5,617 research outputs found

    Scalar perturbations in regular two-component bouncing cosmologies

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    We consider a two-component regular cosmology bouncing from contraction to expansion, where, in order to include both scalar fields and perfect fluids as particular cases, the dominant component is allowed to have an intrinsic isocurvature mode. We show that the spectrum of the growing mode of the Bardeen potential in the pre-bounce is never transferred to the dominant mode of the post-bounce. The latter acquires at most a dominant isocurvature component, depending on the relative properties of the two fluids. Our results imply that several claims in the literature need substantial revision.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Regular two-component bouncing cosmologies and perturbations therein

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    We present a full investigation of scalar perturbations in a rather generic model for a regular bouncing universe, where the bounce is triggered by an effective perfect fluid with negative energy density. Long before and after the bounce the universe is dominated by a source with positive energy density, which may be a perfect fluid, a scalar field, or any other source with an intrinsic isocurvature perturbation. Within this framework, we present an analytical method to accurately estimate the spectrum of large-scale scalar perturbations until their reentry, long after the bounce. We also propose a simple way to identify non-singular gauge-invariant variables through the bounce and present the results of extensive numerical tests in several possible realizations of the scenario. In no case do we find that the spectrum of the pre-bounce growing mode of the Bardeen potential can be transferred to a post-bounce constant mode.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Scalar fluctuations in dilatonic brane-worlds

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    We derive and solve the full set of scalar perturbation equations for a class of five-dimensional brane--world solutions, with a dilaton scalar field coupled to the bulk cosmological constant and to a 3-brane. The spectrum contains one localized massless scalar mode, to be interpreted as an effective dilaton on the brane, inducing long--range scalar interactions. Two massive scalar modes yield corrections to Newton's law at short distances, which persist even in the limit of vanishing dilaton (namely, in the standard Randall--Sundrum configuration).Comment: 10 pages. Talk presented by V. Bozza at COSMO-01 conference, Rovaniemi, 200

    The Price of an Exact, Gauge-Invariant RG-Flow Equation

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    We combine old ideas about exact renormalization-group-flow (RGF) equations with the Vilkovisky-De Witt (VDW) approach to reparametrization invariant effective actions and arrive at a new, exact, gauge-invariant RGF equation. The price to be paid for such a result is that both the action and the RGF equation depend explicitly upon the base point (in field space) needed for the VDW construction. We briefly discuss the complications originating from this fact and possible ways to overcome them.Comment: 12 pages. To appear in Phys. Lett.

    Assisting pre-big bang phenomenology through short-lived axions

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    We present the results of a detailed study of how isocurvature axion fluctuations are converted into adiabatic metric perturbations through axion decay, and discuss the constraints on the parameters of pre-big bang cosmology needed for consistency with present CMB-anisotropy data. The large-scale normalization of temperature fluctuations has a non-trivial dependence both on the mass and on the initial value of the axion. In the simplest, minimal models of pre-big bang inflation, consistency with the COBE normalization requires a slightly tilted (blue) spectrum, while a strictly scale-invariant spectrum requires mild modifications of the minimal backgrounds at large curvature and/or string coupling.Comment: 14 pages, latex, 1 figure included using epsfig. A few typos corrected, two references added, the figure slightly improved. To appear in Phys. Lett.

    Constraints on pre-big bang parameter space from CMBR anisotropies

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    The so-called curvaton mechanism --a way to convert isocurvature perturbations into adiabatic ones-- is investigated both analytically and numerically in a pre-big bang scenario where the role of the curvaton is played by a sufficiently massive Kalb--Ramond axion of superstring theory. When combined with observations of CMBR anisotropies at large and moderate angular scales, the present analysis allows us to constrain quite considerably the parameter space of the model: in particular, the initial displacement of the axion from the minimum of its potential and the rate of evolution of the compactification volume during pre-big bang inflation. The combination of theoretical and experimental constraints favours a slightly blue spectrum of scalar perturbations, and/or a value of the string scale in the vicinity of the SUSY-GUT scale.Comment: 63 pages in Latex style with 14 figures include

    Control of gastrointestinal strongyles in goats

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    Gastrointestinal (GI) parasitism are the most serious problem affecting sheep and goats worldwide. Economic losses caused by GI strongyles are related to decreased production, costs for treatment and prophylaxis and animal death. Effective control of internal parasites in small ruminants is one of the most difficult challenges encountered by veterinary in practice. For control of helminth parasites in grazing animals it is important knowledge of epidemiology of the parasite as it interacts with the host in a specific climatic, management and production environment. Sheep and goats are infected by many of the same GI nematodes, but feeding and management practices alter levels of parasitism between the two ruminants. The most commonly anthelmintics used for helminth control in small ruminants include three chemical groups: Imidazothiazoles/ Pyrimidines (Im/Pm), Benzimidazoles / Probenzimidazoles (Bz/Pbz) and Macrocyclic Lactones (ML). The control of gastrointestinal strongyles infections in goats shows specific patterns. The use of anthelmintics in goats is based upon anthelmintics goats-suited dose rates taking into account the specific pharmacokinetics features of some anthelmintics in this species. Several types of control strategies: deworming programs, grazing management, biological control, supplementary feeding and breeding approaches are discusse

    Black holes from high-energy beam--beam collisions

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    Using a recent technique, proposed by Eardley and Giddings, we extend their results to the high-energy collision of two beams of massless particles, i.e. of two finite-front shock waves. Closed (marginally) trapped surfaces can be determined analytically in several cases even for collisions at non-vanishing impact parameter in D\ge 4 space-time dimensions. We are able to confirm and extend earlier conjectures by Yurtsever, and to deal with arbitrary axisymmetric profiles, including an amusing case of ``fractal'' beams. We finally discuss some implications of our results in high-energy experiments and in cosmology.Comment: 17 pages Revtex, 1 figure, references adde

    Adubacao mineral de cafeeiro Conilon (Coffea canephora) em producao no Estado de Rondonia.

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    O trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de determinar os niveis mais adequados de NPK, para cafeeiros em producao da cultivar Conilon, em sistemas de plantio tradicionais (espacamentos largos), nos municipios de Nova Uniao e Presidente Medici.bitstream/item/67389/1/CPAF-RO-DOCUMENTOS-28-ADUBACAO-MINERAL-DE-CAFEEIROS-CONILON-COFFEA-CANEPHORA-EM-PRODUCAO-NO-ESTAD.pd
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