946 research outputs found

    um processo de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento organizacional? Estudo de caso numa escola do 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico

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    O presente artigo incide sobre uma das dimensões de um estudo de caso, realizado no âmbito de uma tese de mestrado, sobre a prática pedagógica supervisionada numa escola do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico. Numa abordagem sistémica, procura-se percepcionar e compreender concepções e representações dos sujeitos da investigação com o objectivo de conhecer o impacto da supervisão da prática pedagógica de alunos da formação inicial na aprendizagem e desenvolvimento organizacional desta escola. O tratamento e interpretação dos dados do estudo empírico sugerem uma ténue potenciação deste dispositivo supervisivo no contexto organizacional, apesar de a instituição já acolher estagiários há mais de uma década. Ainda assim, manifesta-se abertura para recuperar esta oportunidade até ao momento desperdiçada e intencionalizar futuros dispositivos de supervisão da prática pedagógica no sentido do desenvolvimento ecológico da escola e da edificação de uma comunidade que aprende e constrói conhecimento sobre si própria

    Utilização do Facebook como meio de comunicação eficiente com autistas

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    The article aims at presenting a complete study on the use of Internet, namely the social network "Facebook”, as an effective communication means and as a link of social interactions with knowledge society on Asperger Syndrome patients.The adopted methodology was the content analysis of the network profiles, concerning the ommunicational character which relates to the term “social interaction”. Following the data analysis, it has been verified that this type of communication may be inclusive but not efficient. It is important to mention that this study did not provide answers or present a concise solution for a given problem. However, the authors aimed at presenting a reflection on the theme and point out that there are issues to be thoroughly considered.It is through these interrogations that other studies may be developed and the quality of social life, particularly that of individuals with some kind of Autism Spectrum Disorder, may be increased

    O impacto da moda urbana japonesa na cultura

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    No presente artigo serão abordadas, numa primeira fase, as raízes e factores socioculturais que estiveram na origem da moda urbana japonesa, bem como a diversidade de estilos que a compõem atualmente. Seguidamente é apresentado o estudo realizado sobre a receptividade e o impacto que esta corrente de moda possui sobre a população ocidental.This article will look initially, at the root as well as the social and cultural factors which gave birth to the japanese urban fashion, and also analyse the diversity of styles that comprise it. Secondly, a study will be presented concerning the receptiveness and impact of this fashion trend is having on the western world's populatio

    O emergir das revistas de moda : a revista Happy Woman : um estudo de caso

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    Nowadays the fashion communication emerges in another support different from the printed one, namely the internet. Spite this new way of communication there is still a market for the fashion journals. In 2006 a new journal appears in Portugal- “Happy Woman”-. The aim of this work was to determine if “Happy Woman“ journal communicate a fashion message among their readers. In order to achieved the objective purposed a survey was carried out among fashion and communication students The data analysis leads us to conclude that 82% of the inquiries considered that “Happy Woman” journal has a good fashion communication message and the fashion students are the ones that mainly read this journal read

    Tipologia Documental da Série Vídeos Analógicos das Sessões Plenárias do Senado Federal

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    A pesquisa investiga a possibilidade de se proceder à organização arquivística dos documentos em vídeos analógicos gerados pelas sessões legislativas do Senado Federal, gravados pela TV Senado, utilizando-se como metodologia o estabelecimento de uma tipologia documental específica. A Tipologia apresentada foi baseada na proposta de Luciana Duranti, de aplicar a Diplomática aos documentos contemporâneos. Também se desenvolveu a partir da experiência de trabalho do Grupo de Archiveros Municipales de Madrid ”” que buscou a definição de uma tipologia municipal aplicável às cidades espanholas. Igualmente fundamenta o trabalho os estudos tipológicos desenvolvidos por Heloísa Bellotto, bem como o de André Ancona Lopez. A Ciência da Informação está presente na indicação de ser necessário se proceder à indexação ao conteúdo dos documentos. E adota-se, com adaptações, dois modelos utilizados para descrever e dar acesso a documentos e informações: a Norma Brasileira de Descrição Arquivística (NOBRADE) e a proposta de metadados da Federação Internacional de Arquivos de Televisão ”“ FIAT/IFTA (2000), incluída nos estudos desenvolvidos por Annemieke de Jöng. Com o estabelecimento da Tipologia Documental, pretende-se que os princípios arquivísticos sejam contemplados, tendo em vista que o desenvolvimento tipológico ”” o estudo das características extrínsecas e intrínsecas dos documentos, inseridos em seu contexto de produção ”” permite o mapeamento do fluxo da informação antes e depois do documento ser produzido. Esta análise profunda do documento, ao caracterizá-lo arquivisticamente, objetiva detalhar sua proveniência, o contexto de criação (incluindo a tramitação), bem como definir diretrizes para sua classificação, avaliação, descrição e conservação mais adequada. Será considerada a dupla forma de utilização de tais documentos: registro (arquivístico) de atividade administrativa e fonte de informação para matérias da TV Senado

    Análise tipológica dos registros videográficos masteres das sessões plenárias do Senado Federal

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, 2009.A pesquisa investiga a possibilidade de se proceder à organização arquivística dos documentos referentes à gravação e à cobertura jornalística das sessões legislativas do Senado Federal, feitas pela TV Senado, utilizando-se como metodologia o estabelecimento de uma tipologia documental específica. A análise tipológica apresentada foi baseada na proposta de Luciana Duranti, de aplicar a Diplomática aos documentos contemporâneos. Também se desenvolveu a partir da experiência de trabalho do Grupo de Archiveros Municipales de Madrid — que buscou a definição de uma tipologia municipal aplicável aos documentos de cidades espanholas. Igualmente fundamenta o trabalho os estudos tipológicos desenvolvidos por Heloísa Bellotto, bem como o de André Ancona Lopez. A Ciência da Informação está presente na indicação de ser necessário se proceder à indexação ao conteúdo dos documentos. E adota-se, com adaptações, dois modelos utilizados para descrever e dar acesso a documentos e informações: a Norma Brasileira de Descrição Arquivística (NOBRADE) e a proposta de metadados da Federação Internacional de Arquivos de Televisão – FIAT/IFTA (2000), incluída nos estudos desenvolvidos por Annemieke de Jöng. Com o estabelecimento da tipologia documental, pretende-se que os princípios arquivísticos sejam contemplados, tendo em vista que o desenvolvimento tipológico — o estudo das características extrínsecas e intrínsecas dos documentos, inseridos em seu contexto de produção — permite o mapeamento do fluxo da informação antes e depois do documento ser produzido. Esta análise profunda do documento, ao caracterizá-lo arquivisticamente, objetiva detalhar sua proveniência, o contexto de criação (incluindo a tramitação), bem como definir diretrizes para sua classificação, avaliação, descrição e conservação mais adequada. Será considerada a dupla forma de utilização de tais documentos: registro (arquivístico) de atividade administrativa e fonte de informação para matérias da TV Senado. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis paper investigates the possibility of organizing the archives of analog audio and video records generated by the Brazilian Federal Senate legislative meetings, by using the set of a specific documentary typology as methodology. The documentary typology is developed on the basis of the diplomatic fundamentals and the important change in this field proposed by Luciana Duranti, that is, the application of the diplomatic principles to contemporaneous records. The investigation also relies on the work done by Grupo de Archiveros Municipales de Madrid (the Team of Archivists of the City of Madrid), who searched for a definition of a city typology applicable to Spanish cities, and the documentary typology studies on the matter carried out by Heloísa Bellotto as well as by André Ancona Lopez. Information Science indicates the need for indexing the content of records. Two models are adapted and utilized to describe records and information and allow access to them: the Norma Brasileira de Descrição Arquivística - NOBRADE (Brazilian Norm for Archival Description) and the 2000 International Federation of Technical Analysts proposal for metadata, which is included in the studies carried out by Annemieke Jöng. By establishing the Documentary Typology, archival principles are contemplated since typological development, that is, the study of intrinsic and extrinsic features of the documents in their own contexts of production, allows the mapping of the flow of information before the record is produced and after it has been produced. By characterizing a record as an archive, this deep analysis aims at detailing its archival provenance and the context of its creation (including its going through the correct procedures), as well as setting the guidelines to its classification, evaluation, and most adequate preservation. The double utilization of such records is considered, which means both their uses as (archival) records of administrative activities and as source of information for news reports on the Brazilian Senate TV are taken into account

    Homens : os novos consumidores de moda

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    The fashion, clothing and cult of appearance are issues that prevail today in modern society, but how men are inserted in this context? What are the achievements and the prejudices which still haunt the Portuguese and Brazilians men? And the work clothing, does it bring confort? Is the image consulting a way? This are a few questions wich sought to unravel in a comparative research between Portuguese and Brazilians men. The main results obtained show that, despite some peculiarities, there is no statistically significant differences between Portuguese and Brazilians men with regard to the conduct of fashion. Men, in general, shows some confident, wich get materializes in the act of feeling comfortable witf the clothes the they wear and the penchant to spend in clothes, always attentive to his image. The professional support is still a controversial issue, with little acceptance and valorization in the male universe

    Uma visão global sobre os pacemakers cardíacos: Ensino Baseado em Casos no 9º ano de escolaridade

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    Resumo Nas ultimas decadas, a pesquisa em Ensino de Ciencias tem evidenciado a relevancia do papel desempenhado pela Historia da Ciencia no ensino e aprendizagem das mesmas. E tao importante aprender ciencias como aprender sobre ciencias e esta compreensao sobre o que e a ciencia envolve tanto reconhecer a sua insercao num contexto social, como tambem ter uma ideia de como e construido o conhecimento cientifico e de que forma este se diferencia dos saberes do quotidiano. A metodologia de Ensino Baseado em Casos (EBC), rompeu decadas de ensino meramente transmissivo e enquadra-se na perspetiva socioconstrutivista da aprendizagem, onde o professor e mediador e os alunos trabalham em grupos e aprendem com os seus colegas. Esta metodologia de ensino parece assim vantajosa, uma vez que os alunos desenvolvem habilidades de trabalho colaborativo e resolucao de problemas, alem de dotar os alunos com ancoras mentais para os fatos, conceitos e principios a serem estudados e assimilados. Reconhecendo a potencialidade desta metodologia de ensino e a faculdade da HC no ensino das ciencias, foi proposto um caso que espelha a historia do avanco cientifico e tecnologico dos pacemakers cardiacos. O estudo, ainda em desenvolvimento, ira incidir numa amostra de conveniencia (n=26) constituida por alunos do 9o ano de escolaridade de uma escola publica de uma zona urbana do norte do pais. Palavras-chave: Historia da Ciencia; ensino baseado em casos; pacemakers cardiacosAbstract In recent decades, research in science education has highlighted the importance of the role played by HC in teaching and learning. As Matthews (1995), is so important to learn how to learn science as to learn science. This understanding of the Science involves both recognize the insertion in a social context, your as well as get an idea of how scientific knowledge is constructed and how this differs from knowledge of everyday life. The case-based teaching methodology broke decades of teaching merely transmissive and fits on social constructivism theory perspective of learning, where the teacher is a mediator and the students work in groups and learn from their colleagues. This teaching methodology seems so advantageous, since students develop job skills and collaborative problem-solving, in addition to providing students with mental anchors for the facts, concepts and principles to be studied and assimilated. Recognizing the potential of this methodology of teaching and the power of HC in science teaching, it was proposed a case that mirrors the history of scientific and technological advancement of pacemakers. This study, still under development, will focus on a convenience sample (n=26) consisting of students from the 9th grade level of a public school in an urban area in the north of the country. Keywords: history of science; case-based teaching; pacemakers.</jats:p

    Comparative study of friction coefficient in nonwovens usin frictorq, fabric friction tester

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    Nonwovens single-use surgical gowns are used ad frequently touched by thr human skin. Interaction with human sense is therefore an important performance property. When touched by the human hand, friction is one of the the first feeling and therefore friction coeficiente is an important parameter. Recently, a patented laboratory instrument was investigated and designed at the University of Minho based on an innovative method of accessing friction coefficient of 2D surfaces (fabrics, nonwovens, soft papers). Unlikely othrer methods, frictorq is based on rotary movement and therefore on the measurement of a friction reaction torque. On the more recent version the contact between the 2D sample and the instrument contact sensors is restricted to 3 small special elements radially disposed at 120º. Providing during the test a relative displacement of approximately 90º, it is assures that a new portion of the sample is always moved under the sensors. In the model, friction coefficient is worked out from the friction reaction torque measured by means of a high sensitive torque sensors, the normal load created by the contact sensors and geometrical parameter. Contact pressure on the fabric samples was set to 3.5KPa and the linear velocity in the geometric centre of each contact element was approximately 1,5 mm/s. In the paer, a description of the instrument is given as well as it fundamentals and working principle followed by a study, where a comparison between thre different materials for manufacturing medical gows was performed under controlled atmosphere. The tested materials were materials were two spunlace nonwoven and one SMS. the results of the experimental work are analysed using various tools, including spss14.0 statistical package and discussed on the light of the importance of friction to the performance of surgical gowns. Differences in friction coefficient were detected associated to the manufacturing process, composition of the nonwoven materials and outer or inner-facees

    Academic literacy, a barrier to learning? The views of engineering students

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    It is consensual, that academic literacy, which is being currently defined both as the mastery of written language in higher education (HE) and the specific reading and writing practices within fields and disciplines, involving a variety of communicative practices, and textual genres, constitutes a strong barrier to students learning and achievement. In fact, what and how one reads and writes to learn and communicate knowledge in HE contexts have particular features, which require students to adapt to new ways of understanding and organizing knowledge and to switch their writing styles and texts acquired at secondary education to others proper of such new settings. To learn and to be successful in academic context students have to deploy a repertoire of practices and genres different from those they bring to the University. Several models have been adopted to help students to adapt their practices to those of the university and to “fix” problems that are frequently identified. In spite of the approach, all agree that it is crucial to start by understanding students perceptions of the academic literacies features, and of the kind of barriers that those particular features pose them when they have to write and to interpret, for instance, a scientific article, or a technical report. Within this same perspective, this article discusses data from a broader study whose main goals were: 1) to understand the role of reading and writing in the teaching and learning processes of HE students; 2) to contribute to characterize academic literacies in a particular context. The achievement of these objectives has gone through, from the perceptions of a group of 30 students (1) the identification of the degree of awareness of the features of academic literacy, particularly in what concerns the texts that they have to read and write; (2) the identification of the specific barriers that textual genres comprehension and production puts to HE students; (3) the characterization of how personal (vernacular) reading and writing practices are factors of academic achievement. The research has been conducted with students of an Integrated Master of Textile Engineering, using a questionnaire of 35 questions (5 open and 30 in Likert type scales), organized around three major themes that correspond to the above presented goals. Until now the responses were treated with descriptive statistics, through measures of central tendency such as means, medians and modes. As preliminary analysis, it is possible to ascertain that students are aware of the specialized nature of academic reading and writing tasks as well as of the genres that circulate for learning in HE context. Students are also able to identify the linguistic and macro structural textual features that put them problems and constitute barriers to their learning. The data obtained so far corroborate other studies, including those that conclude about the privilege given to writing over reading in HE, and about the barriers that particular texts writing (mainly reports and scientific articles) pose to students. Particularly relevant for the design of interventions that aim to help students overcome the barriers is the fact that the texts that students identify as giving them more difficulties are those that are more distant from the classroom: This means that students are supposed to master the reading and writing of texts that they do not encounter frequently in the classroom pedagogical process.FEDER funds through the Operational Competitiveness Program (COMPETE) and by FCT with the projects UID/CTM/00264. The broader study is being developed at CIEd, ResearchCentre on Education, UID/CED/0166