237 research outputs found

    Proposta de criação de novos estabelecimentos de Ensino Superior apresentada ao Governo pelo Ministro da Educação Nacional

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    Proposta de criação de novos estabelecimentos de Ensino Superior apresentada ao Governo em 1973.Projeto: “História da Universidade do Minho: da criação ao presente. Dinâmicas sócio históricas e expansão da rede universitária portuguesa”. Fundação Carlos Lloyd Braga/Reitoria da Universidade do Minho e CITCEM - Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar Cultura, Espaço e Memória

    Competitividade e inovação para o desenvolvimento: desafio do conhecimento e da confiança

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    No século XX assistimos ao colapso de mitos ideológicos, a confrontos nos domínios da ética e do comportamento humano e a conquistas surpreendentes da ciência e da tecnologia, com directas consequências na economia, na ordem social e na configuração do poder mundial. No entanto, a lógica do progresso que derivou da Ciência não tem sido facilmente compatibilizada com a “luta pelo reconhecimento de valores e de identidades” que, na visão de Kant e de Hegel, são o “motor da história”. Aliás constatamos que perduram raízes do passado. Vale a pena, embora não seja fácil, reflectir sobre o futuro

    Primeiro passo: programa de acção. No acto de transmissão de poderes que decorreu no Ministério da Educação Nacional, em 15 de Janeiro de 1970

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    Discurso de Veiga Simão em 13/09/1963.Projeto: “História da Universidade do Minho: da criação ao presente. Dinâmicas sócio históricas e expansão da rede universitária portuguesa”. Fundação Carlos Lloyd Braga/Reitoria da Universidade do Minho e CITCEM - Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar Cultura, Espaço e Memória

    Discurso proferido no acto de concessão do Grau de Doutor Honoris Causa, pela Universidade de Lourenço Marques, ao Presidente do Conselho, Prof. Doutor Marcello Caetano

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    Discurso de José Veiga Simão proferido em 18/04/1969Projeto: “História da Universidade do Minho: da criação ao presente. Dinâmicas sócio históricas e expansão da rede universitária portuguesa”. Fundação Carlos Lloyd Braga/Reitoria da Universidade do Minho e CITCEM - Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar Cultura, Espaço e Memória

    O Ensino Superior no Ultramar Português. Conferência

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    Texto da conferência proferida por Veiga Simão em 13-09-1963.Projeto: “História da Universidade do Minho: da criação ao presente. Dinâmicas sócio históricas e expansão da rede universitária portuguesa”. Fundação Carlos Lloyd Braga/Reitoria da Universidade do Minho e CITCEM - Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar Cultura, Espaço e Memória

    Student-Centred Methods in Higher Education: Implications for Student Learning and Professional Development

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    An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA, USA, 7-11th April 2006This paper presents findings from two case studies carried out in two Portuguese universities in order to analyse and understand the implications of two participatory methods of teaching and learning: portfolio and project led-education. Case 1 involved the use of portfolio as a strategy for enhancing students’ self-regulated learning. Case 2 was a project-led course (one-year project) during which students were asked to design and develop a training course for a real/professional context for a real group of professionals in a given institution. Active and cyclical model of self-regulation learning occurs according to three phases: forethought, performance (volitional) control, and selfreflection; development of competencies (disciplinary and non-disciplinary); team work; and articulation university/professional context are some of the key features of these methods. Findings suggest a better understanding of teaching and learning dimensions at higher education, namely in regard to processes and outcomes of learning, skills development, and changes both conceptual and attitudinal. In the paper, students’ perceptions about participatory methods are discussed, as well as the factors that contribute to students’ active engagement and ways of promoting the effective use of these kinds methods. Overall, a number of dimensions were identified: i) the transition from a single towards a plural perspective; ii) the transition from a teaching-centred approach towards a learning-centred one; iii) the transition from discourse to action; iv) the transition from a an outcome approach to assessment towards a continuous and formative one; v) the transition from a disciplinary approach towards a cross-disciplinary one

    Self-regulated strategies for school writing tasks: A cross-cultural report

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    We investigated cross-cultural differences in ninth-grade students' reported use of self-regulated strategies for writing. We assessed 12 self-regulated strategies for writing tapping environmental, behavioural, and personal self-regulated processes. Seven hundred and thirty-two Portuguese and Brazilian students in transition to high school (Mage = 14.3; 372 male and 306 female) from mainstream urban schools reported on their use of the strategies. Statistical analyses included a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) with 12 dependent variables (self-regulated strategies for writing) and 2 between-subjects variables (country and gender). There were significant main effects for country with medium effect sizes and statistically significant small effect sizes for gender main effects. All-male and all-female comparisons indicated significant differences and medium effect sizes within gender groups. The majority of the differences tapped personal self-regulated strategies. Taken together, these findings suggest that initiating and controlling writing may be a contextualised bounded process

    Impacts of Advanced Travel Information Systems on Travel Behaviour: Smartmoov' case study

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    What are the effects of multimodal real-time information on travel behaviour? Large amounts of money have been invested to implement in the cities such systems, but until now few assessments have been done to verify if it contributes to a real modal shift and, in the higher end, to a more sustainable mobility. This research aims at thoroughly assessing the effectiveness of multimodal real-time information systems, pointing out the limitations before their use and recording the changes induced on the travel behaviour. Two wave questionnaires were designed and administered to a sample of 46 persons before and after a five months experimentation where a multimodal real-time information application for Smartphones (Smartmoov') was tested after its implemented in the city of Lyon, in 2013. Besides the questionnaires twelve focus groups were conducted with the same sample, six before and six after the experimentation. The survey was aimed at investigating the potential changes of travel behaviour of the sample. Descriptive analysis, parametric and non-parametric tests, factor analysis and binary logistic regression were used as statistical approaches to analyse the collected data and evaluate the effectiviness of Smartmoov'. Before the experimentation, it was understood that participants had no constrains towards the use of the Smartmoov', being its use under a positive outlook: almost everyone was expert in the technology and was familiar with the concept of Smartmoov'. The travellers' assessment of the travel planner was initially modestly positive, but it decreased over time and, after the experimentation, the use of the different modes remained stable while a small increase of the car for the most frequent trip was observed. The perceived behaviour control and the intentions to change mode did not show variations after the experimentation; this fact points out that the behaviour is not completely reasoned, being partly under the influence of the habitual performance. The stability of the mode used, of the perceived behavioural control and of the intentions show that mobility is strongly influenced by the high frequency of the past behaviour. In fact, the mobility habits are a heavy burden on the process of modal choice. Nevertheless, information can play a role on modal shift, but only if it is strong enough to interrupt the patterns of routine commutes. The results of the experimentation were in line with previous studies; few people used this app on a daily basis or for planning daily commuting, but they most often used Smartmoov' to plan occasional travels. Furthermore, people did not show any willingness to pay to use Smartmoov' neither before or after the experimentatio

    Susana da Cruz Martins, Escola e Estudantes Da Europa

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    O livro Escola e Estudantes da Europa é um excelente estudo donde constam abundantes dados e análises comparativas sobre os sistemas educativos da União Europeia — sobre as próprias escolas e as comunidades educativas — dando relevo a diferenciações e similitudes em termos de configurações orgânicas, de governo das escolas e universidades, de financiamentos e apoios públicos, de recursos para aprender e ensinar na sociedade de informação, de estruturas sociais e percursos escolares e de desig..