1,140 research outputs found

    Study of the electron trigger efficiency of the CMS Experiment using test beam data

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    A study of the electron identification and selection efficiency of the L1 Trigger algorithm has been performed using the combined ECAL/HCAL test beam data. A detailed discussion of the electron isolation and its impact on the selection efficiency is presented. The L1 electron algorithm is studied for different beam energies and the results indicate that efficiencies of 98% or more can be achieved for electrons with energies between 15 and 100 GeV. The fraction of charged hadrons with energies from 3 up to 100 GeV rejected by the L1 electron trigger algorithm is estimated to be larger than 93%.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figure

    Noise reduction in muon tomography for detecting high density objects

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    The muon tomography technique, based on multiple Coulomb scattering of cosmic ray muons, has been proposed as a tool to detect the presence of high density objects inside closed volumes. In this paper a new and innovative method is presented to handle the density fluctuations (noise) of reconstructed images, a well known problem of this technique. The effectiveness of our method is evaluated using experimental data obtained with a muon tomography prototype located at the Legnaro National Laboratories (LNL) of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN). The results reported in this paper, obtained with real cosmic ray data, show that with appropriate image filtering and muon momentum classification, the muon tomography technique can detect high density materials, such as lead, albeit surrounded by light or medium density material, in short times. A comparison with algorithms published in literature is also presented

    Analysis of the variation in the hsp70-1 and hsp90alpha mRNA expression in human myocardial tissue that has undergone surgical stress.

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    Survey of risk factors in the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, National University of La Plata

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    El conocimiento de los factores de riesgo existentes en la FCV UNLP, representa la instancia inicial para abordar la cuestión de la bioseguridad y la seguridad laboral asociada al ejercicio profesional del médico veterinario. Con el objetivo de recolectar información se implementó una matriz cuali-cuantitativa (1) que permitió identificar calificar y cuantificar según nivel de riesgo y peligro a cada factor. El instrumento agrupó a los factores como: biológicos, químicos, traumáticos y físicos. Se constató una alta participación, representada por el 80,64% de las unidades de análisis. El 68% de las áreas presenta factores de riesgo alto, el 12% de riesgo moderado, y el 20% de riesgo con potencialidad catastrófica. El 80% presenta factores de riesgo químico de moderado a con potencialidad catastrófica. El 44%, de riesgo traumático de moderado a alto. El 32%, factores de riesgo físico de moderado a alto y el 28%, factores de riesgo biológico de moderado a alto. En el 52% conviven dos o más tipos de riesgos calificados de moderado a con potencialidad catastrófica. Como conclusión, se debe continuar con el relevamiento de aquella información que vincule la existencia de los factores ya identificados con las condiciones de manejo requeridas específicamente para cada factor.Risk factor awareness at the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences represents the first step to wards improving biosecurity and safety in the work place for veterinarians. In order to collect formation, a quali and quantitative survey was implemented which allowed identification and classification of risks acccording to level and degree of danger. Risk factors were classified as biological, chemical, traumatic or physical. Participant involvement was high (80,9% of analysis units). 12% of analysis units presented high risk factors, 68% had high risk factors and 20% had potentially catastrophic risk factors. 80% of analysis units reported moderate to potentially catastrophic chemical risk factors, 44% had moderate to high traumatic risk factors, 32% had moderate to high physical risk factors and 28% had moderate to high biological risk factors. Two or more types of moderate to high risk factors are present in 52% of analysis units. It is necessary to continue with collection of information related to the identified risk factors in order to establish adequate management practices for each situation.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Survey of risk factors in the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, National University of La Plata

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    El conocimiento de los factores de riesgo existentes en la FCV UNLP, representa la instancia inicial para abordar la cuestión de la bioseguridad y la seguridad laboral asociada al ejercicio profesional del médico veterinario. Con el objetivo de recolectar información se implementó una matriz cuali-cuantitativa (1) que permitió identificar calificar y cuantificar según nivel de riesgo y peligro a cada factor. El instrumento agrupó a los factores como: biológicos, químicos, traumáticos y físicos. Se constató una alta participación, representada por el 80,64% de las unidades de análisis. El 68% de las áreas presenta factores de riesgo alto, el 12% de riesgo moderado, y el 20% de riesgo con potencialidad catastrófica. El 80% presenta factores de riesgo químico de moderado a con potencialidad catastrófica. El 44%, de riesgo traumático de moderado a alto. El 32%, factores de riesgo físico de moderado a alto y el 28%, factores de riesgo biológico de moderado a alto. En el 52% conviven dos o más tipos de riesgos calificados de moderado a con potencialidad catastrófica. Como conclusión, se debe continuar con el relevamiento de aquella información que vincule la existencia de los factores ya identificados con las condiciones de manejo requeridas específicamente para cada factor.Risk factor awareness at the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences represents the first step to wards improving biosecurity and safety in the work place for veterinarians. In order to collect formation, a quali and quantitative survey was implemented which allowed identification and classification of risks acccording to level and degree of danger. Risk factors were classified as biological, chemical, traumatic or physical. Participant involvement was high (80,9% of analysis units). 12% of analysis units presented high risk factors, 68% had high risk factors and 20% had potentially catastrophic risk factors. 80% of analysis units reported moderate to potentially catastrophic chemical risk factors, 44% had moderate to high traumatic risk factors, 32% had moderate to high physical risk factors and 28% had moderate to high biological risk factors. Two or more types of moderate to high risk factors are present in 52% of analysis units. It is necessary to continue with collection of information related to the identified risk factors in order to establish adequate management practices for each situation.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Multicenter analysis of sputum microbiota in tuberculosis patients.

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    The impact of tuberculosis and of anti-tuberculosis therapy on composition and modification of human lung microbiota has been the object of several investigations. However, no clear outcome has been presented so far and the relationship between M. tuberculosis pulmonary infection and the resident lung microbiota remains vague. In this work we describe the results obtained from a multicenter study of the microbiota of sputum samples from patients with tuberculosis or unrelated lung diseases and healthy donors recruited in Switzerland, Italy and Bangladesh, with the ultimate goal of discovering a microbiota-based biomarker associated with tuberculosis. Bacterial 16S rDNA amplification, high-throughput sequencing and extensive bioinformatic analyses revealed patient-specific flora and high variability in taxon abundance. No common signature could be identified among the individuals enrolled except for minor differences which were not consistent among the different geographical settings. Moreover, anti-tuberculosis therapy did not cause any important variation in microbiota diversity, thus precluding its exploitation as a biomarker for the follow up of tuberculosis patients undergoing treatment

    Chief digital officers:An analysis of the presence of a centralized digital transformation role

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    By appointing a chief digital officer (CDO), firms decide for a central role responsible for their digital transformation. While CDOs have recently appeared in the C-suites of firms across the globe, the current literature lacks insights into the specific antecedents of CDO presence. Grounded in the peculiarities of the digital age, we provide theoretical arguments explaining how the decision to centralize digital transformation responsibilities might be related to transformation urgency and coordination needs. Empirical analyses based on a panel data set of 913 U.S. and European firms support that transformation urgency and coordination needs predict CDO presence. An additional analysis of moderating temporal effects reveals that, over time, the effect of transformation urgency is weakened and the effect of coordination needs on CDO presence is strengthened. We discuss implications for research and practice regarding the antecedents of CDO presence, TMT research more generally, and centralization in the digital age