424 research outputs found

    The Last World: 150 Years of Franz Josef Land

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    Optimization of transport network configuration

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    KomunikaÄn­ s­tÄ souÄasnosti se zsadn­m zpsobem li­ od s­t­, kter© vznikaly postupnÄ od doby, kdy Alexander Graham Bell vynalezl na tehdej­ dobu pevratn vynlez â telefon. Byla to pedev­m tehdej­ rove techniky a stupe vvoje elektrotechniky, co umoovalo rozvoj prvn­ch syst©m a jejich vzjemnch propojen­, na zkladÄ Äeho vznikly prvn­ sdÄlovac­ s­tÄ. Ve se tkalo pevnÄ hlasov©ho provozu. S­tÄ byly tehdy samozejmÄ analogov© a tvoily je pedev­m metalick© â mÄdÄn© vodiÄe, v oblasti radiokomunikac­ se pelo na elektromagnetick© vlny, prostednictv­m kterch se uskuteÄovalo spojen­ m­st, kde nebylo mon© nebo Äeln© nathnout dlkov© kabely. SdÄlovac­ technika, a u po veden­ch Äi radiokomunikace, uÄinila obrovsk kvantitatin­ skok a kvalitativn­ pokrok; pechzelo se postupnÄ na rzn© typy veden­, kter© umoovaly penet vy­ a vy­ kmitoÄty, zvyovat poÄet uskuteÄnÄnch spojen­ i racionalizovat penosov© cesty. V 50. letech minul©ho stolet­ se zaÄala ­it elektronick zbava prostednictv­m televizn­ho vys­ln­, co vyadovalo propojovat televizn­ studia s vys­lac­mi syst©my, zdokonaloval se i rozhlas. V t©to dobÄ byly v oblasti telekomunikac­ v provozu ji velk© automatick© stedny vybaven© krokovmi voliÄi, pozdÄji k­ovmi a maticovmi sp­naÄi. S­tÄ se v t© dobÄ zaÄaly rozliovat na p­stupov©, kter© vedly od koncovch za­zen­ Äastn­k a po prvn­ p­pojn bod, kup­kladu prvn­ veejnou telefonn­ stednu. Mezi tÄmito stednami pak vznikaly jejich vzjemnm propojovn­m transportn­ neboli pepravn­ s­tÄ, aby posl©ze, po dosaen­ c­le (posledn­ stedny) pely opÄt do p­stupovch s­t­ vzdlench Äastn­k. C­lem prce je popsat nÄkter© vlastnosti transportn­ch s­t­, tÄch soudobch, kter© ji pou­vaj­ plnÄ digitln­ technologie. ZamÄ­me se na s­tÄ datov©, tedy takov©, kter© jsou pro soudob©ho ÄlovÄka k dispozici a pop­eme nÄkter© technologie i komponenty, kter© je mono pou­t. Seznm­me se s programem Opnet Modeler a filozofi­ prce s n­m. DoporuÄ­me optimalizaci navren© transportn­ s­tÄ na zkladÄ vsledk simulace v Opnet Modeleru. Navrhneme pot© vhodnou laboratorn­ lohu pro studenty bakalsk©ho oboru Teleinformatika.The communication networks, that we know nowadays has been changing since the time when Alexander Graham Bell discovered the great invention of that time â the telephone. It was mainly the level of the technique and electronics that helped to improve the first systems of connection between each other. This process caused the first communication networks. All the changes were done on the field of the radio operation. The networks were analog and were contained mainly by metallic â cooper wire. On the field of radio communication were mainly electromagnetic waves which maintained the connection of the places where was not able to stretch trunk cables. Communication has made huge qualitative improvement. This process has used different types of wire that were able to transmit higher and higher frequencies and to raise a number of made connections. All those changes were involved in radio network. In 1950s the entertainment was made mainly through television broadcast. This improvement needed the new studios and broadcast systems and also the radio improved. In that time there was huge automatic PBX equipped with stepper drivers matrix switches. The networks started to be divided into access drivers which resulted from the subscriber terminal to the first connection point, for example, the first public telephone exchange. Among these exchanges was formed their interlinking transport or transportation network, to finally, after reaching the target (last panel) would be merged back into the network access for remote users. The aim is to describe some properties of transport networks, the contemporary, which has been fully digital technology. We will focus on data networks, i.e. those that are available to contemporary man, and describe some of the technologies and components that can be used. We meet with OPNET Modeler software and the philosophy of working with him. We recommend optimalization of the designed transportation network on the basis of OPNET Modeler simulation results. Afterwards we design a suitable laboratory task for bachelor degree students of Teleinformatics.

    Die letzte Welt: 150 Jahre Franz-Josef-Land

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    The Shifting Origins of International Law

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    Both state-centrism and Euro-centrism are under challenge in international law today and this double challenge, this work argues, is being fruitfully mirrored back into the study of the history of international law. It examines, in the first section, the effects of the rise of positivism as a method of norm-identification and the role of methodological nationalism over the study of the history of international law in the modern foundational period of international law. This is extended by an examination of how this bequeathed a double exclusionary bias regarding time and space to the study of the history of international law as well as a reiterative focus on a series of canonical events and authors to the exclusion of others such as those related to the Islamic history of international law. In the second section, the analysis turns to address why this state of historiographical affairs is changing, specifically highlighting intra-disciplinary developments within the field of the history of international law and the effects that the “international turn in the writing of history” is having on the writing of a new history of international law for a global age. The conclusion reflects on some of the tasks ahead by providing a series of historiographical signposts for the history of international law as a field of new research

    Continuous Free Cortisol Profiles in Healthy Men - Validation of Microdialysis Method

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    Abstract Context In humans, approximately 95% of circulating cortisol is bound to corticosteroid-binding globulin and albumin. It is only the free fraction that is biologically active and can activate signalling pathways via glucocorticoid hormone receptors in cells. Microdialysis is a well-established technique that enables the sampling of molecules in different compartments of the body, including extracellular fluid. This is the first study validating a rapid sampling microdialysis method measuring free cortisol in the subcutaneous and blood compartments of healthy volunteers. Methods Healthy non-smoking volunteers (42 men; age 18-24 years; BMI 18-25 kg/m2) received placebo (saline), 250 µg Synacthen or 1 mg dexamethasone with ten minutely sampling to measure total and free cortisol (subcutaneous, intravenous and saliva) for an hour before and 4 hours after administration. Results Following stimulation by Synacthen, total serum cortisol and free cortisol in both compartments rose significantly, achieving and maintaining maximum levels between 2 and 3 hours following the stimulus. A decline in cortisol levels was evident after the administration of dexamethasone or placebo, but there was a clear pulsatile activity around lunchtime in the latter group which was prominent in the blood compartment (total and free cortisol). There was good correlation between serum total and free cortisol (SC and intravenous) in the Synacthen and dexamethasone groups with no significant delay (less than 5 minutes) between total and free cortisol. Conclusions This seminal study demonstrated the dynamic responses of total blood cortisol and microdialysis derived free cortisol in blood, subcutaneous tissue and saliva in man. </jats:sec