39 research outputs found

    Validation of a Horizontal Standard for the Determination of Mercury in Aqua Regia and Nitric Acid digests by Cold Vapour Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (CV AAS) in a European Intercomparison Exercise

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    Project HORIZONTAL is interdisciplinary aiming at a harmonisation and horizontal standardisation of test procedures, in particular for sludge, soils and biowastes. In the context of this standardization project, a series of draft technical specification were designed upon an extensive desk study, fine-tuned after expert consultations and finally validated in international intercomparisons exercise. This report summarises the work performed within the validation study of the draft standard for the determination of mercury in aqua regia and nitric acid digests in soils, sludge and treated bio-waste using by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry (CV AAS). It further explains the underlying statistical concept for the calculation of reproducibility and repeatability from intercomparisons data. In addition all single values, results of the statistical evaluation as well as background information on the validation materials used are described and explained.JRC.H.5-Rural, water and ecosystem resource

    Validation of a Horizontal Standard for the Determination of Elements in Aqua Regia and Nitric Acid Digests by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Method (GF-AAS) in a European Intercomparison Exercise

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    Project HORIZONTAL is interdisciplinary aiming at a harmonisation and horizontal standardisation of test procedures, in particular for sludge, soils and biowastes. In the context of this standardization project, a series of draft technical specification were designed upon an extensive desk study, fine-tuned after expert consultations and finally validated in international intercomparisons exercise. This report summarises the work performed within the validation study of the draft standard for the determination of elements in aqua regia and nitric acid digests by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry method (GF-AAS). It further explains the underlying statistical concept for the calculation of reproducibility and repeatability from intercomparisons data. In addition all single values, results of the statistical evaluation as well as background information on the validation materials used are described and explained.JRC.H.5-Rural, water and ecosystem resource

    Validation of a Horizontal Standard for the Determination of Loss on Ignition (LOI) in Soils, Sludge and Treated Biowaste in a European Intercomparison Exercise

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    Project HORIZONTAL is interdisciplinary aiming at a harmonisation and horizontal standardisation of test procedures, in particular for sludge, soils and biowastes. In the context of this standardization project, a series of draft technical specification were designed upon an extensive desk study, fine-tuned after expert consultations and finally validated in international intercomparisons exercise. This report summarises the work performed within the validation study of the draft standard for the determination of Loss on Ignition (LOI) in soils, sludge and treated bio-waste. It further explains the underlying statistical concept for the calculation of reproducibility and repeatability from intercomparisons data. In addition all single values, results of the statistical evaluation as well as background information on the validation materials used are described and explained.JRC.H.5-Rural, water and ecosystem resource

    Validation of a Horizontal Standard for the Determination of Selected Phthalates (DEPH/ DBP) in Soils, Sludge and Treated Biowaste Using GC-MS and GC-ECD in a European Intercomparison Exercise

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    Project HORIZONTAL is interdisciplinary aiming at a harmonisation and horizontal standardisation of test procedures, in particular for sludge, soils and biowastes. In the context of this standardization project, a series of draft technical specification were designed upon an extensive desk study, fine-tuned after expert consultations and finally validated in international intercomparisons exercise. This report summarises the work performed within the validation study of the draft standard for the determination of selected phthalates (DEPH/ DBP) in soils, sludge and treated bio-waste using GC-MS and GC-ECD. It further explains the underlying statistical concept for the calculation of reproducibility and repeatability from intercomparisons data. In addition all single values, results of the statistical evaluation as well as background information on the validation materials used are described and explained.JRC.H.5-Rural, water and ecosystem resource

    Validation of a Horizontal Standard for the Determination of Kjeldahl Nitrogen in Soils, Sludge and Treated Biowaste in a European Intercomparison Exercise

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    Project HORIZONTAL is interdisciplinary aiming at a harmonisation and horizontal standardisation of test procedures, in particular for sludge, soils and biowastes. In the context of this standardization project, a series of draft technical specification were designed upon an extensive desk study, fine-tuned after expert consultations and finally validated in international intercomparisons exercise. This report summarises the work performed within the validation study of the draft standard for the determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen in soils, sludge and treated bio-waste. It further explains the underlying statistical concept for the calculation of reproducibility and repeatability from intercomparisons data. In addition all single values, results of the statistical evaluation as well as background information on the validation materials used are described and explained.JRC.H.5-Rural, water and ecosystem resource

    Validation of a Horizontal Standard for the Determination of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) by Dry Combustion in Soils, Sludge and Treated Biowaste in a European Intercomparison Exercise

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    Project HORIZONTAL is interdisciplinary aiming at a harmonisation and horizontal standardisation of test procedures, in particular for sludge, soils and biowastes. In the context of this standardization project, a series of draft technical specification were designed upon an extensive desk study, fine-tuned after expert consultations and finally validated in international intercomparisons exercise. This report summarises the work performed within the validation study of the draft standard for the determination of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in soils, sludge and treated bio-waste. It further explains the underlying statistical concept for the calculation of reproducibility and repeatability from intercomparisons data. In addition all single values, results of the statistical evaluation as well as background information on the validation materials used are described and explained.JRC.H.5-Rural, water and ecosystem resource

    Validation of a Horizontal Standard for the Determination of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulphonates (LAS) by Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection (LC-FLD) and Liquid Chromatography with Mass Selective Detection (LC-MS) in a European Intercomparison Exercise

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    Project HORIZONTAL is interdisciplinary aiming at a harmonisation and horizontal standardisation of test procedures, in particular for sludge, soils and biowastes. In the context of this standardization project, a series of draft technical specification were designed upon an extensive desk study, fine-tuned after expert consultations and finally validated in international intercomparisons exercise. This report summarises the work performed within the validation study of the draft standard for the determination of linear alkylbenzene sulphonates (LAS) in soils, sludge and treated bio-waste using liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (LC-FLD) and liquid chromatography with mass selective detection (LC-MS). It further explains the underlying statistical concept for the calculation of reproducibility and repeatability from intercomparisons data. In addition all single values, results of the statistical evaluation as well as background information on the validation materials used are described and explained.JRC.H.5-Rural, water and ecosystem resource

    Validation of a Horizontal Standard for the Determination of Total Nitrogen (TN) by Dry Combustion Method in Soils, Sludge and Treated Biowaste in a European Intercomparison Exercise

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    Project HORIZONTAL is interdisciplinary aiming at a harmonisation and horizontal standardisation of test procedures, in particular for sludge, soils and biowastes. In the context of this standardization project, a series of draft technical specification were designed upon an extensive desk study, fine-tuned after expert consultations and finally validated in international intercomparisons exercise. This report summarises the work performed within the validation study of the draft standard for the determination of total nitrogen (TN) by dry combustion method in soils, sludge and treated bio-waste. It further explains the underlying statistical concept for the calculation of reproducibility and repeatability from intercomparisons data. In addition all single values, results of the statistical evaluation as well as background information on the validation materials used are described and explained.JRC.H.5-Rural, water and ecosystem resource

    Validation of a Horizontal Standard for the Determination of Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins (PCDD), Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans (PCDF) and Dioxins-like Polychlorinated Biphenyls (DL PCB) in Soils, Sludges and Treated Biowaste Using High Resolution Mass Selective Detection (HR GC-MS) in a European Intercomparison Exercise

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    Project HORIZONTAL is interdisciplinary aiming at a harmonisation and horizontal standardisation of test procedures, in particular for sludge, soils and biowastes. In the context of this standardization project, a series of draft technical specification were designed upon an extensive desk study, fine-tuned after expert consultations and finally validated in international intercomparisons exercise. This report summarises the work performed within the validation study of the draft standard for the determination of polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDD), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) and dioxins-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL PCB) in soils, sludge and treated bio-waste using high resolution mass selective detection (HR GC-MS). It further explains the underlying statistical concept for the calculation of reproducibility and repeatability from intercomparisons data. In addition all single values, results of the statistical evaluation as well as background information on the validation materials used are described and explained.JRC.H.5-Rural, water and ecosystem resource

    Validation of a Horizontal Standard for the Determination of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in Soils, Sludges and Treated Biowaste Using Gas Chromatography (GC) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) in a European Intercomparison Exercise

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    Project HORIZONTAL is interdisciplinary aiming at a harmonisation and horizontal standardisation of test procedures, in particular for sludge, soils and biowastes. In the context of this standardization project, a series of draft technical specification were designed upon an extensive desk study, fine-tuned after expert consultations and finally validated in international intercomparisons exercise. This report summarises the work performed within the validation study of the draft standard for the determination of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in soils, sludge and treated bio-waste using GC and HPLC. It further explains the underlying statistical concept for the calculation of reproducibility and repeatability from intercomparisons data. In addition all single values, results of the statistical evaluation as well as background information on the validation materials used are described and explained.JRC.H.5-Rural, water and ecosystem resource