27 research outputs found

    Asymptotic W-symmetries in three-dimensional higher-spin gauge theories

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    We discuss how to systematically compute the asymptotic symmetry algebras of generic three-dimensional bosonic higher-spin gauge theories in backgrounds that are asymptotically AdS. We apply these techniques to a one-parameter family of higher-spin gauge theories that can be considered as large N limits of SL(N) x SL(N) Chern-Simons theories, and we provide a closed formula for the structure constants of the resulting infinite-dimensional non-linear W-algebras. Along the way we provide a closed formula for the structure constants of all classical W_N algebras. In both examples the higher-spin generators of the W-algebras are Virasoro primaries. We eventually discuss how to relate our basis to a non-primary quadratic basis that was previously discussed in literature.Comment: 61 page

    One-loop effective actions and higher spins. Part II

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    In this paper we continue and improve the analysis of the effective actions obtained by integrating out a scalar and a fermion field coupled to external symmetric sources, started in the previous paper. The first subject we study is the geometrization of the results obtained there, that is we express them in terms of covariant Jacobi tensors. The second subject concerns the treatment of tadpoles and seagull terms in order to implement off-shell covariance in the initial model. The last and by far largest part of the paper is a repository of results concerning all two point correlators (including mixed ones) of symmetric currents of any spin up to 5 and in any dimensions between 3 and 6. In the massless case we also provide formulas for any spin in any dimension