1,270 research outputs found

    Embedded Law. Political Sociology of the European Community of Law: Elements of a Renewed Research Agenda

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    European law; European court of justice; political science; legitimacy

    Vicarious Hegemony

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    Can (Republican) Values be Defined by Law?

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    Seismic anisotropy, structures and geodynamics of continents Shear-wave splitting in the Appalachians and the Pyrenees: importance of the inherited tectonic fabric of the lithosphere

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    International audienceSplitting of teleseismic shear waves has been measured in the Appalachians (eastern USA) and the Pyrenees (western Europe) using data recorded by permanent and portable stations. From a comparison of the results, it appears that an interpretation of the recorded seismic anisotropy in terms of geodynamics is not straightforward. Successive geodynamic events have generated structures that may have resulted in a similar pattern of mantle flow and that therefore may have contributed in the development of the recorded anisotropy. Combining geological and geophysical arguments, it appears that the mantle anisotropy measured across the Appalachians and the Pyrenees may not be systematically Appalachian or Pyrenean in age but may be mainly due to a lithospheric structure formed during earlier major tectonic events, i.e. the Grenvillian and the Hercynian orogenies, respectively. We suggest that during major episodes of continent assembly, a pervasive tectonic fabric is developed in the lithospheric mantle. In the subsequent evolution of the continent, this fabric may induce a significant mechanical anisotropy that will drastically influence the mechanical behaviour of the Iithosphere when submitted to new tectonic events

    Continental rifting parallel to ancient collisional belts: an effect of the mechanical anisotropy of the lithospheric mantle

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    International audienceAnalysis of major rift systems suggests that the preexisting structure of the lithosphere is a key parameter in the rifting process. Rift propagation is not random, but tends to follow the trend of the orogenic fabric of the plates, systematically reactivating ancient lithospheric structures. Continental rifts often display a clear component of strikeƝ lip deformation, in particular in the early rifting stage. Moreover, although the close temporal and spatial association between flood basalt eruption and continental breakup suggests that mantle plumes play an important role in the rifting process, there is a paradox between the pinpoint thermal and stress perturbation generated by an upwelling mantle plume and the planar geometry of rifts. These observations suggest that the deformation of the lithosphere, especially during rifting, is controlled by its preexisting structure. On the other hand, (1) the plasticity anisotropy of olivine single crystal and aggregates, (2) the strong crystallographic orientation of olivine observed in mantle xenoliths and lherzolite massifs, and (3) seismic anisotropy data, which require a tectonic fabric in the upper mantle coherent over large areas, suggest that preservation within the lithospheric mantle of a lattice preferred orientation (LPO) of olivine crystals may induce a large-scale mechanical anisotropy of the lithospheric mantle. We use a polycrystal plasticity model to investigate the effect of a preexisting mantle fabric on the continental breakup process. We assess the deformation of an anisotropic continental lithosphere in response to an axi-symmetric tensional stress field produced by an upwelling mantle plume by calculating the deformation of textured olivine polycrystals representative of the lithospheric mantle at different positions above a plume head. Model results show that a LPO-induced mechanical anisotropy of the lithospheric mantle may result in directional softening, leading to heterogeneous deformation. During continental rifting, this mechanical anisotropy may induce strain localisation in domains where extensional stress is oblique (30-55³) to the preexisting mantle fabric. This directional softening associated with olivine LPO frozen in the lithospheric mantle may also guide the propagation of the initial instability, that will follow the preexisting structural trend. The preexisting mantle fabric also controls the deformation regime, imposing a strong strike^slip shear component. A LPOinduced mechanical anisotropy may therefore explain the systematic reactivation of ancient collisional belts during rifting (structural inheritance), the plume^rift paradox, and the onset of transtension within continental rifts

    Too Embedded to Fail: the ECB and the Necessity of Calculating Europe

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    Calling into question the meaning of "independence" in contemporary central banking, the present article investigates the social origins and post-crisis persistence of the European Central Bank's (ECB) core macroeconomic model, despite broad acknowledgement of its failure to anticipate the financial crisis. We trace the making of the model; the process by which it became dominant in European central banking and beyond; criticism in the wake of its failure to predict the financial-cum-Eurozone crisis; and its persistence, nonetheless, in the crisis’ aftermath. We argue that the formation, meanings, and persistence of the ECB's model cannot be understood as effects of the bank's independence or the model’s intrinsic qualities. Rather, the model's trajectory is best understood in light of the ECB’s transnationally embedded social location in international finance, professional economics, and European governing institutions. The necessity of calculating Europe, irrespective of the accuracy or predictive strength of the model being used, has less to do with the ECB's independence from domestic politics and more to do with its transnational embeddedness - or, stated differently, that the ECB is, in a sense, too embedded to fail

    Rheological heterogeneity, mechanical anisotropy and deformation of the continental lithosphere

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    International audienceThis paper aims to present an overview on the influence of rheological heterogeneity and mechanical anisotropy on the deformation of continents. After briefly recapping the concept of rheological stratification of the lithosphere, we discuss two specific issues: (1) as supported by a growing body of geophysical and geological observations, crust=mantle mechanical coupling is usually efficient, especially beneath major transcurrent faults which probably crosscut the lithosphere and root within the sublithospheric mantle; and (2) in most geodynamic environments, mechanical properties of the mantle govern the tectonic behaviour of the lithosphere. Lateral rheological heterogeneity of the continental lithosphere may result from various sources, with variations in geothermal gradient being the principal one. The oldest domains of continents, the cratonic nuclei, are characterized by a relatively cold, thick, and consequently stiff lithosphere. On the other hand, rifting may also modify the thermal structure of the lithosphere. Depending on the relative stretching of the crust and upper mantle, a stiff or a weak heterogeneity may develop. Observations from rift domains suggest that rifting usually results in a larger thinning of the lithospheric mantle than of the crust, and therefore tends to generate a weak heterogeneity. Numerical models show that during continental collision, the presence of both stiff and weak rheological heterogeneities significantly influences the large-scale deformation of the continental lithosphere. They especially favour the development of lithospheric-scale strike-slip faults, which allow strain to be transferred between the heterogeneities. An heterogeneous strain partition occurs: cratons largely escape deformation, and strain tends to localize within or at the boundary of the rift basins provided compressional deformation starts before the thermal heterogeneity induced by rifting are compensated. Seismic and electrical conductivity anisotropies consistently point towards the existence of a coherent fabric in the lithospheric mantle beneath continental domains. Analysis of naturally deformed peridotites, experimental deformations and numerical simulations suggest that this fabric is developed during orogenic events and subsequently frozen in the lithospheric mantle. Because the mechanical properties of single-crystal olivine are anisotropic, i.e. dependent on the orientation of the applied forces relative to the dominant slip systems, a pervasive fabric frozen in the mantle may induce a significant mechanical anisotropy of the whole lithospheric mantle. It is suggested that this mechanical anisotropy is the source of the so-called tectonic inheritance, i.e. the systematic reactivation of ancient tectonic directions; it may especially explain preferential rift propagation and continental break-up along pre-existing orogenic belts. Thus, the deformation of continents during orogenic events results from a trade-off between tectonic forces applied at plate boundaries, plate geometry, and the intrinsic properties (rheological heterogeneity and mechanical anisotropy) of the continental plates

    Why do continents break-up parallel to ancient orogenic belts?

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    International audienceThe frequently observed parallelism between rifts and the pre­ existing orogenic fabric of continents suggests that the inherited tectonic fabric of the lithosphere influences the rupture of continents. We propose that the existence of a pervasive fabric in the lithospheric mantle induces an anisotropie strength in the lithosphere, that guides the propagation of continental rifts. Subcrustal mantle mechanical anisotropy is supported by (i) the anisotropie strength of olivine, (ii) an ubiquitous tectonic fabric in exposed mantle rocks, and (iii) measurements of seismic and electrical anisotropy. During major episodes of continent Rifting parallel to orogenic belts Ocean-opening through rifting and continent break-up is frequently related to the occurrence ofhotspots. There is, howevcr, a discrepancy between hot­ spots acting as pin point sources of heat and the linear extent of rifts over thou­ sands ofkilometres. Moreover rifts tend to parallel pre-existing orogenic fab
