cancer cells. The results of this study indicate that trypsin could be considered as a growth factor and unravel a new mechanism whereby serine proteases control colon tumours. Β© 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Triggering of the 2014 M_w7.3 Papanoa earthquake by a slow slip event in Guerrero, Mexico

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    Since their discovery two decades ago, slow slip events have been shown to play an important role in accommodating strain in subduction zones. However, the physical mechanisms that generate slow slip and the relationships with earthquakes are unclear. Slow slip events have been recorded in the Guerrero segment of the Cocos–North America subduction zone. Here we use inversion of position time series recorded by a continuous GPS network to reconstruct the evolution of aseismic slip on the subduction interface of the Guerrero segment. We find that a slow slip event began in February 2014, two months before the magnitude (M_w) 7.3 Papanoa earthquake on 18 April. The slow slip event initiated in a region adjacent to the earthquake hypocentre and extended into the vicinity of the seismogenic zone. This spatio-temporal proximity strongly suggests that the Papanoa earthquake was triggered by the ongoing slow slip event. We demonstrate that the triggering mechanism could be either static stress increases in the hypocentral region, as revealed by Coulomb stress modelling, or enhanced weakening of the earthquake hypocentral area by the slow slip. We also show that the plate interface in the Guerrero area is highly coupled between slow slip events, and that most of the accumulated strain is released aseismically during the slow slip episodes

    Thrombin Induces Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor Release and Upregulation in Urothelium: A Possible Contribution to Bladder Inflammation

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    Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine expressed by urothelial cells that mediates bladder inflammation. We investigated the effect of stimulation with thrombin, a Protease Activated Receptor-1 (PAR1) agonist, on MIF release and MIF mRNA upregulation in urothelial cells.MIF and PAR1 expression was examined in normal human immortalized urothelial cells (UROtsa) using real-time RT-PCR, Western blotting and dual immunostaining. MIF and PAR1 immunostaining was also examined in rat urothelium. The effect of thrombin stimulation (100 nM) on urothelial MIF release was examined in UROtsa cells (in vitro) and in rats (in vivo). UROtsa cells were stimulated with thrombin, culture media were collected at different time points and MIF amounts were determined by ELISA. Pentobarbital anesthetized rats received intravesical saline (control), thrombin, or thrombin +2% lidocaine (to block nerve activity) for 1 hr, intraluminal fluid was collected and MIF amounts determined by ELISA. Bladder or UROtsa MIF mRNA was measured using real time RT-PCR.UROtsa cells constitutively express MIF and PAR1 and immunostaining for both was observed in these cells and in the basal and intermediate layers of rat urothelium. Thrombin stimulation of urothelial cells resulted in a concentration- and time-dependent increase in MIF release both in vitro (UROtsa; 2.8-fold increase at 1 hr) and in vivo (rat; 4.5-fold) while heat-inactivated thrombin had no effect. In rats, thrombin-induced MIF release was reduced but not abolished by intravesical lidocaine treatment. Thrombin also upregulated MIF mRNA in UROtsa cells (3.3-fold increase) and in the rat bladder (2-fold increase) where the effect was reduced (1.4-fold) by lidocaine treatment.Urothelial cells express both MIF and PAR1. Activation of urothelial PAR1 receptors, either by locally generated thrombin or proteases present in the urine, may mediate bladder inflammation by inducing urothelial MIF release and upregulating urothelial MIF expression

    PrtT-Regulated Proteins Secreted by Aspergillus fumigatus Activate MAPK Signaling in Exposed A549 Lung Cells Leading to Necrotic Cell Death

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    Aspergillus fumigatus is the most commonly encountered mold pathogen of humans, predominantly infecting the respiratory system. Colonization and penetration of the lung alveolar epithelium is a key but poorly understood step in the infection process. This study focused on identifying the transcriptional and cell-signaling responses activated in A549 alveolar carcinoma cells incubated in the presence of A. fumigatus wild-type and Ξ”PrtT protease-deficient germinating conidia and culture filtrates (CF). Microarray analysis of exposed A549 cells identified distinct classes of genes whose expression is altered in the presence of germinating conidia and CF and suggested the involvement of both NFkB and MAPK signaling pathways in mediating the cellular response. Phosphoprotein analysis of A549 cells confirmed that JNK and ERK1/2 are phosphorylated in response to CF from wild-type A. fumigatus and not phosphorylated in response to CF from the Ξ”PrtT protease-deficient strain. Inhibition of JNK or ERK1/2 kinase activity substantially decreased CF-induced cell damage, including cell peeling, actin-cytoskeleton damage, and reduction in metabolic activity and necrotic death. These results suggest that inhibition of MAPK-mediated host responses to treatment with A. fumigatus CF decreases cellular damage, a finding with possible clinical implications

    Functional Role of Kallikrein 6 in Regulating Immune Cell Survival

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    Kallikrein 6 (KLK6) is a newly identified member of the kallikrein family of secreted serine proteases that prior studies indicate is elevated at sites of central nervous system (CNS) inflammation and which shows regulated expression with T cell activation. Notably, KLK6 is also elevated in the serum of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients however its potential roles in immune function are unknown. Herein we specifically examine whether KLK6 alters immune cell survival and the possible mechanism by which this may occur.Using murine whole splenocyte preparations and the human Jurkat T cell line we demonstrate that KLK6 robustly supports cell survival across a range of cell death paradigms. Recombinant KLK6 was shown to significantly reduce cell death under resting conditions and in response to camptothecin, dexamethasone, staurosporine and Fas-ligand. Moreover, KLK6-over expression in Jurkat T cells was shown to generate parallel pro-survival effects. In mixed splenocyte populations the vigorous immune cell survival promoting effects of KLK6 were shown to include both T and B lymphocytes, to occur with as little as 5 minutes of treatment, and to involve up regulation of the pro-survival protein B-cell lymphoma-extra large (Bcl-XL), and inhibition of the pro-apoptotic protein Bcl-2-interacting mediator of cell death (Bim). The ability of KLK6 to promote survival of splenic T cells was also shown to be absent in cell preparations derived from PAR1 deficient mice.KLK6 promotes lymphocyte survival by a mechanism that depends in part on activation of PAR1. These findings point to a novel molecular mechanism regulating lymphocyte survival that is likely to have relevance to a range of immunological responses that depend on apoptosis for immune clearance and maintenance of homeostasis
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