1,435 research outputs found

    As enchentes em Santa Catarina e o aprendizado em políticas públicas

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    O estudo de caso aborda o gerenciamento das crises decorrentes do fenômeno das inundações no Vale do Itajaí, em Santa Catarina. Na narrativa apresentada, há informações sobre a evolução da ocupação do território e os respectivos desdobramentos na dinâmica ambiental, com ênfase nas ações que o setor público adotou para enfrentar os desastres. Os eventos climáticos ocorridos em 2008 e 2011 são detalhados, com o objetivo de caracterizar a prevenção e a capacidade de resposta que o governo e a sociedade demonstraramNúmero de páginas: 24 p.Gestão de CrisesGestão de RiscosA nota pedagógica deste estudo de caso é de acesso restrito e exclusivo a professores e coordenadores de ensino cujos cadastros tenham sido autorizados pela coordenação da Casoteca de Gestão Pública. Se você é professor ou coordenador de ensino e deseja ter acesso à íntegra das notas pedagógicas que alguns estudos de caso possuem, solicite sua autorização de uso pleno no site da Casoteca de Gestão Pública, na opção “Cadastre-se” (http://casoteca.enap.gov.br/index.php?option=com_user&view=register&Itemid=14)

    SMART PANEL: medição, controlo e monitorização num clique

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    Na sociedade atual, a preocupação com o ambiente, por um lado, e com o conforto e a segurança, por outro, faz com que a sustentabilidade energética se assuma como uma forma de intervenção adequada às exigências de qualidade de vida e à eficiência no âmbito da economia. Nesta conformidade, é incontornável a mais-valia do Smart Panel, um quadro elétrico inteligente criado pela Schneider-Electric com vista à consecução daqueles desideratos. Iremos abordar, neste artigo, a gama de produtos que perfazem esta tecnologia, fazendo uma breve descrição de cada um deles, expondo de seguida um exemplo de aplicação desta tecnologia. Numa fase posterior apresentaremos as vantagens do Smart Panel face à tecnologia tradicional (até hoje a mais comum) no que respeita ao controlo de um quadro elétrico, Sistema de Gestão Técnica Centralizada

    Reinventarea industriei portugheze de tricotaje: cazul modelului de management al etichetei private Pedrosa & Rodrigues

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    During the first decade of this century, the Portuguese knitwear industry, and textile cluster, were strongly affected by globalisation and seemed destined to decline. The Portuguese knitwear industry developed for decades a business model based on price as the main competitive factor, and that model was no longer able to support competitiveness against low wages countries. Portuguese knitwear industry made a dramatic change towards a competition based on value to the client. The companies adopted as primary differentiation drives technological innovation, design, fashion, and services customer-oriented, together with more presence on international fairs and exhibitions. The new strategy resulted in the significant growth of exports that reached 40% from 2009 to 2018. The restructuring of the cluster, however, changed it significantly, and the number of companies was reduced by almost 50%. The competitive change made the entire Portuguese textile cluster an international case study where the modern concept of private label business model is central. The business model of private label adopted by the most competitive knitwear companies considered a full package of services to international clients. It integrated the collection’s design, raw materials development, superior finishing, careful and cost-effective confection and sophisticated logistics. Pedrosa & Rodrigues, SA. is a midcap company from Barcelos County, North of Portugal, and is a highly successful example of the new competitive paradigms. This new model is now leading the Portuguese knitwear industry to a higher level in the value chain and gives it a strong reputation worldwide.În primul deceniu al acestui secol, industria portugheză de tricotaje și clusterul textil au fost puternic afectate de globalizare și păreau să intre într-un declin. Industria portugheză de tricotaje a dezvoltat timp de decenii un model de afaceri bazat pe preț ca principal factor competitiv, iar acel model nu mai era capabil să susțină competitivitatea în țările cu salarii mici. Industria portugheză de tricotaje a făcut o schimbare dramatică către o concurență bazată pe valoare adăugată pentru client. Companiile au adoptat ca motor de diferențiere primară inovația tehnologică, designul, moda și serviciile orientate către client, împreună cu o mai mare prezență la târgurile și expozițiile internaționale. Noua strategie a avut ca rezultat o creștere semnificativă a exporturilor, care a atins 40% în perioada 2009–2018. Cu toate acestea, restructurarea clusterului a schimbat acest lucru în mod semnificativ, iar numărul companiilor a fost redus cu aproximativ 50%. Schimbarea concurențială a făcut ca întregul cluster textil portughez să devină un studiu de caz internațional, în care conceptul modern al modelului de afaceri cu etichetă privată este central. Modelul de afaceri cu etichetă privată adoptat de cele mai competitive companii de tricotaje a luat în considerare un pachet complet de servicii pentru clienții internaționali. A integrat designul colecției, dezvoltarea materiilor prime, finisaje superioare, produse atent create și rentabile, precum și logistică sofisticată. Pedrosa & Rodrigues SA este o întreprindere mijlocie din regiunea Barcelos, din nordul Portugaliei și este un exemplu de mare succes al noilor paradigme competitive. Acest nou model conduce acum industria portugheză de tricotaje la un nivel mai înalt în lanțul valoric și îi conferă o reputație puternică în întreaga lume.The authors gratefully acknowledge the Project UID/CTM/00264/2019 of 2C2T – Centro de Ciência e Tecnologia Têxtil, funded by National Founds through FCT/MCTES

    Real exchange rate and manufacturing growth in Latin America

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    The manufacturing sectors in Latin America have been more affected by the currency over/undervaluation than their counterpart in industrialized economies. From a panel data set covering 39 countries and 22 manufacturing sectors (2-digit) within 1995-2008, we formally test the hypothesis that there exists a Latin American effect and then investigate the possible reasons for this distinguished pattern. The use of a disaggregated data is an important feature of our empirical strategy: the undervaluation index (main covariate) is less likely to be determined by the growth rate of a specific manufacturing sector, partially addressing the specification problem that plagues standard cross-country regressions. We then explore the within sector-country variation to study the relationship between currency over/undervaluation and manufacturing sectors growth. We find that the import content of exports might be an important driver of this result at a sectoral level. At a macro-level, the openness and the income per capita of a country are important factors

    Time-of-use electricity tariffs with smart meters

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    This paper proposes a method for scheduling tariff time periods for electricity consumers. Europe will see a broader use of modern smart meters for electricity at residential consumers which must be used for enabling demand response. A heuristic-based method for tariff time period scheduling and pricing is proposed which considers different consumer groups with parameters studied a priori, taking advantage of demand response potential for each group and the fairness of electricity pricing for all consumers. This tool was applied to the case of Portugal, considering the actual network and generation costs, specific consumption profiles and overall electricity low voltage demand diagram. The proposed method achieves valid results. Its use will provide justification for the setting of tariff time periods by energy regulators, network operators and suppliers. It is also useful to estimate the consumer and electric sector benefits from changes in tariff time periods

    Scordator: A digital map of all scordature

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    Scordatura is often used in stringed instruments to overcome constraints posed by their tuning. Finding the right scordatura for a particular situation may be a time-consuming task, especially for non-guitarist composers. In this contribution, we present a web application designed to show a tuning chart for any chordophone equipped with a maximum of eight strings, each tunable to a pitch in the range of a full keyboard. The application also provides visualization of the available positions for live MIDI notes within a given scordatura

    A Comparison of Discrete and Continuous Neural Network Approaches to Solve the Class/Teacher Timetabling Problem

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    This study explores the application of neural network-based heuristics to the class/teacher timetabling problem (CTTP). The paper begins by presenting the basic CTTP characteristics in terms of hard and soft constraints and proposing a formulation for the energy function required to map the problem within the artificial neural network model. There follow two distinct approaches to simulating neural network evolution. The first uses a Potts mean-field annealing simulation based on continuous Potts neurons, which has obtained favorable results in various combi¬natorial optimization problems. Afterwards, a discrete neural network simulation, based on discrete winner-take-all neurons, is proposed. The paper concludes with a comparison of the computational results taken from the application of both heuris¬tics to hard hypothetical and real CTTP instances. This experiment demonstrates that the discrete approach performs better, in terms of solution quality as well as execution time