371 research outputs found

    Body composition is associated with tacrolimus pharmacokinetics in kidney transplant recipients

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    PURPOSE: A population pharmacokinetic (popPK) model may be used to improve tacrolimus dosing and minimize under- and overexposure in kidney transplant recipients. It is unknown how body composition parameters relate to tacrolimus pharmacokinetics and which parameter correlates best with tacrolimus exposure. The aims of this study were to investigate which body composition parameter has the best association with the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus and to describe this relationship in a popPK model. METHODS: Body composition was assessed using bio-impedance spectroscopy (BIS). Pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using nonlinear mixed effects modeling (NONMEM). Lean tissue mass, adipose tissue mass, over-hydration, and phase angle were measured with BIS and then evaluated as covariates. The final popPK model was evaluated using goodness-of-fit plots, visual predictive checks, and a bootstrap analysis. RESULTS: In 46 kidney transplant recipients, 284 tacrolimus concentrations were measured. The base model without body composition parameters included age, plasma albumin, plasma creatinine, CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 genotypes, and hematocrit as covariates. After full forward inclusion and backward elimination, only the effect of the phase angle on clearance (dOFV =  − 13.406; p < 0.01) was included in the final model. Phase angle was positively correlated with tacrolimus clearance. The inter-individual variability decreased from 41.7% in the base model to 34.2% in the final model. The model was successfully validated. CONCLUSION: The phase angle is the bio-impedance spectroscopic parameter that correlates best with tacrolimus pharmacokinetics. Incorporation of the phase angle in a popPK model can improve the prediction of an individual’s tacrolimus dose requirement after transplantation. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00228-022-03323-0

    Clinical Pearls - how my patients taught me:The fainting lark symptom

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    BACKGROUND: Compulsive movements, complex tics and stereotypies are frequent, especially among patients with autism or psychomotor retardation. These movements can be difficult to characterize and can mimic other conditions like epileptic seizures or paroxysmal dystonia, particularly when abnormal breathing and cerebral hypoxia are induced. CASE PRESENTATION: We describe an 18-year-old patient with Asperger syndrome who presented with attacks of tonic posturing of the trunk and neck. The attacks consisted of self-induced stereotypic stretching of the neck combined with a compulsive Valsalva-like maneuver. This induced cerebral hypoperfusion and subsequently dysautonomia and some involuntary movements of the arms. CONCLUSION: This patient suffered from a complex tic with compulsive respiratory stereotypies. His symptoms contain aspects of a phenomenon described in early literature as 'the fainting lark'

    Natuurverkenning 2010-2040 : visies op de ontwikkeling van natuur en landschap

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    De Natuurverkenning verschijnt in een turbulente tijd waarin natuur en landschap sterk gepolitiseerd zijn. Met de verkenning wil het PBL een bijdrage leveren aan het structureren van het debat over de vernieuwing van het langetermijnbeleid en een impuls geven aan de politieke afwegingen. Nieuw is het gebruik van normatieve toekomstscenario’s als hulpmiddel om de achterliggende drijfveren voor natuurbeleid te verhelderen

    Self-reported work productivity in people with multiple sclerosis and its association with mental and physical health

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    PURPOSE: This study aimed to identify mental health, physical health, demographic and disease characteristics relating to work productivity in people with multiple sclerosis (MS). METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, 236 employed people with MS (median age = 42 years, 78.8% female) underwent neurological and neuropsychological assessments. Additionally, they completed questionnaires inquiring about work productivity (presenteeism: reduced productivity while working, and absenteeism: loss of productivity due to absence from work), mental and physical health, demographic and disease characteristics. Multiple linear and logistic regression analyses were performed with presenteeism and absenteeism as dependent variables, respectively. RESULTS: A model with mental and physical health factors significantly predicted presenteeism F(11,202) = 11.33, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.38; a higher cognitive (p < 0.001) and physical impact (p = 0.042) of fatigue were associated with more presenteeism. A model with only mental health factors significantly predicted absenteeism; χ2(11)=37.72, p < 0.001, with R2 = 0.27 (Nagelkerke) and R2 = 0.16 (Cox and Snell). Specifically, we observed that more symptoms of depression (p = 0.041) and a higher cognitive impact of fatigue (p = 0.011) were significantly associated with more absenteeism. CONCLUSIONS: In people with MS, both cognitive and physical impact of fatigue are positively related to presenteeism, while symptoms of depression and cognitive impact of fatigue are positively related to absenteeism.Implications for rehabilitationMultiple sclerosis (MS) affects people of working age, significantly interfering with work productivity.Higher cognitive and physical impact of fatigue were associated with more presenteeism in workers with MS.A higher cognitive impact of fatigue and more depressive symptoms were associated with absenteeism in workers with MS.Occupational and healthcare professionals should be aware of the impact of both physical and mental health on work productivity in workers with MS

    Naar een integrale benadering van duurzame landbouw en gezonde voeding : visie van de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor Integrale Duurzame Landbouw en Voeding

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    Duurzame landbouw en gezonde voeding staan hoog op de maatschappelijke agenda. Aan beide uitdagingen wordt gewerkt en daarbij zijn diverse successen geboekt. Maar er zijn nog grote veranderingen nodig en sommige problemen zijn juist toegenomen. Hoewel landbouw en voeding nauw samenhangen worden beide vraagstukken nog vaak gescheiden aangepakt. De problemen met landbouw en voeding hebben diverse oorzaken. Volgens de Raad voor Integrale Duurzame Landbouw en Voeding is er één belangrijke maar onderbelichte oorzaak: dat voedselproductie goeddeels is losgemaakt uit zijn ecologische en sociale context. Daardoor zijn vitale relaties en interacties verloren gegaan

    Whole breast proton irradiation for maximal reduction of heart dose in breast cancer patients

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    PURPOSE: In left-sided breast cancer radiotherapy, tangential intensity modulated radiotherapy combined with breath-hold enables a dose reduction to the heart and left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery. Aim of this study was to investigate the added value of intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT) with regard to decreasing the radiation dose to these structures. METHODS: In this comparative planning study, four treatment plans were generated in 20 patients: an IMPT plan and a tangential IMRT plan, both with breath-hold and free-breathing. At least 97 % of the target volume had to be covered by at least 95 % of the prescribed dose in all cases. Specifically with respect to the heart, the LAD, and the target volumes, we analyzed the maximum doses, the mean doses, and the volumes receiving 5-30 Gy. RESULTS: As compared to IMRT, IMPT resulted in significant dose reductions to the heart and LAD-region even without breath-hold. In the majority of the IMPT cases, a reduction to almost zero to the heart and LAD-region was obtained. IMPT treatment plans yielded the lowest dose to the lungs. CONCLUSIONS: With IMPT the dose to the heart and LAD-region could be significantly decreased compared to tangential IMRT with breath-hold. The clinical relevance should be assessed individually based on the baseline risk of cardiac complications in combination with the dose to organs at risk. However, as IMPT for breast cancer is currently not widely available, IMPT should be reserved for patients remaining at high risk for major coronary events

    Towards an integral approach to sustainable agriculture and healthy nutrition : vision of the Scientific Council for Integral Sustainable Agriculture and Nutrition

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    Sustainable agriculture and healthy nutrition are high on the social agenda. Work is now being done to face both challenges, often with measurable success. However, huge changes are still needed and some problems have even been exacerbated. Although agriculture and nutrition are closely linked, both issues are often dealt with in isolation. The problems facing agriculture and nutrition have a range of different causes. According to the Council for Integral Sustainable Agriculture and Nutrition there is one important but underexposed cause: to a large extent, food production has been removed from its ecological and social context. As a consequence, vital relationships and interactions have been lost